Kar98K Upon Touchdown!

Vol 2 Chapter 582: Same sky, different lives

But this time is different from the last time.

This time before the people on the bridge saw the car, there were numerous bullets whistling in the smoke.

As a result of this sweep, several teams that were originally prepared to respond to the situation were quickly dispersed.

The next moment, I saw a bouncing head, followed by an armored chariot surrounded by fire tongues!

Seeing this picture,

The people on the bridge were suddenly bad for everyone!

"Come back! They are back!"

"That's right, the 4am operation is really reckless! It's the first time in a race when you hit a car and hit someone."

"It's like this, but I think it will only happen in this case, because in other cases, your car is estimated to have been knocked down before it is near.

"Oh! I bumped into one! Vic knocked another! He bounced like a spinning charge tornado. Aruka's shuttle also helped make up, beautiful! It's very handy! At present, the head of 4am kills Is the highest! "

"I have a chance to eat chicken, this 4am is quite a chance to eat chicken!"

On the commentator stand in Huaxia District, the three commentators looked at the game screen and shouted with excitement from time to time.

At the same time, the audience in the live broadcast room saw that the 4am wave was operating in an incredible manner, and suddenly they could not help but brush up countless "666" on the barrage.

"Up and up! Damn these gangsters!"

"That's how men play! Don't seduce it!"

In a blink of an eye, Liu Zilang and others killed the pair again from the smoke.

The front 1iquid team in the smoke is the most sad,

They had been knocked down by two in the first place, and they just got up here, but did not expect that 4am would kill the back of the carbine again from behind the buttocks.

In a blink of an eye, the two people who had just been lifted were knocked to the ground, and one of them was crushed by the jeep behind them to make up for it ...

Water Heat Falk!

After a while, 1iquid was dumbfounded and the whole person was messed up!

This team is a beast ...

Not once, and again.

嗤嗤嗤 —!

After returning to the bridgehead,

The four at 4am quickly stopped the car.

"This wave was really comfortable. I didn't expect to play like this in the game!" Aruka said excitedly in her voice.

"I just made up two of them," Wei Shen said excitedly. "It's really exciting."

Liu Zilang smiled, watching the thinning smoke at the bridgehead, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly, "Don't worry, they should be out of smoke soon, we can block another wave later."

"Yes, they have just been cleared by us, and there are not too many people left now." Aruka forcibly analyzed calmly. "At that time, they will definitely have to fight in waves. Our bridgehead toll station is not Beautiful. "

Hearing Aruka's words, he smashed into his mouth and said, "Let's ... a little bit cruel."

"Man, be **** others." Wei Shen said meaningfully.

So next, 4am set up a position at the bridgehead, guarded against death, and stayed alive.

But after the smoke cleared, the situation on the bridge let a few people stumble.

In the vision of the four, I saw no one on the empty bridge!

What kind of ghost is this meow?

Hiding behind the scrap car so soon?

For a while, several people at 4am this time were speechless and looked at each other.

Just at this moment,

Behind a scrap car in the middle of the bridgehead.

I suddenly saw someone stand up from the back of the car and ran into the bridge railing next to him.

That is, he jumped over suddenly.

Seeing this picture, at 4am, a few people quickly reacted, and they looked down one by one, and immediately couldn't help twitching in their eyes.

I saw the sea under the bridge at this time,

Numerous swimmers are swinging their arms and legs at sea, surging wildly forward.

4am everyone: ...

Huaxia commentator on stage.

From the perspective of the guide God, the three Rongye who saw this scene through the smoke also smiled wryly.

Lord Rong smashed his mouth and looked at the game screen, "How do you say ... European and American teams feel that we have always been the kind of **** guys, that is, I don't play with you for nothing, just one word, I am just! "

"I thought they were going to cross the bridge, but I didn't expect that they would all jump over and over."

Hearing Rongye's words, Ruofeng laughed and said, "This shows that the European and American teams are also good guys who don't suffer from immediate losses and can bend and stretch. I think this wave of going to the sea is still very spiritual, you?"

Su Changming shook his head slightly. "This wave is very spiritual and easy, but it will be a bit difficult when we get up next."

"Boss Su is right, the sea is not in the next circle, then it means that these teams who have just entered the sea must rush to the safe area on the shore as soon as possible before the next poisoning refresh."

"Well ... this is indeed a problem. After all, there is no medicine in the sea. If they don't go ashore, they will be poisoned sooner or later."

As the three commentaries analyzed the situation in the West Bridge, the director suddenly gave the camera to the East Bridge.

As soon as the lens was pulled over, what was passing in front of many audiences was a touch of blood!


The crisp gunshots sounded,

A system knockdown prompt brushes out!

"Skk-satan knocked down vega-krama with a kar98k headshot!"

"It's skk! They're breaking through the East Bridge!"

"How do you feel that the vega blocking the bridge over the East Bridge is a bit weak?"

"It's like this ~ www.readwn.com ~ We can see that the players of the vega team have been sniped by two long distances from satan, and now they dare not show their guns!"

"Oh! The front skk is going to make a direct break! Now there are only two people left in vega, this is indeed an opportunity!"

During the game, I saw four of SKK's two shots after two blows from satan.

The four did not even smoke,

Just drove up to the face.

At the same time, some of the teams who had previously parked behind skk and hid behind the bunker saw this scene and hurried into the car to follow.

All of a sudden, the bridge suddenly formed a picture of four or five teams rushing with skk and rushing across the bridge.

The remaining two of Vega at the bridgehead are helping teammates.

Hearing the sound of the car, the two tilted their heads behind the bunker to see the mighty momentum, and the whole person was frightened!

In a hurry, the two quickly interrupted helping others, and pulled a gun to strike a first move.

It turned out that skk's jeep didn't stop, just rushed all the way to his face.

In a hurry, there was only one waste car separated from each other.

At the next moment, the four of SKK jumped out of the car together, ignored the convoys who were whizzing past them while taking advantage of their Dongfeng, but instead directly faced the bridge's vega as a beating!

Just a blink of an eye,

Vega was cleared of the remaining two.

However, in this way, the East Bridge suddenly seemed to be ripped open, and most of the teams drove directly while skk hitting vega.

For a time, it was also blocked.

But at present the two bridges, east and west, present two completely different situations.


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