Kar98K Upon Touchdown!

Vol 2 Chapter 360: The idiot is unparalleled, tactical repair! (Three / four)

In a thunderous sound, the plane flying over the second safe zone,

No doubt attracted enough attention on the field.

You should know that in the game of survival of the Jedi, everyone was just busy searching for things at the time of the first airdrop. If it is not the time for them, there will often be situations where no one picks up the airdrop.

But after the second security zone is refreshed, this airdrop is different now.

In the strict sense, this can even be said to be the first airdrop that really caused competition on the field.

Because at this point in time many teams out of the circle have begun to move, and every point on the field has basically moved. Naturally, it is inevitable that multiple teams will meet with the airdrop.

As for seeing the airdrop turn around and leave?

It is estimated that with the exception of Evermore, the Korean kd team, few teams on the field will reach this level.

Therefore, when Liu Zilang and Wei Shen reached the hillside west of the city where the airdrop fell,

The sound of gunfire around has been ringing, and the buzzing of cars and motorcycles has been heard from time to time. At least four or five double teams on the field were attracted by this airdrop.

Right now the airdrop has landed, lying obliquely on the hillside, quietly scattered with thick red smoke, but no one dared to approach.


With so many guns,

Which brain will be used to pick up the airdrop!

After Liu Zilang and Wei Shen parked the car, they quickly jumped down to find their hiding place.

"In the direction of se130, there are two behind the stone and the tree."

"Well, there's someone on the high **** that's on the way. Someone is lying down. I can't hit it."

"How do we say this wave should we give it a try?"

"Wait a second, I'm afraid our car will be bombed before it even drives."

"Then what do we do now? This group is a little more irritating than playing, it doesn't show up at all."

"In this case"

Just then, Liu Zilang suddenly raised his mouth and had an idea in his heart.

And just as a group of people were fighting around the airdrop, somewhere further south, outside the safe zone, Li Muqiu looked at the two men who were trailing behind their butts like idiots.

Is it bad for the whole person?

He had just been followed by the two in the sea, and had no chance to go ashore at first.

Later, seeing that Podu was about to shrink, Li Muqiu gritted his teeth and decided to let go.

At the shore shoal, he threw three smoke bombs in a row while the other side didn't notice, and quickly rushed to the shore.

Fortunately, he managed to get rid of the opponent's tail, found a room and hid with his first aid kit to pull up his blood, and hit the energy bar with his hand.

Although he was just at sea, Li Muqiu thought that after going ashore, he would kill both of them.

But now and then,

Right now the second safety zone is brushed north, and he has no car, so he finally decides to "let the other party live longer"

But what Li Muqiu didn't expect was that he hadn't walked too far, suddenly there was a gunshot behind him, and at the same time there was a bullet whistling past.

He glanced at the mirror, and suddenly he could not help but wink!

This Nima is not who else was in the sea just now,

It's like a ghost!

So next, the two sides walked while fighting on the road of running poison, and started a long-distance, long-distance "grass tug-of-war."

Seeing this scene, the audience at the live and live broadcast also laughed.

"Well! I can't see that the white team has the potential to be a idiot. This method is professional enough!"

"I'm laughing shit. The white team has a deep love for Qiu Shen. It has followed so far!"

"Autumn God: Please stay away from me! I don't want to see you!"

"White Team: Hey, the big bad guy wants to give up on others, Xiao Quan will break for you j2!"

"The brain in front of 2333 is too much!"

Although the tail lane outside the safe zone is getting worse and has entered the third part, but the perspective of the director at this moment has not been able to "care for" them more.

All of this is naturally because Wei Wei and Liu Zilang, who are on the airdrop side, have started to take the lead again.

Because the people around the airdrop were very tightly hidden, the two never found a chance to take away a few points.

Under this stalemate, Liu Zilang suddenly had a clever idea, and set up a "birth squad" with Wei Shen, and the two began to work together.

Because people ’s cars are parked there, but they are nearby. If you taxi in front of others, it ’s almost like a bear kid in front of the owner and rowing a car with stones.

That's not even a set of tricks to come up, to give you the whole clear!

So at this time, a "dark force" is needed to support it.

In the game, a 98k Liu Zilang is undoubtedly one of such "dark forces".

Wei Shen took a m4 in the "click" car, while Liu Zilang erected 98k.




In a short interval, the crisp gunfire of 98k sounded one after another, as if forming some kind of melody.

And every shot sounded, either to the person who was beaten, or the second head was broken,

Either the tertiary head turns red.

Under the extreme precision of Liu Zilang's gun, Wei Shen was holding a m4 mercilessly around him for a while, crazy "fixing the car"!

Huh! Huh! Huh!

In a blink of an eye, all the cars that Liu Zilang and Wei Shen saw were blown out by him.

And basically it's two starters, and it's definitely enough to drive again.

As for the two teams with "more intense reactions", under the terror of Liu Zilang, Wei Shen simply unloaded all the tires of his team and couldn't even open it!

Seeing this maddening scene, the audience in the live and live broadcast suddenly became ill.

This Nima said that a good airdrop battle, how can it suddenly become a tire contest?

On the host's commentary stage, msjoy gave a laugh when he saw this, "How can you say this wave of cough, maybe it is also a tactical choice?"

Hearing msjoy's words, there was a sudden hissing around the scene.

Disgusting people say that disgusting people are you involved in tactics?

At the same time, Zhang Xiaotong, who was sitting in the auditorium with Jiang Yumeng at the scene, was also flushed with red on the little face, anxious to get under the chair.

Hearing the boo on the scene, the commentary Su Changming quickly helped round the road, "Hey, I think msjoy also makes a little sense. To some extent, this is indeed a tactical decision, because after the tires are destroyed ~ www .readwn.com ~ In the next airdrop competition, other teams have lost some mobility whether they retreat or advance. This is not good news for vi and Weishen. "

On the other hand, sy said with emotion, "In fact, through this wave, we can also see the horrible repression of a top sniper in non-single row games."

msjoy nodded after hearing the words, "Yeah, unfortunately, there are no Ze Shao or Nighthawk snipers in the team that came to pick up the airdrop. Vi can do whatever he wants with a 98k, otherwise Wei Shen will give birth It won't be so easy. "

"What do you say next?" Su Changming looked up at the big screen, his face seriously analyzed, "Vi and Wei want to take the initiative to grab the airdrop? Or use their mobility to pull closer and clear some nearby What about the team that was killed? "

The three on the commentary stage are analyzing.

Never thought at this moment, from the perspective of God on screen.

I saw a bouncing suddenly from behind a distant hillside, a spin and flew into the sight of everyone!

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