Kar98K Upon Touchdown!

Vol 2 Chapter 597: Whose bullet is flying? (Three / four)

After a while, the plane gradually disappeared at sea level.

At this time, there were a lot of car grabs on the court, because most of the resource points south of the map could not be reached directly.

"Okay! Now that most of the teams have landed, we can see that this game se7en landed at the M city of the bridgehead, and the ts team also landed together."

"But se7en doesn't seem to intend to stay in town m long. They go to town m high and then take the car to the airport. It seems that se7en played quite carefully in this game."

"Well, it seems that there is no team to choose the airport at present, then look at the next lap. If it is not condemnation, the start of se7en is quite good."

"We can see that the crowd of people in this match is the right half of the map, such as the holy mountain, the horseshoe mountain in the prison of Y City, the air-raid shelter, and even the large and small power plants. These places have teams jumping."

"Oh! The director's footage was given at 4am. They chose school and the jigsaw building next to this game. This choice was quite unexpected."

"Yes, but the school is also a good place. This is a more central location than City P. Next, no matter where the circle is, eh! I'm not panic anyway."

"But wait, there is a team jumping at the Longmen Inn next to the school. It is the CIS Russian God of War navi!"

in school.

"The first team of Longmen Inn next door, and the r city also has a team." Aruka reported when he landed.

Liu Zilang glanced at the direction of Longmen Inn and frowned slightly. "Hurry up, I always feel that the team next to us is for us."

"No, right? He doesn't know who we are." Xiao strikingly surprised.

"I think it's possible." Wei Shen suddenly asked, "What if they just want to fight?"

Hearing this, his voice was silent, and everyone speeded up searching.

Just then, there was a killing prompt on the court.

"Ig-wolves knocked out tsm-break with s12k!"

Is ig?

It's so fast?

Just after searching two rooms, Liu Zilang saw a screen swipe prompt on the screen, and he couldn't help but hesitated for a moment.

But in fact this is normal.

Jump fast, search fast, and play naturally.

The school that jumped at 4am in this game was considered to be in the middle of the route, but the city that ig jumped was the first stop of the route.

In the big screen on the stage.

try {content1;} catch (ex) {}

I saw Shen Ze on the ig side playing against tsm first. After the two sides played a game outside the room, Break saw that the support of his opponent's teammate was one step ahead.

Outside the room, he was anxious and chose a wave of assault, but he did not expect that Shen Ze was holding a s12k burst.

The door just opened.

A large black spout sprayed directly into his mouth.

Bang Bang!

In a series of gunfire, the break broke down immediately after kneeling down!

This meow ... who the **** is attacking?


Who is attacking?

Next, Shen Ze didn't rush to make it up after he broke the break.

Although break is not a god.

But at this time, Shen Ze, who was holding a spray, had some momentum to "sacrifice the emperor to order the princes."

In this case, the situation of l immediately changed, and the remaining three people who supported the nearest tsm were faintly passive.

It is true that there is only one Shen Ze in the room, and the three rushed in for a "suddenness" to get rid of it.

But the question is where are the others at ig?

What if the other three of them come in and close the dog after they enter?

For a moment, tsm suddenly fell into a dilemma.

"It seems that tsm does not want to give up their teammates, but it is also that if there is one teammate missing from the start, they will have a harder time playing this game."

"Well, this is not the way to spend it. If they want to save their teammates, the less blood the break is, the more passive they will be."

"If it is another team, I might suggest that they give up their teammates and go straight. But if tsm, I honestly do not need to go on with their current ranking."

"Oh, you're a little bit worried. But this is also true, tsm's current ranking is too low, it's better to let go of it at this time."

"Well? They do seem to have this idea, but ig was the first to find the position of tsm, and the illusion touched directly with Xiaojue."

"This thunder illusion ... Oh! What a pity ..."


Just hear a deafening noise!

In the restaurant in the city, the black smoke was billowing, and countless glasses were shattered.

However, the thunder was thrown behind the restaurant's bar, blocking the aftermath of the explosion.

The battle started instantly!


The first person to shoot was not others, but Shen Ze.

try {content2;} catch (ex) {}

Seeing that the "hostage" had lost its value, he took a shot to make up for the break, picked up the gun in his bag and rushed forward.

At the same time, the other three of ig also quickly entered from the front door.

Seeing that his teammates were being replenished, all the unrealistic thoughts in the tsm three of the restaurant suddenly broke.

At this moment is a strong desire to survive!

After the three men threw smoke bombs and grenades and blocked the road, they rushed out from the back door.

But at this time, Xiao Jue heard that the steps behind him were wrong.

I saw him jump straight out of the shattered glass wall at the side of the restaurant and quickly walk around the back.

When it arrived, it happened that the smak responsible for tsm had just withdrawn.


A wave of m16 in Xiao Jue's hand burst into a stream of blood in the back of Samk.


"Ig-xiaojue knocked down tsm-samk with m16a4!"

Tsm cut off two people instantly!

"Oh Shet! Come on! Leave me alone!" Samk yelled after falling to the ground.

However, his two teammates quickly ran around the houses in City L before he spoke!


If there is only one down, the tsm three as the North American giants team may still have the confidence to wave 3v4.

However, in the case of killing another person, they did not even have the slightest idea of ​​fighting back.

At this moment, the two remaining tsm people are thinking that this one must not eat chicken in the opposite direction.

Otherwise, they are likely to become the biggest laughing stock among many European and American giants in this World Championship.

Soon, the two tsm fled to the side of the road and rode on the three jumpers that were already prepared.

I looked back deeply, as if I had just chosen City l ~ www.readwn.com ~ they resolutely turned and left!




Unexpectedly, at this moment, intermittent gunfire sounded!

what's the situation?

The audience at the live and live broadcast heard the gunfire and couldn't help but stun.

The next moment, when the director's camera was pulled, the audience at the scene was suddenly surprised with their eyes widened!

I saw that at a distance of almost 100 meters away, Shen Ze pointed at the machine he had just picked up m4.

It's like sniping.

One shot after another shot. (Floor 98k..109109275)-(Floor 98K)

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