Kar98K Upon Touchdown!

Vol 2 Chapter 356: Fear of being dominated by a hot man!


Not surprised?

Seeing the two lying on the bed, exypig's head suddenly fell into a state of downtime.

Water fever q?

He is also a professional player who has experienced big and small events. He has never seen anyone lying on the bed.

And two people together

Because in his subconscious, the bed in the Jedi survival is a model, a negligible object.

So the moment he entered the door, he subconsciously ignored the surroundings of the bed and focused on the secondary head on the ground.

At this time, he noticed an abnormality. Although he did not respond slowly, he raised his gun extremely fast.

However, in the fps competition with the millisecond victory and defeat, he failed to find out immediately,

It's too late!


Puff puff!

Between the electric light toward the dew, Wei Shen's ak and Liu Zilang's vss spurted fire at the same time.

The fast-acting expigig muzzle was shot by two people lying on the bed before the muzzle was raised.

Lie directly on the ground.

The next moment, Liu Zilang quickly got up from the bed and went down to close the bedroom door.

"what's the situation?"

Seeing his teammates suddenly fall to the ground, Suk outside the bedroom was suddenly shocked!

"Someone in the bedroom!" Exclaimed sexypig.

If it is the usual game, then this wave of his death will definitely cause his teammates to rush to revenge,

But this is a game, and sexypig just fell down just before the shot was fired. If teammates rushed up and gave one at this time,

That's all over!

Thinking of this, sexypig remembered the fear of being headshot by Liu Zilang's crossbow during yesterday's singles volleyball, and a spirited man in his heart shouted, "Don't worry about me! Go! Go!

Hearing this, Suk couldn't help it.

Although he was a little unwilling, but sexypig, as the core of Anarhy, decided to obey the command.

The next moment, seeing Suk resolutely determined, he ran towards the door without looking at him!

Of course, if they watch the wave of Liu Zilang and Wei Shen ’s blood after the match,

I'm afraid there will be a spurt of old blood on the spot!

Ran away?

Seeing this scene under the director's camera, the audience at the scene suddenly felt a little dumbfounded, and their hearts were speechless.

Seeing this, the audience of water users in the live broadcast room also voiced.

"666, it ’s ruthless for the surface brothers to take a wave!"

"Okay, that's too special. Really!"

"Speaking of this wave of suk hitting two or two, there is no chance. Why did he run away, my Nima was really convinced!"

"Big brother! People don't have the perspective of God. How could it be known that the blood volume of Vi and God Wei is 4am? This wave shows that it is an empty city plan!"

"Although the 2333 laborers were panicking in their hearts, they were not afraid of you. Someone came here!"

"Suk: Excuse me, leave!"


In the game, in order to guard against the other party throwing thunder, Liu Zilang and Wei Shen both got up from the bed and came to the sexypig kneeling at the door, ready to take the door out.

Although the geese waited for a long time, there were no people at the door, and the sound of footsteps was gone forever.

What's so special about this?

For a while, Liu Zilang and Wei Shen were both aggressive.

"Isn't that slippery?"

"Slip off? Don't you?"

"Be careful, in case he hides from us."

"Well, that makes sense."

The two exchanged a bit, and decided to wait, after all, they have "hostages" in their hands and haven't replaced them.

Then don't be afraid of you leaving.

But with the passage of time, the two waited for a while, but never saw the figure.

Looking at sexypig kneeling on the ground, if the rules of the game allow it, Liu Zilang really wants to open everyone to ask,

Where did your big brother go?

But the next moment, Liu Zi suddenly twitched.

I saw the sexypig kneeling on the ground suddenly kicked on both legs, and directly farted and saw this scene, Liu Zilang and Wei Shen could not help but stunned for a while.

Doesn't this really run away?

But this is not the time to think about this, the two saw the box on the ground and quickly squatted down for a while.

First aid kit!



The tortoise sends charcoal in the snow! Although there is no gun in exypig's bag, there is only a s12k spray gun, but when he searched for the six parties on the right, he had a lot of medical supplies.

For them, the blood status is very dangerous at the moment.

After the two squatted in the bedroom and beat up their blood with a bandage, Liu Zilang picked up the man ’s spray.

A refreshing walk out of the bedroom!


Next, the two cautiously made a circle around the house. After making sure that there was no ambush, they finally relieved themselves and hurried towards the two boxes outside.

However, after seeing the box, the two could not help but wink.

It seems someone licked it!

There were guns in the box, but all the bullets and other things were touched away.

This is so sad!

On the commentary stage, the three commentators also laughed when they saw here.

"Oh, this wave seems to be late for Vi and Wei. They just licked it when Suk left, and it seems they are not reconciled."

"After all, a teammate was killed. Why don't you catch a wave? There can be no battery car."

"But then again, these two sets of vi and Wei Shen really escaped from the dead. They almost got cold."

"Yes, to be honest, just when they were lying on the bed, I was dumbfounded. I was full of games and can I still play like this?"

"This is mostly the idea of ​​vi. No one except this kid would come up with such a speechless idea."

Obviously, the three commentaries were very surprised that the waves of Liu Zilang and Wei Shen could survive, but at this time the audience in Liu Zilang's live broadcast laughed.

Because they didn't panic at all from beginning to end.

Is the beating fish king worthy of fame?

Except for the bombing and three-wheeled motorcycles, they really did not see Liu Zilang being sanctioned.

This ratio is just like a monster that is immortal, but it is helpless!

Even compared to his past, these two waves of escape are really nothing but small scenes.

In the game, nearly five minutes have passed since the start of the game. The first safe area on the field was brushed in the western part of the mainland, and the position was not too north, including half of the West Bridge and the coastal area.

At this time, the azure radiation net had contracted from the sea level around the Jedi Island toward the middle, and the people on the southern airport island were also ready to run poison.

After the two people along the coast, Liu Zilang and Wei Shen, came out of the "Golden Zodiac" and searched near the bridgehead of Xiqiao.

However, they are doomed to be disappointed that

This place was searched by the team that just landed from the Golden Zodiac. Except for the flask and bandage, the two searched nothing and found nothing.

"If I remember correctly ~ www.readwn.com ~ This seems to be a wave searched by ig's shooting cocoa and Xiaojue. Now they are going wild along the beach."

"Well, I'm a little bit impressed. Another team that fled from the Golden Zodiac when they landed on the north side went to the north. Now the wild point resources around Vi and Wei Shen should be emptied. It seems that they It ’s a bit difficult to develop. "

"How about blocking the bridge?"

"Blocking the bridge? Vi only has a spray and vss, and Wei Shen also only has an ak, and I remember there seems to be no bullets? With their equipment, what can you tell me to block the bridge?"

Hearing Su Changming's analysis, msjoy and sy on the commentary stage nodded again and again.

Makes sense!

But the next moment, they looked at the game screen on the screen again,


The three were choking at the same time!

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