Kar98K Upon Touchdown!

Vol 2 Chapter 244: Against the king, 4 lives for 1 car! (2 in 1)

In the live broadcast room, Liu Zilang cut the screen and settled the bill.

At the beginning, the quiz "Can my teammates survive the wave of landing?"

You know, when you saw that Liu Zilang had only one crowbar after landing,

Both the injectable and the incapable incline instantly tilted, and almost all of the incapable injectables were full.

Only a few of them have "confidence" in Liu Zilang, and some have a slow reaction time to repent, but in addition, everyone is overwhelmed.

In this case, the odds of being able to become high suddenly suddenly, Liu Zilang instantly turned over as soon as the checkout!

And he couldn't help looking at his ransacked fish ball, he suddenly felt like falling from heaven into hell, his face was crying without tears.

"Excuse me, please register me on the rooftop!"

"Intentional! Vic's landing was definitely intentional and he only picked up a crowbar!"

"Traders report it! 'Fishball Scammer' is gone!"

"Hahaha! Fortunately, I chose to believe in Vic! A wave to the peak of life, beautiful!"

"I was wrong. I was really wrong. I should not have entered this studio from the beginning. I will not be confused by Vic if I do not enter the studio. I will not be deceived by Vic. .. "

Seeing the barrage between live broadcasts, Liu Zilang laughed and said, "Do you know what faith is? This is the punishment from heaven for those who do not have faith! It is cruel!"

The remarks immediately poured fuel on the fire. The live broadcast room immediately became angry and the "fish ball fraudsters" who were full of screens brushed up.

Liu Zilang ignored the rhythm, but glanced at the number of followers in the live broadcast room.

He found that it didn't take long to start watching that it had risen by 50,000, from 5.5 million to 600,000.

At this time, Liu Zilang selectively forgot the recommendation of the person in charge of the face value section to the homepage.

With a pensive look on his chin, he said to the audience in the broadcast room, "Did you all see it? I opened a camera and raised so much attention, and said that I am not a value anchor?"

"If anyone has opinions about my live broadcast in the Yan District in the future, please testify for me. In fact, sometimes I am very upset. This face is born unfair to others."

Hearing Liu Zilang's serious and sincere words,

The audience in the live room suddenly became speechless!

What about the face?

This Nima has never seen such a face-dropping person!

Besides in the game,

The dumb girl and the orange tree have licked their bags.

Liu Zilang just cut it out and had no time to lick the bag. When he passed, he only found a handful of S686.

Just spray it.

Liu Zilang lowered his head and picked up the spray in the box.

The dull **** the side saw Liu Zilang who was playing and snorted and said in a loud voice, "Small pot, you're just tired of it! Why did you shoot so accurately?"

"I'm a retired special soldier." Liu Zilang casually said, "Have you heard of the Dragon Formation? That's our code name."

"..." The dull girl suddenly hesitated.

This Nima is playing a game even with special forces!

Dragon group?

Long your sister! !! !!

There was a roar in the dumb girl's heart.

But thinking that she was recording a video, she couldn't help taking a deep breath, trying to calm herself down, and said with a smile, "Xiao Guo Guo is kidding again. You are not old enough to listen to your voice. How old is this year?"

"Uh ... this, it's not easy to disclose." Liu Zilang asked, "How old are you?"

What's so inconvenient for you a big man?

The stupid girl had a defamation in her heart, but instead continued to say, "People ... people are eighteen years old this year, you can tell me, Xiaoguo Guo."

"Oh, I'm sixteen." Liu Zilang husked.

After the clinker had finished speaking, the dumb girl was silent for a moment, and suddenly shouted shyly and timidly, "Small pot, what ... can you ask, do you mind a girl older than you?"

After speaking, the dull girl sitting in front of the computer couldn't help making a fist in secret.


Seeing your aging mother make you feel bad!

"Hinted! Hinted!"

"This Nima has made it clear! Turtle! Vic is actually stung by Miss Sister!"

"Vic hurry up! Mind a hair! Sister Yu is justice!"

"The network is on the line, cherish this fate! The opportunity is here!"

For a while, the audience in the live broadcast cheered or cheated for Liu Zilang.


Do you mind girls older than you?

Hearing this, Liu Zilang was silent for a moment, and suddenly asked, "Which aspect do you mean?"

As soon as he said it, the atmosphere in the live broadcast room and the game suddenly fell silent ...

After a while ...

"Sorry! Excuse me! Farewell!"

"Tortoise, Vic is really an anti-ghost, and Douyu has picked up treasure!"

"It's a real hammer! Faced with such a younger sister is not tempted, either Gay or sister control!"

"Please don't say anything! Ah Lang is still a child! Why ... why ... don't kill him directly!"

In the game, the stupid girl was also choked by this.

Just then, the orange tree suddenly said, "Be serious, don't chat anymore, we are going to eat chicken!"

"I'm sorry!" The dumb girl apologized sincerely this time.

However, Liu Zilang said with a smile, "Even if you eat chicken, you must be active in the team atmosphere. What are some girls doing without chatting? Oh, the orange tree, it seems that your voice is not too small. It is convenient to say how old you are ? "

"Me? Twenty-eight." Orange Tree replied.

Liu Zilang groaned a bit, thoughtfully, "It's twenty-eight ... That's not too small, watching you play games all day, don't you have a girlfriend?"

In his voice, the orange tree was silent.

"Old iron! Get in touch! Don't say it!"

"Single dog suffered 10,000 critical hits! Vic's dog thing!"

But at this moment, the voice of the orange tree suddenly sounded in the voice.

"Sorry, I just forgot to open the wheat."

"Press the keys? Why don't you turn on the free wheat?" Liu Zilang asked in confusion.

"Daughter-in-law watching a TV show by the side, a bit noisy." Orange Tree said.

"Uh ... daughter-in-law?" Liu Zilang stuttered, stuttering, "Are you ... married?"

"Yes, the children are both." The orange tree grinned.

After hearing this, the audience in the live room suddenly laughed!

"666! Residual blood fight back! Call for Orange Tree Brother!"

"Tie back! The old iron that this wave of operation can do!"

"Second Round: Orange Tree HP +100! Vic HP -100!"

"The theme of this issue, try to analyze why people hurt each other?"

"Orange tree: Come! Pretense! Labor and capital have no fear!"

In the game, the dumb girl laughed when she heard the words of the two.

My Nima ... Liu Zilang suddenly turned black!

He couldn't help but cough up, "Ashu, I didn't say you, face strangers on the Internet, don't say anything else in the future, this is not good."

"It was you who asked me ..." Orange Tree was a little depressed.

Then I deserve it!

Liu Zilang covered his face with black lines, forcibly shifted the topic and said, "What ... this airport circle, let's stop in the ink, and quickly find a car to run poison."

"Where can I find a car in this barren mountain and ridge?" Orange Tree asked tentatively. "Shall we go to Shuicheng?"

"There is a team of people in Water City!" The dull girl said pitifully, "I ... I'm afraid."

Liu Zilang glanced at the spray in his hand and thought of it and agreed with the orange tree.

In the case of two to one, the daddy can only obey the majority.

So next, the three secretly touched Shuicheng.

Water City is located in the east of the ruins, in the middle of the mainland, and has abundant resources. There are garages and roads nearby.

However, Shuicheng also has a disadvantage, that is, the entire house area is soaked in water, which is very disgusting for some people.

When Liu Zilang came over, there was still one or two houses in the team in Shuicheng.

The three lie peeping on the grass outside for a while, Orange Tree touched M4 in his hand, got up and wanted to greet someone closer to him.

However, Liu Zilang stopped him in time and nodded towards a jeep on the side of the waterway. "Don't be impulsive.

"How do you make it smart?" The dumb girl aside wondered.

At this time I saw Liu Zilang cat wearing his body, carefully touching the bush beside the jeep by the road, and then squatted down.

"What are you doing?" The orange tree thought and touched it.

Clinker Suddenly two people in Shuicheng ran out, scaring him to lie down again.

Then the two men ran to the jeep and jumped into the car.

The next moment, the orange tree and the dumb girl were widened!

Because they saw Liu Zilang squatting in the grass suddenly appeared in the car.

"Vic is doing something again! I watched a show!"

"A distressed wave of these two brothers brought a person of unknown origin."

"What's up with Vic! Take out your S686 and punch them!"

However, in the game at the moment, Liu Zilang was calm and sitting quietly on the jeep.

After the two people in Shuicheng got on the jeep, they took a few steps towards the housing area and honked the horn twice.

Seems to be urging teammates in the housing area.

Soon, two people appeared in the room.

"Hurry up! Grass! How so ink!" One person on the car was dissatisfied.

"Yeah, this is the airport circle. Can you two be sloppy, not even a house?" The man in the co-pilot also complained.

The one who ran over laughed and said, "Guess what did we find, third level heads to know?"

The other person murmured, "Let's find out about the octave?"

"Grass! I missed that house! Let's leave you shit!" The driver drove upset.

The co-pilot was also jealous, but his mouth said, "Get on the bus! Otherwise, you will be blocked when you cross the bridge late, and you will have to send the delivery no matter how good the equipment is."

Then the two of them later ran to the car.

The first person glanced into the car before getting on the car, and saw Liu Zilang sitting in the back seat.

They looked at each other.

After a while, the atmosphere suddenly became tense!

"Oops! Vic was found!"

"Hahaha, Vic has to be cool now!"

"Let's make your mind full of manipulations all day long, just leave!"

The clinker was just then, and the man suddenly got into the car and laughed, "I said how fast you search, how poor it is."

"Well, I'm poor! Hurry!" The co-pilot said unhappyly with UMP9.

At this point, another person jumped into the car from the other side.

The jeep quickly launched again.

In the car, Liu Zilang, who had just mentioned his heart to his throat, forcibly resisted the urge to pull a gun, and was full of doubts at this time.

Because the other party didn't speak everyone's voice, he didn't know what happened,

The man who just met him suddenly jumped into the car,

Don't look at him next.

What the **** is this?

Mission Impossible?


Seeing that Liu Zilang and the team were about to drive, the orange tree lying on the ground beside Water City was anxious.

Hearing this, Liu Zilang, who was sitting in the car, almost spit out blood!

I eloped your brother-in-law!

He did not speak, and did not pull out S686.

Instead, he silently took out a grenade and pulled the insurance.


There was a buzz of jeep engine engines.

Hearing the faint murmur, several people in the car suddenly wondered.

"Who just thundered?"

"not me."

"I didn't pull it out."

"You heard me wrong."

The person who last spoke,

It was the man who had just met Liu Zilang.

After he had spoken, he cut the first angle of view and glanced randomly in the car.

Suddenly found something wrong!

one two Three,



Lying down!

That man hasn't had time to scream!

There was a flash of fire in the car in a flash!


The deafening explosion sounded, and a huge impact permeated the narrow car!

I saw the driving jeep being blown up in the spot, and the car suddenly fell five people "plopping" while kneeling behind the car.

At the next moment, four out of five people directly turned into boxes.

Next, the view of the team of people in the water city in black and white instantly floated into the air.

Looking at the figure kneeling on the ground below, crawling around the boxes of several of them to check the contents of the box, suddenly the whole person is so bad!

Is Shuicheng easy to search?

Are you looking for a tertiary head and an octave?

Liu Zilang's thunder bombed them not,

Instead, the mentality of the four was completely exploded!

"Crouch! This Nima is too beastly!"

"Vic, I tell you, you're going to be punished!"

"Playing a game also met a spy who broke into the interior! This team is probably beeping in their hearts!"

"How can there be such a cheap person in this game! If I meet such a person, the labor and management will be on the spot ... kneeling down, the big brother will accept me as a disciple!"

"Haha, the funny thing is that buddy didn't recognize Vic at first sight!"

"2333, if he speaks out now, it is estimated that his teammates can't take care of themselves when they just arrive in life ..."

In the game, the dull girl and Orange Tree beside Water City also looked at Liu Zilang aggressively.

After they hurried over to help Liu Zilang lift up, the little girl who started to lick the bag hadn't seen the movement of Liu Zilang a long time ago, then they were stunned and found that they had a first-level suit with S686 in their hands. Liu Zilang in a silk dress,

360-degree gorgeous transformation in an instant!

Not only is there a set of three levels for the whole body, there is an M16 on the left side, and the right side is eight times the silencer 98K!

It turned out that when Liu Zilang was crawling around when he was kneeling on the ground, he had touched the contents of each box, and even checked the route of maximizing the speed of the bag several times in his mind.

Can this be unpleasant?

After the first licking of the bag at this moment ~ www.readwn.com ~ Liu Zilang looked at his own equipment and was secretly satisfied.

Clinker is here,

There was a sudden car sound in the R direction!

The next moment, a jeep whistled from behind!

Da Da Da!

As soon as Liu Zilang was pulled up, he was busy licking his bag, and even the first-aid kit had not been hit yet.

After being struck by a stray bullet from the jeep, he suddenly fell to the ground.

Looking at the Jeep getting closer, Liu Zilang kneeling on the ground suddenly drew a corner of his eyes!

This Nima ... is it really retribution?

I didn't do anything!


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