Kar98K Upon Touchdown!

Vol 2 Chapter 636: Extremely Deadly Missiles! (Thanks to Ksg, Phantom Silver ...

A street north of the boxing gym.


With the sound of glass shattering, Gao Yunyang who had just searched a room turned out from the window.

I just saw Li Muqiu standing at the door of a house, staring at the hillside on the north side and looking at what seemed to be in sight. The body was still shaking his head in situ, undulating up and down.

Gao Yunyang turned his head subconsciously and glanced at the mountain to the north, but found that the sky was empty.

He couldn't help wondering, "Someone?"


Li Muqiu actually nodded "um".


Gao Yunyang couldn't help but have a hint of doubt about himself.

Hasn't the game been played for a long time, and the field of vision capture ability has also declined?

I never thought that his voice had just fallen, Li Muqiu suddenly said without a thought, "On the top of the building to the south."

"..." Gao Yunyang suddenly twitched.

For many years teammates, when listening to Li Muqiu's words, he didn't need to say any more, Gao Yunyang immediately responded.

It is estimated that most of the boys found that someone was sneaking at him, so they kicked up their acting skills.

as expected.

Just then, Li Muqiu suddenly said, "Did you see that kid? He shouldn't see you in that position, hehe hehe."

Gao Yunyang crooked his lips, and he was too lazy to talk nonsense.

Top of tall blue building.

Moon of the Ace team saw Evermore on the side without aiming for a long time. He couldn't help wondering, "Why don't you hit him?"

Evermore scolded angrily, "Ashe! Is this kid a snake?"

Forget it!

Evermore gritted his teeth, and was about to pull the trigger, and suddenly there was a "beep" in the distance!

? ? ?

Evermore's mind had just begun to wonder.

The next moment, the secondary head on his head burst out with two bursts of blood.

Two shots in a row!

"Sloth knocked Evermore down with his SKS headshot!"

Seeing the headshots of these two shots, the audience at the live and live broadcast suddenly opened their mouths in surprise!

"Pretty! I found this shot of Sloth being pretty beautiful. Both shots are heads!"

"Yes, we all know that the SKS gun is very trembling, so the shot is still fast, and the most important thing is to shoot stably."

"Yes, if you want to shoot stably, you must control the gun very precisely to pull the bullets that have been shot twice to the same point. Sloth's wave is really stable."

"Oh, this wave of autumn **** is also an old general on the stage, his acting skills are simply explosive!"

"Hahaha, in fact, I am more curious about the idea of ​​the pig emperor. I guess he also realized that just now Qiu Shen was just teasing him, right?"

During the game, Evermore kneeling to the ground at this time had judged from the sound of the gun that the person who had just hit him was near the person he was aiming at.

Then the thing is obvious, he is obviously being shown!

Show bloody!

However, the thought of his teammate actually used an SKS, and before he reacted, two shots burst his head instantly.

This is very scary!

Sloth ... Sloth ... Sloth!

The busy Emperor Pig crawled back, thinking about the name of the man in his heart, and he felt shocked all over, and suddenly came over.

It's him!

"Ashe! How did you mess with these two killers!"

The queen of pigs couldn't help shivering, and seemed to recall some bad memories, and quickly said, "Hurry up! Save me!"

Moon's side also reacted at this moment, hurrying over and holding him.

Fortunately, the floor of this building is relatively high in altitude, as long as they hide behind, they can temporarily avoid each other's gun line.

However, Li Muqiu's "old opera bone" soared for a long time, how could he only be satisfied with knocking people down.

At this time, a bus stopped at a fork in the road. Li Muqiu rushed into the car in three steps and two steps.

Although the speed of the public car is not fast, the distance between the two parties is not far away.

In a blink of an eye,

The two came under the blue tall building.

At this point Picardo had a few teams left.

Li Muqiu and Pig Huang made a noise, which naturally attracted Liu Zilang and Wei Shen beside the Red House in the motel.

However, at this moment, the gun line from the blue high-rise building is blocked. Even if they want to make a long-distance excitement, there seems to be no chance at present.

Below the blue building.

A bus slammed into the building wall and stopped suddenly.

Evermore and Moon on the top of the building heard the movement below, as if their heart was hit with a hammer, and they couldn't help shaking.

"Hurry up! Help me up!"

"I want to hurry too!"

For a moment, both of them were upset in the heart!

Although reason tells them that even if the other party is downstairs, there is still a period of time before going upstairs, this period is enough for them to rescue people.

But intuition told them.

Since the other side rushed over in the car, it was impossible not to think of this, so the two were too panicked!

This is indeed the case.

Li Muqiu and Gao Yunyang just got out of the car. They did not rush into the building, but cut out a grenade by accident.

Seeing each other's tacit action, the two could not help but smile at each other.

"Should you bet something?"


"See who can kill the rest."

"Forget it."

"What? Scared?"

"Um ~ www.readwn.com ~ I'm afraid you lost the bill."


The two said in their mouths that there was no nutrition, but the grenade in their hands had already opened the insurance one after another!

The next moment, Li Muqiu took the lead.

I saw him leaning back, raising his grenade, and taking a few steps to take off suddenly!

嗖 —!

The grenade whistled and flew towards the top of the building!

Although this height is not easy to throw, he already has his own experience in throwing thunder, and there is no problem in grasping the fall point without mistakes.

哐 当 —!

As soon as the grenade reached the top of the building, a burst of fire and black smoke burst out.

However, the huge momentum did not cause the kill.

But both Evermore and Moon on the top of the building were scared at the same time.

This Nima is really here!

Seeing that his teammates could be lifted in two seconds, the tangled Moon gritted his teeth.

In the end I decided to gamble!

After two seconds.

Looking at his body rising from the ground, Moon's heart gradually rolled into an emotion called "regret" ...

Gao Yunyang shrugged. "It looks like I won."

The words have not fallen ...

There was a sudden "bang" shot in the distance!

Guided by God's perspective.

When I saw Moon being blown up with blood, when he fell from the air and was about to fall to death, his body suddenly burst into a striking bloodlight!

The next moment, a kill came out of the screen.

"4 AM-Vic killed ACE-Moon with Win94!"

Seeing this sudden scene, the audience suddenly fell into a dead silence.

This is ... Ultra Ultimate Death Missile?


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