Kar98K Upon Touchdown!

Vol 2 Chapter 577: Faster than hand? Sorry! (Tue / Thu)

In the survival of the Jedi,

Aircraft often means airdrops.

The moment when I heard the roaring roar from the sky in the distance, it was not only 4am at the West Bridge.

Even Vega, who was stationed at the squatting station in East Bridge, also unconsciously pulled up the perspective.

It looks like a person who has been in arid regions for a long time. Now people suddenly drop rain in the sky, and immediately look up and stare at the expectant eyes.

Soon, a plane appeared in the eyes of everyone.

The guide's perspective was suddenly pulled into the air, giving a clearer flight path.

"We can see that the plane is flying from the east direction at four o'clock, and the route is going through two bridges."

"That's right, then the question now is where this plane will drop the airdrop."

"Well, except for the small probability that it will land on the beach or bridge, I think there is an 80% chance that this airdrop will land in the sea."

Accompanying the discourse.

The plane had blasted over the East Bridge, but did not drop any airdrops.

Seeing this, the Vega squatting at the West Bridge could not help but be disappointed for a while,

However, compared to airdrops, blocking the bridge is more important. Since they are not left on their side, Vega will naturally not force it.

At the same time, I saw that the plane from the East China Sea was very strong and not littered, and continued to fly towards myself.

At 4am in West Bridge, there was a burst of excitement!

Aruka grinned, "This airdrop seems to be our destiny. We won't really hit our face."

"Hmm ... it's still too conspicuous to throw my face on the bridge, it will be more convenient to throw it on the shore." Liu Zilang touched his chin, and there was no B tree arrangement in his heart.

The next moment, the plane passed over the heads of four people.

Several people immediately raised their heads and stared at the plane with big, sincere eyes.

Obviously, this aircraft is very strong.

And it was unexpectedly strong.

It just flew over a few people like that, it didn't mean to stop at all.

Seeing the plane heading westward, several people could not help twitching in the corners of their eyes.

"What a special ... must we throw it into the sea?" Wei Shen couldn't help muttering.

Clinker's voice had just fallen, under the plane in view that was getting farther and farther away from several people.

Suddenly a small black dot appeared.


Everyone turned black because the airdrop actually landed on the sea near the fishing village pier.

Among the four, Wei's words were finally fulfilled.

Seeing this scene, several people could not help but look at each other.

So here comes the problem.

Will this airdrop be taken or not?

At this time, the sea surface where the airdrop was dropped was not very far from the West Bridge, and there were also boats below. If you drove down and sailed, you would soon arrive.

However, the purpose of the 4am wave is to block the bridge. If someone takes advantage of them to steal the airdrop, they cross the bridge.

When they return,

The right to speak of this West Bridge does not know who it is.

A few people weighed in their hearts, and soon there was a decision.

Get the airdrop!

The bridge has to be blocked!

Because the airdrop was in the sea, everyone except the shore could not shoot.

There is no need to go to the sea collectively at 4am. The three people continue to be on the bridge and only one person is required.

So who will this lucky kid be?

The next moment, Wei Shen and Aruka and the three eye-catching eyes turned to Liu Zilang.

Although Liu Zilang had already prepared in his heart, he could not help but crook his lips when he saw the situation.

Too much!

This meow ... you are not afraid that I will never go back.

Elope with airdrop?

Liu Zilang thought with some depression, but his body had already jumped on bouncing very honestly and drove towards the yacht by the sea.

At the same time, the fishing village dock location.

At this moment, the two teams are launching a fierce gun battle here. You and I will come and go, and the bullets will shuttle constantly.

The sound of gunfire is endless!

However, after playing for almost three minutes,

It was not even a person who was knocked down.

For a while, an embarrassing atmosphere permeated the field, and the bending team ahQ and the Southeast Asian team go1d hiding at the pier could not help but mind ...

Directed footage,

Shouldn't be here?

But the next moment, the two teams were showing a new big 6 at the same time, and the plane on the sea actually sent them an airdrop!

At this moment, the two teams that have not scored the gun for a long time now have new goals.

That is to grab the airdrop in front of you!

The two teams quickly checked the distance between the airdrop and the coast, and then, they chose to swim over.

Because the drop of the airdrop on the sea is not far from the fishing village pier.

The chairperson of Huaxia District was on the stage.

"Our Asian teams ahQ and go1d also have this airdrop. They seem to have an idea about the airdrop."

"Going to the sea! Going to the sea! Each of the two teams left one on the shore to mount a gun to cope, and now all six are going to the sea!"

"Yes, it seems that the two teams are very thoughtful. After all, they can't shoot in the water. At this time, they can only fight for more people, and their hands are faster and slower."

"The guide's perspective gave the airdrop box, let's see what's inside."

"Well! Good guys! Am! If I remember correctly, it didn't seem to have am in the airdrop of the previous game?"

"Oh, this is called a time to run. In addition to am, there are auspicious clothes and third-level heads and sniper mufflers. For snipers, this airdrop is at least 95 points.

Just when the three commentators on the stage sighed.

For the six teams of ahQ and go1d who have just entered the sea, at this time, the dangling air drop box above the head seems to be within reach ...

However, at this moment, a "humming" roar suddenly came from the ears of several people!

Is a boat coming?

They hurriedly looked around and turned around!

I saw a yacht riding in the wind and waves, rushing towards the airdrop that was about to land on the sea!

not good!

The people in the two teams couldn't help but be shocked. Looking at the airdrop near them, they hurriedly scraggled up in the sea ~ www.readwn.com ~ If this wave of swimming hadn't caught anything for a long time.

If you swim back like this,

It must be laughed to death by audiences all over the world!

And look at the distance between the two sides ...

Who else might this airdrop refer to?

For a time, a race with time and the enemy began!


It's close!

It's close!

Looking at the airdrop less than three meters away, the two teams of ahQ and go1d couldn't help ecstatic for a while!

Everyone has already opened the backpack under simulation and other things, such as dragging the contents of the airdrop box into the bag with the fastest hand.

At this moment, the audience in Europe and America who had been staring at the scramble suddenly burst into exclamation!

Big screen game picture.

I saw Liu Zilang driving a yacht dragging a Bai Lian on the sea, and suddenly approached the airdrop and drifted aside!

While inserting the bow under the airdrop,

The hull of the ship was a "shenlong swaying the tail" and threw it towards the heads of several swimmers.

Fortunately, the two teams have been on the alert for Liu Zilang who sailed the ship. When the hull was thrown, they quickly dived into the sea.

When the hull just passed,

They hurried up again.

But at the moment when they resurfaced, the two teams ahQ and go1d were dumbfounded at the same time!

The airdrop just less than three meters away from them ...

It's gone now!

The next moment, a few people stared at the ship's bow not far away, carrying an airdrop box, holding a long thick red smoke on the sea, and sailing towards the other side of the sea ...

Is this special ... a transport ship?


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