Kar98K Upon Touchdown!

Vol 2 Chapter 351: Fist-wise, double qualifiers in Asia!

Standing on the side and watching the incident, Misaka Ginami and Zhang Xiaotong saw this scene, and the whole heart seemed to be lifted at once!

Liu Zilang was a little panicked at the moment.

He wiped his blood and died, and he was not allowed to make any mistakes at all.

But as long as it is human, there will be mistakes.

Liu Zilang himself did not dare to guarantee that he would not make mistakes.

Just installed such a big ratio, if he was hammered by a water friend at this moment, he can already imagine what the next live broadcast will look like ...

Thinking of this, Liu Zilang couldn't help but run around the motel while looking back at the humane, "Persons, let's have a good discussion? I'll take a blood, let's have another man's showdown!"

"Is it good to go together? Bring blood?"

The man chasing behind Liu Zilang heard a sneer and waved his fist in the air in a demonstration.

Liu Zilang could not help beating his eyelids for a while, biting his teeth, "You're forcing me to do a trick!"

The man said without fear, "try any tricks, just try them out, blink, I'm your grandson!"

Immediately afterwards, the two ran across the corner of the motel.

But then, chasing after ...

Liu Zilang, who was running in front, suddenly stepped back, and rushed back!

Have you finally got the courage?

come on!

It's time to make the difference!

In the heart of the water friend who was chasing behind him, he immediately raised his lofty sentiments, directly raised his fist, opened it, and smashed it.

This wave ...

Labor and capital will never die!

However, when he was about two meters away from Liu Zilang, his fists were not close.

I saw a sudden flash of fire on Liu Zilang!


The smoke and dust suddenly filled the air, and the huge impact suddenly lifted the person who had rushed upside down!

Immediately rolled down to the ground, a split in his legs, and instantly became a box with the three teammates who were knocked down in front of him.

"Vic123 used a grenade to blow up the account knife and flew into the horse!"

"Vic123 bombed himself with a grenade!"

Seeing this scene, the water friend who was finally blown out suddenly snapped and shouted angrily, "The dog thief cheated!"

"When did I cheat?"

Liu Zilang asked his teammates to rescue him, and asked blankly.

The water friend complained indignantly, "Why do you use thunder ..."

"Who told you it was thunder?"

Unexpectedly, Liu Zilang interrupted with a serious tone, "I just released the boxing force, which is an attack that can only be achieved after the boxing practice has reached a certain level.

Having said that, he eased his breath, "Of course, your boxing skills have not been cultivated to this level, and you can understand it without seeing it. I forgive you."

"In the future, remember to hold a card in my live broadcast room, learn more and remember, you will become as strong as me!"

Hearing Liu Zilang's words, the water friend's eyes were dark, and his heart almost spit out old blood!

Out of boxing?

Why don't you say it's Baibu Shenquan?


In the live broadcast room, countless enthusiasts who saw this scene also took a breath of air!

Many people are old viewers of Douyu, but they have never seen such a "shameless" anchor!

"Drip: Water Friends -1; Black Powder +1!"

"6666, this wave of punches is OK!"

"Nima is so embarrassed to have someone come to apply for a card, I'm afraid it's not Shi Lezhi!"

"The newcomer reports that this anchor has caused local discomfort in my body. May I go through the procedure or spray directly?"

After the game, Liu Zilang was lifted up.

There was silence in my voice,

The scene looked slightly awkward.

Needless to say Zhang Xiaotong, the little girl snorted, apparently shameless to Liu Zilang's behavior.

Even Misaka Megumi and the bear child, Li Mufan, remained silent, it seems that the "belief" that has stood in their hearts has been hit by a huge shock!

Seeing this, Liu Zilang could not help but cough, and said slowly, with a low voice, "Is it really important to win or lose?"

"Many times people are blinded by the outcome, only want to use brute force to resolve disputes, but ignore the power of wisdom."

"And everything I do,

Just to prove it! "

After hearing these words from Liu Zilang, Li Mufan and Misaka Kotomi blinked their eyes.

Glow again!

So is this the deep meaning of wetness ... Sure enough, we are still too superficial!



Liu Zilang waved his hand and interrupted, "Know how to understand, let's go! Let's pick up the airdrop."

After speaking, he hurried to the side of the casino, and the two behind him quickly followed after seeing the situation.

Zhang Xiaotong snorted softly, but thought that there might be something like am in the airdrop, and quickly followed up.

A breeze blew past the motel door in the desolate desert, leaving only three boxes ...

As if to say something silently.


Third-level head!

Eight times mirror!


Geely clothes!

Looking at the several pieces of equipment in the casino airdrop box, Liu Zilang quickly assigned them.

In the end nothing unexpected,

Liu Zilang got the mk14 ...

At this point he had a left-handed girl control and a right-handed 98k.

Now that Picardo's "city owner" has been eliminated by Liu Zilang in a "fair and just and open" man duel, Picardo is in the center of the safe zone.

Then naturally they are not in a hurry.

Liu Zilang took three people to a blue-story four-storey building in the west of the city. Several people climbed all the way from the inside corridor, then turned over the window and climbed to the top of the high-rise building through the outer ladder.

This place is arguably the highest point that Picardo can reach at present. From an altitude, it is higher than the top of the boxing gym.

Several people stood high and waited for the safe area to refresh.

Probabilistically, the center point of the previous safe zone is very likely to appear in the next safe zone.

Except for metaphysics.

The system of this game obviously obeys probability theory instead of metaphysics, and Liu Zilang and others successfully waited for a destiny circle.

Not only that, for the next few laps,

It almost shocked the jaws of countless water users in the live broadcast room.

"This Nima ... how is that possible? It's destiny again?"

"The vic coin has just killed enthusiasts. Shouldn't such people run crazy drugs and die in the bombing area?"

"I see. It must be the cute little Tongjiang sauce that saved the Milky Way in the last life, and the merit value offset the vic's evil value, so it was returned to the Destiny Circle!"

"The brothers in front of 2333 are a bit better ... Do you think you are playing online games?"

However, no matter how the audience in the live room talks,

Facts are facts.

This game continued to the end, Liu Zilang and the four of them did not leave Picard more than half a step ...


Team Ranking: First!

Kill: 19!

Good luck eating chicken tonight!

Finally, watching the prompts on the screen line ~ www.readwn.com ~ Liu Zilang shook his head.

The honey crispy chicken ...

In the end, it's a tasteless chicken!

However, after the first game, the four-row journey of the next few people was not so smooth.

All kinds of condemnations run away, bombardment and shampoo ...

It was so easy to encounter a car on the road, and the four wheels were beaten, which made people crash!

After the last one was killed by Li Mufan's bear child in a car, Liu Zilang's mentality exploded and he immediately retired from the game.

Light ends streaming ...

But after his black screen, the audience in the live room was long-lasting, full of a cheerful atmosphere.

The most frequently used barrage in the live broadcast room is "Good reincarnation in heaven, who has Rao Tian?", "Cang Tian has eyes, and water friends can stare!" ...


The next afternoon.

Liu Zilang, Misaka Kotomi, and Zhang Xiaotong were all cleaned up and went out from home together.

Because it was Saturday, Zhang Xiaotong was invited by Misaka Kotomi, and went to the field to watch the game with Liu Zilang.

This afternoon's game is a double qualifier in the Asian qualifiers. Compared with the previous single row so1o competition, no doubt it needs some cooperation and tactics.

As for the four-man volleyball of tomorrow's team, that is not the same game as single and double volleyball in professional competitions.

In this afternoon's double volleyball, 4am needs to be divided into two teams.

At the scene, after some internal discussions before the game.

In the end, the team leader Long Shen decided to make a decision. Liu Zilang's double-row partner was Wei Shen, and the small eye-catching team was Aruka.

Unexpectedly, they just matched up here, but Jin Douhuan walked over the aisle with one person.


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