Kar98K Upon Touchdown!

Vol 2 Chapter 605: Are you playing me?


Zero damage team!

Seeing such a beautiful wave of assault at 4am, the commentary on the field also stayed a bit!

"Unbelievable! The 4am wave was the first to lay out, and then the sound of the gun was actually playing with ace in the palm of the hand."

"That's right, this wave is a typical tactic of attacking the west, letting you ignore the front and the left and the left, and the end result is that it is difficult to care."

"It seems that after going through the last two games, 4 am's tactical style has become more and more mature, and it is no longer blindly doing things like this wave. Their overall synergy is very stolen."

"But this wave is also pitiful for the ace team. The four men worked hard to search for an r city, but they didn't expect to be cut off immediately after the transaction. At this time, their hearts should collapse."

"Well, I don't know if everyone found out that the ace team is the second team to be destroyed on the field, which is equivalent to eating a chicken **** in the opposite direction."

"Oh, that's really the case. Except for the navi of Longmen Inn, whether it is the tsm fighting at the start or the teams of se7en and liquid who have just been at Dongqiao Qiaotou, they have left behind despite serious attrition. Incense alone. "

"Haha, it seems that the game of 4am has evolved into a team killer. When two teams are encountered, they simply settle down."

"I don't know who came out of this 4am wave this time. I saw someone walking up to Aruka's face before, but Aruka still kept his guard. I thought they were playing three dozen. This kind of hesitation is a bit hesitant. I didn't expect that their goal was to eat all the waves. This appetite is really not small. "

"Well, vic's sniper on the high **** sentry tower is also very eye-catching. Moving the target headshot directly can be said to give ace a head shot, and also instantly changed the situation on the field to 3v3. "

"Maybe that's the true meaning of a sniper in the team. They will always be able to burst out the most extreme output in a short time."


The three commentaries on the stage were sighing for such an outstanding performance of 4am, and the audience in the domestic live broadcast room also turned around!

This method of team battles relying on tactics to wipe out opponents is undoubtedly an excellent visual enjoyment for everyone.

"Fuck! This 4am wave is exciting!"

"Hahaha, I didn't expect all the pigs to sacrifice the sky, and they started to cooperate at 4am."

"It's not scary to eat chicken, who is embarrassed. If this 4am eats chicken again and again, then God Wei will be embarrassed."

"I had a wave of my heart, and it was performed by three traitors, alas!"

"Pig-head pig-head, if you are cast, you blink."

"Wei Shen said that labor and capital had a pig-knife, a knife and a traitor, and blinked j2's eyes."

"It seems that the portal needs to be cleared after 4am."

At first, the audience in the live room applauded the 4am wave of raids, but they were deflected while talking about the barrage rhythm. Everyone started to talk about Liu Zilang and Aruka crazyly.

In the game, Liu Zilang and their side had entered the state of licking the bag to clean the battlefield.

I have to say that ace started the game in five minutes and went door-to-door in the entire city of R. The things in their box did the right thing.

After licking the bag, the three Liu Zilang dared to wipe their mouths and said that in addition to the air drop box, even if they saw a box on the road,

None of them would glance down.

At this time, the three seemed to have entered the sage mode, and they kept an indifferent attitude towards any box.

Next, the three returned to the high **** of the water tower south of r city again.

This place is located in the center of the current safe area and the terrain is relatively high, which can get a very good view.

The current tactics of Liu Zilang and the three of them are to gain a firm foothold here. Someone will come to play and not allow other teams to be stationed nearby.

In contrast, if they find a house and squat, then even if it is safe, there is not much risk.

But if you go away in a circle, they have to run poison together with other teams, so it is easy to fall into a scuffle.

So what they are doing now is to clear some obstacles on the road for the next lap.

If 4am on the high **** of the water tower on the south side of r city is the guardian of the territory, then the skk four people who also occupy the high **** of the church on the west side of p city,

They are border spoilers!

At this time, SKK truly showed all the audience what Zhanshan is king. They were not to expel the opponent, but to intercept the opponent.

Whenever a team passing by from the west to enter the lap, when they approached, they were suddenly hit by a few people!

Carl's ak, Billy King's m4.

Vivienne's sks with 17 rounds in two seconds, plus satan is holding a nerve gun that snipes at that.

When the guide shot was given, the four of skk could be said to show all the audiences around the world a personal show of "master god" players.

The director's footage was switched back and forth between the four people, but the audience at the live and live broadcasts felt overwhelmed.

"Can this car blow up?"

"Oh my god! This car exploded too fast! Avanger only survived a bouncing player."

"Wait a minute! Our world's first sniper satan raised his sniper! This shot"

"Pretty! Oh my god! Satan knocked out the last player of avanger, and they killed a team!"

In this way, the four of them looked like the death of a sickle, ruthlessly harvested the lives of passing pedestrians.

By the time the first lap was finished, SKK had completely wiped out a team, and had successively dropped people from several cars that were far away.

In this case, even if the person who fell down wanted to be rescued, where would SKK allow the cooked duck to fly?

As soon as the person was shot down in the front, there would be a teammate next to the gun line immediately to fill the gun, this tactical division of labor can be said to be stunned.

Even if other teams want to learn ~ www.readwn.com ~, they may not be able to learn it.

Because if you want to make up for someone, you can only take a gun and knock them out of the car.

The chairperson of Huaxia District was on the stage.

"Well, now that the first wave of poison has been shrunk, we can see that people from other places just now are okay, but the team that entered the circle from the west is really hurting!"

"This is also no way. Who made them hit SKK's muzzle? It can only be said that the strategic significance of SKK's selection is too high!"

"Let ’s take a look at this circle, oh! He cut to the upper left, a yin and yang circle that includes the inland river inside."

At this moment, the south **** of r city, where Liu Zilang and the three were located, suddenly changed from a place near the center of the security zone to a border zone.

At this moment, the guide shot gave the map a God perspective, and the audience at the scene suddenly saw a convoy with the prefix "ig" moving from the east towards the city of R.

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