Kar98K Upon Touchdown!

Vol 2 Chapter 317: This is the feeling of boiling sheep!

The game screen on the big screen, the second game ranking and personal points at a glance.

Eat chicken: 4 AM-GodV, points: 575;

Second place: 4 AM-Vic, points: 620;

Third place: KD-Merald, points: 420;

Fourth place: IG-Wolves, points: 435;

Uh ...

After seeing the ranking points, the audience immediately whispered in a loud voice after exclaiming.

On the commentary stage, Msjoy also exclaimed,

"Wow! Six hundred and twenty! Vic's second place actually surpassed Wei Shen by 45 points, which is really incredible!"

"That's right, this situation will also be affected by our rules." Su Changming nodded and explained, "To encourage everyone to fight more, our Solo single volleyball team ’s kill points are not capped, and every time The kills have also been adjusted from 10 points in previous matches to 15 points. "

"Well, then the gap between the basic points of eating chicken and the second place won't look too big, so the points will be exceeded."

"Oh, I don't know if everyone noticed that, although Ze Shao ranked fourth in this game, he also surpassed the third place by points. Alas ... It seems that Se7en players were not easy to match. ! "

"Oh, did you think about how I feel about Autumn God when you say this?"

呃 "Uh ... this one is ... a bit ..."

When I heard this, the audience suddenly burst into laughter.

Li Muqiu, who was on the competition table, remembered his "big sailing tactics" that he had died halfway in the second game, and he could not help but glared at Liu Zilang not far away.

Uh ...

After about half an hour of breaks between the games, the staff noticed the movement around the field.

Game 3 ... the final of today's solo single is coming soon.

I was sitting back with Wei Zikou, Liu Zilang, ready for the next game.

At this moment, the opposite Misaka Komi was holding his chin in a daze with his hands, and his face was sullen.

子 Liu Zilang inadvertently looked up and saw the situation, thinking in his heart,

Will this silly apprentice be hit?

But think of his old face flushing again. In the first game, he knocked people down in the wheat field. Otherwise, maybe he can go forward a few more ...

Even though that doesn't mean much.

Thinking of this, he could not help but "hey" up there.

The stunned Misaka Ginmi heard Liu Zilang's voice, and she turned to look at Liu Zilang,

There was a gleam in my eyes.

"Wet ~!"

After taking off the headphones, she carefully looked around her eyes, and whispered with a probe, "wet, do you have any secrets to tell me?"


Liu Zilang heard his mouth suddenly crooked,

I remembered that the stupid apprentice seemed to chase himself and asked him two years ago.

What a secondary girl!

He didn't jump over the cliff. Where's the cheat?

However, in order to maintain the image of his master, Liu Zilang groaned a little, still slowly speaking,

"A good player needs to feel, but don't trust your feel at any time. Too much trust will only make you happy, sad and unstable ..."


Misaka Gin blinked beautifully ... I felt like I understood, but didn't seem to understand.

Seeing the expression of Misaka Kotomi,

子 Liu Zilang could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

This effect is the best.

If he understands what he said at once, it means that what he said is fart,

But if you don't understand it at all, it is empty words.

This seemingly incomprehensible feeling is the most important.

Eh! I hope she can feel her feelings soon ... wait, why is this a bit weird?

在 At this moment, the staff at the scene gave a final notice, and the players put on sound-proof headphones, waiting quietly for the start of the game.

The director's footage was given to the host's commentator.

好 "Okay! This is the first day of our Asian qualifier, and we will soon enter the third of our solo singles, which is the last game of today."

"Yes, from the previous two games, the players of our Huaxia team have performed very well. At present, the top ten players of our Huaxia team occupy seven, but in the top five, our China team has only two people. , The other three players are from the Korean team. "

"Well, you don't have to worry about this, because Vic, currently ranked at the top of the overall list, is terrifying. It can be said that it is far ahead of other players. So today's single-row personal Solo competition, Vic will get our chance today will be Very big!"

"That's it. Now it depends on everyone's performance in the last game. I don't know if we will kill a dark horse at the end? Let's wait and see!"

"Vic must be stable!"

"Other Chinese players also have to cheer!"

"come on! Come on!

Buzz Buzz—!

As soon as the commentary came here, there was a roar of the plane taking off suddenly at the stadium.

The third game has begun!

Uh ...

的 The route of this game is from port L on the right side of the map, through prisons and air-raid shelters.

The entire route is slightly down, and the final terminal is near Port P on the lower left of the land.

In terms of the distribution of resource points, this route is actually relatively scarce.

伴随 As the plane flew over the map, the people in the cabin also jumped from port L in turn.

From the perspective of God's guide, you can see that the distribution of people in this game is relatively scattered, not as concentrated as in the previous game.

The airport also only jumped four people, and the school jumped only one. It is foreseeable that the pace of this game will be relatively slower than the second game.

When the plane was about to reach the terminal, the director's footage was given to a player.

"Oh! We can see that Wei Shen, who ate chickens in the previous game, played this game very securely. He landed and found a car and chose to go to the holy mountain on the upper right of the map. Hehe, this choice reminds me of it. Evermore in the first game. "

"Yes, I actually recommend Vic to use this style of play in this game, because his current points are quite high, as long as he can get a relatively high basic score, he can have great hope to get us today of!"

"That's it, the director's footage gave Menhera sauce again, huh, this player's luck today can be said to be relatively poor. I didn't understand the first two games. She chose the top of the prison for this game. Villa area, I hope she can bring a good performance in this game. "


With the words of commentary, each player on the field has landed and started the early development.

There have been no casualties on the market.

After a while, the first safe zone refreshed.

Compared to the previous two games, this safe zone is undoubtedly friendlier, and it is the center of the mainland where the school is the center.

At this moment, the angle of the director suddenly gave Liu Zilang.

In the big screen game picture,

I saw Liu Zilang, who jumped through the air-raid shelter in this game, after searching out, he was riding a motorcycle towards the edge of the first lap.

Soon, Liu Zilang, riding a motorbike, came to the **** of a housing area northwest of the air-raid shelter.

Seeing this **** ~ www.readwn.com ~ The audience at the scene couldn't help it!

This is a standard **** that often appears in many car technology video collections. There are even rumors that the "Gongshu Driving School" was on the Jedi Island.

Right in the fake garage on this slope!

as expected!

子 Liu Zilang saw the front of the **** immediately and whistled towards the other side.

At this time he completely ignored the red bombing area on the map.

The next moment, I saw that the speed of the car reached the largest Liu Zilang, followed by the slope, and suddenly rose into the sky!

This is how it feels like boiling sheep--!

The three on the commentary stage also exclaimed.

"Wow! Vic's show is starting!"

"Turn around 360 degrees before! This height feels like you can make another lap!"

"Oh! Vic really has to turn over again! Then the 720-degree flip is pretty fine ..."

The voice of the commentary has not fallen,


In the picture of the big screen, I saw Liu Zilang's motorcycle suddenly blooming a dazzling fire in the air.

Then someone led the car,

I planted it towards the front!

"4 AM-Vic killed in the bombing area!"

See this system prompt,

Suddenly the scene fell into a deadly silence.

Suddenly, there were audiences in the live and live broadcasts remembering Su Changming's opening words.

"Vic must be stable!"



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