Kar98K Upon Touchdown!

Vol 2 Chapter 567: Come on!

First place: c9; total score: 46o!

Second place: skk; total score: 45o!

Third place: 4am; Total score: 4oo!

fourth place:

Best mvp in the audience: 4 am-vi!

Personal kills: 17!

Headshot rate: 84.5%!

Output damage ratio: 78.3%!

Seeing this series of data, there was another cheer!

Although Liu Zilang was not able to eat chicken in this game, he started from the third lap alone and took the 4am all the way to the top three. Everyone was watching.

The output ratio is due to Wei Shen ’s early departure. The rest is naturally Liu Zilang ’s injury. It ’s normal to be higher than the average.

However, the 17 kills and headshots of the male killer list, which reflects the real personal ability.

Unfortunately, although skk's single kill is not as good as Liu Zilang's, the kill of their entire team is even more terrifying!

It's only one person behind the first place!

So they still dominate the second place!

Even if it wasn't for c9, it was a team that just came all the way, and the head kills also won a lot.

If I change to another team, I'm afraid I've been defeated and won the first place directly.

From this, it is not difficult to understand Su Changming's words "Fortunately, Liu Zilang did not let skk eat chicken".

If skk eats chicken in this game, 3oo's chicken points plus horrible team heads.

Then they will inevitably open a huge gap with their team in the first game!

But now, the 5o points gap is within their acceptable range.

After c9 ’s chicken interview was over,

The first game came to an end.

In the lounge in the background, Dragon God decided to hold his vacuum flask and was holding a small party for several people.

How to get stronger without meeting?

A moment later, the player lounge in the back office was notified by the staff.

The second game is about to begin.

When he went out, Liu Zilang placed a familiar ringing bell in the locker in the lounge.

Got a text message?

He hesitated a moment, raised his hand and greeted the three men leaving Weishen, motioning them to go first.

Then he opened the cabinet, took out the mobile phone, and saw the words "Xiaotong sauce" displayed on the illuminated screen.

Why is that girl texting?

Liu Zilang swiped the screen without thinking, but saw two text messages.

The above one is very short. There are only two dry words, "Come on," and there is no punctuation.

Seeing this, Liu Zilang couldn't help but crook his mouth.

Looking further down, it turns out that this girl may feel a little dry herself.

So there is another "_" behind


Does this mean losing the game and giving me a punch?

Liu Zilang scratched his head, raised his mobile phone to reply to the text message, and gave her a punch "_" in the backhand!

Then he smiled and put the phone back in his bag.

Quickly went out to catch up with Wei Shen and others.

At the same time, there are thirteen time zones in China.

At five in the morning,

Gloomy bedroom.

Zhang Xiaotong stared at the live broadcast on the computer screen too. At this time, she was wrapped in a quilt on the edge of the bed, only a small head was exposed.

Hold the cell phone in the duvet slightly.


There was a sudden sound of vibration.

Zhang Xiaotong was so happy that he quickly took out his mobile phone.


When she saw the screen, she couldn't help but whispered, wondering quietly, "Does this mean that I can cheer at school?"

Thinking of this, she suddenly smiled joyfully.

Then he turned over, leaned up against the ceiling, raised his mobile phone with two small arms, and looked at the screen with joy on his face.


Then let's cheer together!

Colt Arena, California.

After a short break, the audience seemed to have regained their passion.

When the backstage players made their debut again, tens of thousands of spectators around the venue suddenly burst into cheers!

Most of the cheers were given to the c9 who had eaten chicken in the last game. Of course, there are also many spectators cheering for the teammates they support!

The chairperson of Huaxia District was on the stage.

After a brief greeting, the three of Su Changming began to analyze and look forward to this game.

"In the first c9 chicken game we just ended, many Asian teams' problems were actually exposed. I don't know if you have thought about it, why can't we beat others?"

As soon as he came up, Rongye asked a question very acutely. The audience in the live broadcast rooms on major platforms in China couldn't help but hesitated.

Rongye asked and answered, and continued, "First of all, I think it is the mode. The fpp mode is more competitive and ornamental, but I believe this offline game is a lot of time for the six Asian teams on the scene. Participation will inevitably be a little uncomfortable. "

"Well, Rong Ye is right."

Su Changming nodded, then said, "There is still a gap in hard power such as teamwork and tactical command."

Speaking of this, Su Changming sighed, "In the fps game competition, this has always been the weakness of our Asian team. Otherwise, the fps competition in the year will not appear to be dominated by Europe and America. To a degree, this is also a legacy issue. "

"But as far as I know ~ www.readwn.com ~ there was a team called se7en that year, which once changed this phenomenon."

Ruo Feng took the conversation and continued with a smile, "Then the first game of training today, I am here to hope that our Asian and Chinese teams will play something different in the next two games. . "

"Yes." Rong Ye nodded and looked at the big screen. "Just received the news from the director, our players are all seated and ready to be seated, so what we will bring to you next will be our pubg California World The second match of the invitational foursome. "

Rongye just said,

There was a roar of airplanes at the scene!

In a blink of an eye, a plane slowly moving from sea level appeared on the big screen on all sides of the stage.

The second game started!

"Okay, let's take a look at the routes first! The route for this game is from the seven o'clock position on the lower left of the map and heading towards the upper right of the map at one o'clock."

"That's right, this route is quite satisfactory, cut the map obliquely, want to jump to the airport to the airport, want to go to p city to p city, it really is not possible, port G is not without a chance to float high."

"Well, this route is too friendly to our players compared to the previous one. It is a route with a more even resource allocation, and no matter how safe the zone is, it will not be too condemned ..."

In the voice of the analysis,

The plane has reached the upper left of the airport.

In the spotlight,

The first team to jump out of the cabin appeared

"It's 4am!"

Ruofeng's exclamation instantly attracted the attention of numerous domestic audiences.

Wait, jump to the airport again?


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