Kar98K Upon Touchdown!

Vol 2 Chapter 452: What a bad feeling?

四周 Around Jedi Island,

The azure blue radiation grid began to shrink slowly.

A large area of ​​land is covered by the power grid, forming an empty and lonely uninhabited area.

In fact, this may not be accurate.

Because it is more accurate, in the "unmanned area", there are still two cars speeding along the wheat fields and grass.

"Now the second wave of poison has begun to shrink. At present, the first circle contains the upper and lower urban areas of G harbor at the inland river estuary. It can be said that it is a G harbor circle, but the south side of the inland river will still be brushed. North or elsewhere, it depends on how the safety zone after the second wave of poisoning has been shrunk. "

"Yes, there are still 67 people and 20 teams left on the field. We can see that most of the teams have already entered the circle. The battle on the field is not frequent now, but I think the next one It's hard to say when the drug is poisoned. "

"Oh! The remaining Vic and Wei Shen players at 4AM have finally entered the lap, but this time they are in the lap is too late. Right now, the better terrain and housing area in the safety zone have been given by other teams. Occupied, with only two people left, they took the risk of preempting to seize any point. "

"It's true, but 4AM doesn't seem to have the same idea. They seem to want to park their cards on the edge of the safe zone."

"Hmm ... I think this is pretty good, after all, the poison will refresh once the next circle is finished, and there are only two left at 4AM. In the case of the pack of wolves, be more careful, so they occupy a point on the poison side. It ’s also a good idea to wait for the next circle to brush into the circle next to the poisonous edge. "

While explaining and analyzing the situation on the field, Liu Zilang and Wei Shen drove all the way out of the poisonous area.

Then stopped next to a toilet on the road east of Port G.

"Hoo ~! Finally out."

Glancing at the poisonous circle behind him, Chang Shu breathed a sigh of relief after getting out of the car.

As long as we have enough medicine, the poisonous area will not poison us.

虽然 Although this is the motto of "Happy Poison Man", they can't bear the two soak for a long time, and they can't take medicine at any time while driving, so when they go out of the circle, their blood will be less than half.

Unexpectedly, at this moment,

As soon as Wei Wei got down, he only heard the sound of "咻"!

A sniper bullet shot through the sky,

In a blink of an eye!


Sui Weishen's head didn't have much durable third-level heads suddenly shattered, and he himself suddenly changed from lying on the ground to a state of kneeling.

"Royad-Azeael knocked out 4 AM-Godv with a Kar98k headshot!"

Seeing this killing prompt, Wei Shen suddenly felt dumbfounded, "Well, where is this beat me?"

Because the two sides were too far apart, they only heard the sound of bullets blasting, and there was no way to determine where the sound of the gun was.

I heard the word of God Wei,

子 Liu Zilang couldn't help frowning slightly.

In this case, he naturally dare not take the liberty to rescue, or maybe he just squatted still, there was another shot over there.

飕 飕 飕 —!

But at this moment, there was another burst of rifle bullets in the distance.

Obviously, after the other party saw a shot to bring down Wei Shen, his teammates wanted to make up the head with the gun.

Then in this case, even if no gunshot was heard, Liu Zilang quickly determined the direction based on the bullet's trajectory.

"People are in Port G, you climb a little to the toilet."

The place where Wei Wei fell to the ground was right next to the toilet. He heard Liu Zilang's words and quickly moved over.

他 When he climbed to the back of the toilet, the bullet rain really stopped as scheduled.

"Hit! Let you fight! Wait for Lao Zi to get up and kill you all!" Wei Shen sighed in relief.

Liu Zilang came here to help him,

But Wei Wei was in a state of anxiety, and quickly said, "Don't help outside, you open the toilet door, I climb inside to help again."

I have to say that Wei Shen's wave is very cautious.

Although the people in G can't hit him for a while, but in case people from other places are attracted to it, when Liu Zilang rescues him, he will be shot.

When I heard this, Liu Zilang thought it made sense, and walked over and opened the toilet door.

Kneeling on the ground, Di Weishen saw this, and hurriedly crawled in with his hips.

Warm nest,

I'm coming!

However, the moment he crawled into the toilet, Wei Shen was dumbfounded!

Luan ’s quiet toilet,

I saw a man squatting there holding a gun, and stared at Wei Shen who crawled in with a small eyes ...

That picture ... it's hard to imagine,

不是 Anyway, it's not the feeling of heart.

Not only does not move,

Wei Shen at this time even has a little pain!

Why am I doing this? What if I have to go to the toilet?

But this is not the time to think about it,

When he saw the man, Wei Wei immediately screamed with his tenor, "Grass! Someone in the toilet!"


The next moment, squatting in the man's muzzle in the toilet flashed the dazzling fire, and in a small space, a bullet stuck directly to Wei Shen's face.

Wei Shen, who fell down, climbed into the toilet and had little blood.

The moment the mule slapped his face,

He just crooked his body and kicked his farts ...

"KD-Evermore killed 4 AM-GodV with UMP9!"

But before he died, he was considered to have successfully conveyed the enemy's feelings.


After seeing the killing, Liu Zilang stunned for a moment and immediately responded.

At this time, the other party is stuck in the corner of the toilet, which has a clear advantage of vision. Naturally, Liu Zilang will not rush.

I saw that he took everything with him, but then he drew a corner of his eye.

Because what appeared in his hand was a smoke bomb.

It turned out that when he had just fought in City P, his mines had already been used up, and he had not been supplied before running poison.

If you can get it, smoke bombs.

Liu Zilang did not pick.

The moment the smoke popped into his hand, he raised his hand and threw it directly into the small window above the toilet.

不得不 What I have to say here is that of the four types of throwing weapons currently available for Jedi survival, the sound of smoke bombs and grenade landing is the most similar.

哐 当 —!

There was a sound of smoke bombs hitting the wall in the toilet ~ www.readwn.com ~ However, Liu Zilang knew it was a smoke bomb, but the pig king Evermore in the toilet didn't know.

After supplementing Wei Shen, he has been in a state of nervous tension and full body alert in the toilet.

In his judgment,

At this time, Liu Zilang has nothing but two choices.

One is to rush in; the other is to throw thunder!

At this moment, Evermore trembled in his heart,

The other party obviously chose the latter!

Thinking of this, he gritted his teeth immediately and held UMP9 for a while, and rushed out with an advance gun.

But the moment when Evermore rushed out, the black M16 of Liu Zilang outside the toilet had slipped from behind into his hands,

Immediately after the muzzle was lifted,

Stuffed directly into each other's mouth.

Da da da-!


The two gunshots are intertwined instantly!

Uh ...

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