Kar98K Upon Touchdown!

Vol 2 Chapter 547: Jedi Survival Battle Royale!

"The ahq-1nner detonation vehicle killed ahq-m4!"

"Ahq-1nner detonated the vehicle and killed himself!"

After a while, several people at 4am turned back together!

Looking at the two "courier boxes" neatly placed beside the blazing jeep behind him, the whole person was suddenly bad!

"What the **** ... what the hell?"

Wei Shen looked at the two jeep scrapped with flames, and there was an urge to vomit blood.

Do not courier labor and capital!

Labor and capital need a car!

At this moment, Liu Zilang suddenly looked for a moment, "A car is coming! Be careful!"

The next moment, I saw a jeep rushing from the northeast. Several people were about to fire at the jeep, but the jeep felt something. Suddenly he stopped at them not far from another side.

Liu Zilang holding 98k in his hand opened the mirror instantly,

Before the opponent's car stopped, he shot into the driver's seat without thinking!


The crisp and long sniper gun sounded in the field, and a sniper bullet whistled away!

However, the picture of "head breaking blood" is expected,

It didn't show up.

The moment Liu Zilang fired his gun,

The other side disappeared into the driver's seat suddenly, and the response quickly cut to the fourth position.

Seeing this scene, Liu Zilang couldn't help but stare, a look of surprise appeared.

Good response!

He was always confident of his shot, but he never expected that the shot would be empty!

At the same time, as soon as the jeep stopped, two people jumped out of the car.

Stuck behind the body, bi11y glanced at the opposite side and couldn't help licking his lips, revealing a smile.

"Interesting! It's a fast gunner."

"The car we chased crashed their car?"

Captain kar1 glanced at the wheat field upside down and crooked, and the two jeep raging in flames couldn't help but grin, "Sorry, that's an unfortunate story."

Apparently, kar1 did not expect that someone actually overturned in the wheat field and was then hit by their car.

If he knew, he would probably understand that this is not "fate" but a "fate".


There was a sound of a motorcycle engine, and at this time Vivian followed him on a motorcycle.

kar1 glanced around, slightly surprised, "what about satan?"

Vivian quickly leaned against the jeep and heard something strange, "He is with me ..."

Then she looked back, adding a moment of snorting suddenly, "Maybe ... probably ..."

Satan, who was running in the sunset at this time, could not help hearing her words.

Because the game uses fpp (first angle of view), the big-vivid Vivian hasn't noticed that Satan didn't get in his car, and he didn't notice that the team on the small map had icons ...

And satan always thought that this girl was just intentional.

That's why I didn't say anything dullly, just wondering how to give her some lessons.

It turned out that people really forgot him ...

This is a bit hurtful!

Some awkward Vivian glanced at the "traffic scene" in the wheat field from behind the car, and suddenly opened his mouth in surprise, "⊙? ⊙! What the **** is this?"

"As you can see." Kar1 shrugged. "A lucky guy in the team was blown up by the car you hit."

"Oh!" Vivian immediately laughed back and forth, and said something inconceivably:

"Then they are so lucky, where are my little cuties? Is it behind the car, I can't wait to ..."

She said in her mouth, but she had already held sks in her hand, and slowly pulled out her body from behind the car.

"Be careful, that guy's gun is fast." Kar1 reminded when he saw it.

"It's okay, can it be faster than my two seconds 17?" Vivian said disapprovingly.

The reason why she dared to expose the flaws to the other party is because in this fpp mode, there is no such thing as a card field of vision. If the other party wants to pose a threat to her, it is bound to expose her body.

In this case, Vivian is confident in his hands and reactions.

as expected.

The next moment, behind the two burning jeep, a figure suddenly appeared.

Vivian's eyes instantly condensed, and he pulled the gun directly!

嘭 嘭 嘭 —!


In a very short period of time, Vivian shook his head around qe crazy, firing three shots in a row!

Then her eyes suddenly shook violently, a burst of blood burst on the third-level head!

She was startled, and quickly drew back before the opponent's teammate made up the gun.


Looking at his plummeting red blood, Vivian could not help but shout, "Who is this? The gun is too fast, right?"

"Jeemzz? Or mexy?" Kar1 shrugged, "Who knows?"

The two people he mentioned were snipers, the former was handsome and the latter was fierce, and the strength of both was beyond doubt.

However, in terms of kar1's tone, he didn't care much about these two players.

On the one hand, bii1y suddenly licked his lips, and his eyes flashed, "My favorite is fast!"

Just then, there was a bouncing sound in the rear. It turned out that satan, who was abandoned, didn't know where to find a bouncing, and finally caught up.

After stopping the car, satan raised an eyebrow. "I heard that there is a difficult opponent?"

"In a way ... you can say yes." Kar1 said with a smile, "but I and bi11y haven't started yet."


Hearing his teammates burying himself, Vivian couldn't help humming.

But Vivian just tried launching.

After the teammates arrived, a few people at www.readwn.com had a convergent smile, and started to act.

The commentator on the Huaxia District.

"Well! 4am has run into a strong enemy like skk so early."

"Well, and now the cars at 4am have blown up, they can only hide behind the scrap cars, and the situation is quite passive."

"Oh! The two people of skk have already pulled the gun line towards this side. It seems that they are trying to kill 4am and want to wipe out their opponents."

"Yes, what do you say at 4am? Wait! Do you smoke?"

Game match.

Liu Zilang and others behind the scrap car started throwing cigarettes.

Although they do not know what team this is, judging from the reaction of the other two, it is obviously not easy.

At the moment, several people are far away from the safety zone, and the other side pulls the gun line towards the left and right sides.

At this time, passive defense is obviously not feasible. They can only spread smoke in the direction of town G to see if they can move to the housing area or trench location to avoid the limelight.

嗤嗤嗤 —!

Smoke bombs rolled on the ground!

Soon, a "smoke promenade" was formed on the road from the wheat field to the town of G.

"Walk! How many waves can this wave take?" Wei Shen had a vague feeling in his heart.

It ’s bad for a car without a car.

No way, they are too disadvantaged at the moment.

The next moment, the four of them turned around and turned towards the smoke corridor.

Not far behind the jeep.

Seeing this scene, Satan, who was holding a gun in place, couldn't help holding up the dark "iron sniper" in his hand, and slightly smiled at the corner of his mouth.



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