Kar98K Upon Touchdown!

Vol 2 Chapter 388: Beginning 1 鲲, I am the Jedi!

"This should be fine." & 1t; /

One sighed in his heart, his eyes staring at the equipment on the ground. & 1t; /

The other person looked at the box and analyzed, "I guess it may be the two teams in the bridgehead fighting. After the fight, the remaining teammates are dead, so I don't want to play and put everything out."

"There is such a person," the man nodded, and suddenly said, "What about the last man's body?" & 1t; /

As soon as the words came out, the two were silent. & 1t; /

Soon, the previous analysis of the man looking around, suddenly flashed, "I know!" & 1t; /

"What do you know?" & 1t; /

"After he finished putting things, he must have thundered! This is why there are eight boxes on the bridge." & 1t; /

"Yes! Turtle! You are a bit smarter!" & 1t; /

"Transfer, wait, wait, why do I think you don't seem to praise me?" & 1t; /

"" & 1t; /

After a wave of analysis, the two finally found the "truth" they wanted, or finally convinced them. & 1t; /

The next moment, the two immediately rushed to the bridge and started to frantically froze. & 1t; /

The two of them were buying very well, and at this moment, they only listened to "哐 当 哐 当 哐 当" three times! & 1t; /

Something seems to be thrown up! & 1t; /

The two of them licking their bags were shocked! & 1t; /

Suddenly, someone sneaks in! & 1t; /

However, they did not expect that as soon as they looked up, there was a sharp white light in front of them, and a "buzzing" booming sound was also heard in their ears. & 1t; /

The explosion effect caused by three flashes at the same time is already a test for the graphics card. & 1t; /

"Hurry up! This version of the flash bomb time seems to be shorter." Liu Zilang outside the bridge railing urged. & 1t; /

He was standing up while talking. & 1t; /

Because the climbing system was online after the official service was updated, at this moment, the three men turned in and out from the bridge railing, and immediately pulled out the blackened pan from the back of the butt. & 1t; /

"I'm a ghost! Is there something to do with it!" & 1t; /

"The vi ratio is too cruel, it's not enough to make people feel happy." & 1t; /

"The two brothers in Qiaotou have probably collapsed in their hearts. This is not a mystery store, is this a black store?" & 1t; /

duang! duang! duang! & 1t; /

The pleasant sound of pan frowning sounded, accompanied by panic gunfire. & 1t; /

Liu Zilang single-handedly faced the enemy, jumped up and smashed directly on the man's head. & 1t; /

ko! & 1t; /

And the person chased by Zhang Xiaotong and Misaka Kotomi was more tortured. The two girls chased the man's buttocks while holding a pan. & 1t; /

In the end, before the other party's eyesight was restored, the person was shot to death! & 1t; /

"Who—! Good danger good danger!" & 1t; /

Misaka Ginmi stroked her chest and relieved her breath. & 1t; /

When Liu Zilang heard the words, they glanced down on the pavement, and his eyes were swollen round, and the man's face was astonished. & 1t; /

For the first time in his life, he felt a little guilty. & 1t; /

He is also a kind person after all. & 1t; /

If you knew this already, maybe a wave of fire would take them straight away & 1t; /

At this time in the live broadcast room, the audience of Douyu was okay. They had already developed an antibody immunity to Liu Zilang's low-quality character. & 1t; /

However, those crooked nuts that haven't seen the world outside the Tith live broadcast room abroad can't bear it at this moment. Various barrage such as "Water Hot Flower Q" rolled up in the live broadcast room. & 1t; /

Shroud, who had a round of rounds, even smiled and lay down on the chair behind him, and then took the audience in the live room with interest, and continued to watch the live broadcast in Liu Zilang's live room. & 1t; /

Affected by shroud, although it is not as high as one million people's popularity, Douyu's online audience in the live room of the tith platform has also steadily increased. & 1t; /

Many viewers on the tith platform were attracted by this interesting anchor from the east, could not help but pay attention to & 1t; /

In the game, after eating this group of people. & 1t; /

The three of them were not too greedy. & 1t; /

This kind of trick is fresh once, but if you want to "eat a fresh trick all over the sky", then it feels like you don't treat your opponent as a person. & 1t; /

At this moment the two men sent a three-wheeler over. & 1t; /

Liu Zilang jumped into the car, sitting on the back with Misaka Qinmei leaning on his waist, Zhang Xiaotong in the side pocket was still immersed in the last wave of the pan shooting, and the family was wrong. . & 1t; /

At this time, a bright red sunset was shining on the undulating sea. In the evening, there were large white clouds floating in the blue sky. & 1t; /

The wind breeze on the bridge, and the three riding the motorcycle are like the sunset and returning home. The whole picture reveals a sense of tranquility and tranquility. & 1t; /

But as they were about to reach the other end of the bridge, the silence was suddenly broken by a sound of gunfire! & 1t; /

嗖 嗖 嗖 —! & 1t; /

Suddenly, a dense bullet poured from the rear like a pouring rain! & 1t; /

Before Liu Zilang had responded, Zhang Xiaotong, who was sitting in the right-hand pocket of the three-wheeled motorcycle, even hit a few shots and was swept down. & 1t; /

"Beginning of the game, using m416 to knock down the xiaotong sauce!" & 1t; /

Fortunately, at this time, they had reached the bridgehead, and Liu Zilang hurried to a taxi and stopped the car. & 1t; /

A smoke bomb quickly slipped out of his palm, and while throwing it out, he also said, "Qin Mei saves people, I seal the cigarette." & 1t; /

Because Zhang Xiaotong had been inverted once when she was at the airport, it was already a second down, and it was too hasty to let her climb behind the bunker. The opponent's bullet was still firing, and she was shot by a stray bullet. So it can only be rescued in situ. & 1t; /

It is obvious that Misaka Koto also knows the seriousness of the matter, and quickly nodded, "Uh-huh." & 1t; /

哐 当 —! & 1t; /

The smoke bomb was thrown onto the pavement by Liu Zilang. In the sound of a "snoring", a large amount of smoke permeated and soon covered Zhang Xiaotong and Misaka Kotomi's figures. & 1t; /

At this time, the sound of gunfire over the bridge suddenly broke. & 1t; /

Seeing this, Liu Zilang was relieved. & 1t; /

A moment later, however, a more fierce gunshot sounded again, and countless stray bullets flew into the smoke for a while! & 1t; /

The other side just paused, and the other side was obviously changing bullets! & 1t; /

Hearing the gunshot, Liu Zilang could not help raising his vigilance. & 1t; /

There was obviously more than one gunshot at the bridgehead this time, but one of them was the most noticeable because he was using a fully automatic shot. & 1t; /

Full automatic scan at this distance ~ www.readwn.com ~ At least it is a quadruple lens, and it can press the bullet at such a small distance & 1t; /

The strength of this person, I am afraid, is unfathomable! & 1t; /

However, despite this, Liu Zilang still underestimated the opponents he met this time, but many viewers in the live broadcast room have already shown signs. & 1t; /

"The beginning is a cricket, and the advancement depends on swallowing! This person is the sibling!" & 1t; /

"Huh? Didn't Brother Lu say it's off?" & 1t; /

"I watched it just now, my brother rebroadcasted in Huya! But do you know what is the most terrifying?" & 1t; /

"Come on, Benema is selling!" & 1t; /

"I just came back from my live broadcast room. My brother just knocked Xiaotong sauce down fifteen times with a m4 gun!" & 1t; /

"Slum! Fifteen times the m4 pressure gun? This is too scary!" & 1t; /

"Honestly, so far I haven't seen anyone who can control a fifteen-times pressure gun except vi!" & 1t; /

"It's not a bad brother! This wave is estimated to be advanced after swallowing a lot of things in the fish pond." & 1t; /

"" & 1t; /

At this moment, a splatter of blood bloomed on the rescued Misaka Komi, who was apparently hit by a stray bullet from the air raid there. & 1t; /

Liu Zilang glanced at the barrage, and frowned slightly for a moment. & 1t; /

My brother? & 1t; /

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