Kar98K Upon Touchdown!

Vol 2 Chapter 675: 1 is the choice of the gate of fate stone! (one three)

This Nima ... how red is red?

Looking at the red area on the map, Liu Zilang's eyes could not help but twitch slightly.

Glancing at the silly apprentice sitting beside him with a sulking head, Liu Zilang couldn't help but said, "Don't you say you can summon this? Can you change it?"

"Ah?" Misaka Ginmi gave her a brief moment, and quickly said, "No, it's wet ~!"

"Why?" Liu Zilang asked casually.

She never thought about Misaka Koto but soon explained with a serious face, "Because of all this ...

It is the choice of the gate of fate stone. "

"..." Liu Zilang's face turned dark.

What's the use of the bomber Ji for you? !!

Misaka Ginmi glanced secretly and noticed the change in Liu Zilang's face, and suddenly couldn't help but add with confidence, "But wet and restless? Skyfire will not bomb me! We have already concluded a contract!"

"Really?" Liu Zilang doubted.

The key is that when she said this, she was spreading her feet and rushing towards the small toilet in front of the power plant.

Seeing this, Liu Zilang couldn't help but draw a blow from the corner of his eye, and it wouldn't blow you up so fast!

Lie to you! !! !!

At first she thought she was careful about Tianhuo, but at this time Liu Zilang was finally unreliable.

He didn't dare to stop here, and hurried to the small toilet.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he stepped on this side, he heard a whistle screaming across the sky suddenly.

He looked up!

The sky above the small toilet crashed down!


In a loud deafening sound, the fire ball slammed into countless fragmented fires and smoke!

and many more?

Isn't the silly apprentice still there?

Liu Zilang, who was stunned, glanced subconsciously at his teammate list, but found that her blood volume had already been emptied.

After the smoke cleared,

I saw Misaka Ginmi kneeling on the door of the toilet with her buttocks, and she looked at herself (? _?).

This time she was down!

The real "two" is down!

"Wet ... wet ..."

"Stop talking, advanced toilets."



After Misaka Kotomi climbed into the toilet, Liu Zilang crouched behind her and helped her. Although he knew this was a bit unkind, he couldn't help laughing.

"Wet ... not ... not like that!" Misaka Komi's face flushed and wanted to explain.

Liu Zilang sighed and interrupted, "It goes without saying, understand for the teacher! This is also the choice of the gate of fate, right?"

"No! Wet ~!" Sumitsu Misaka suddenly took a breath and said with a serious face, "This is because the invisible realm has been broken, Skyfire has been infected with evil, and my control over it has declined."


Liu Zilang twitched at the corner of his mouth, and lowered his head silently, growling in his heart, don't think that if you suddenly say something I don't understand, you can cover up the fact that you were killed! !! !!


At the same time, inside the safe area of ​​the sky fire area, when Misaka Kotomi was righteoused by the sky, several teams noticed the information about the fall of the safe area on the upper right of the screen.

And many of these teams are familiar.

There is Karl, there is SSR and their team manager, of course, the most familiar one is Dragon God.

Seeing the information on the fall of Misaka Kotomi, several teams realized one thing invariably, that Liu Zilang might also be in the bombing area.

Still very likely to be helpful!

For a moment, the eyes of several people in the circle couldn't help flashing, and they had begun to patrol the bombing area subconsciously.

From this, it can be seen that after the two days of competition, Liu Zilang has perfectly transformed himself into a creature that everyone shouted.

But unfortunately, he did n’t have a B-tree at this time. After pulling up Misaka Koto, the two did not stay in the toilet, but rushed towards the safe area in a hurry. Into the circle.

Although Liu Zilang did not believe what the second cargo apprentice was saying, in his opinion, as long as the two were running a little apart.

Even if somebody's face fell to the ground, it wouldn't be too much of a problem for the two to help each other.

Of course, if you really give them two, one for each, then you can only confess your fate. Go back and train the second apprentice!

But what Liu Zilang never expected was ...

The next day Skyfire is more face-saving, but those in the safe zone are like crazy!

I don't know who found them first, and a wave of bullets swept up.

Suddenly the gunshots became a masterpiece, and soon they became one!

咻咻 咻 —!

The sky is falling and the rain is pouring!

The roaring bombardment, the bullet wrapped in a sharp burst of sound, howling!

Liu Zilang and Misaka Kotomi were beaten up, and quickly found two trees that were barely "shielding from the wind and hiding" after hiding the smoke.

However, there are too many enemies, and the position of the enemy cannot be accurately determined under the sound of gunfire and sky fire.

Occasionally, their arms and legs hiding behind the tree were shot, but they shivered behind the tree.

It's over!

Liu Zilang couldn't help but feel cold and had no hope for this game. At this moment, he only heard a familiar whisper from his ear.

"Explosive! 弾 け ろ シ ナ プ ス!"

He couldn't help but twitch the corner of his eyes, and looked at Misaka Ginmi beside his face with a speechless expression.

When is this still playing?

The next moment, she saw a slight tone of her tone, with a look of reverence.


Is this still in English?

Liu Zilang is trying to make Misaka Koto almost enough, and life is already so difficult that he doesn't want to go through it again.

At this time, the clinker saw two blazes of fire burst out in the direction of the distant power plant, and two system prompts flashed in the upper right of the screen.

"Se7en-SSR fell to the ground in the bombing zone!"

"4 AM-Longshenjuezzz was killed in the safe zone!"

Seeing this sudden scene ~ www.readwn.com ~ Liu Zilang suddenly burst out of his eyes, even chin almost hit his feet.

Is this the world ...

Is it really different?

At the same time, the opposite Longshen Jue and SSR were also blown out of the outer focus, and their heads were green!

You know that there is no cover on the SSR side.

But Dragon God must have stood in the stone room in front of the power plant, and only half of his body was leaked.

But the group of sky fires suddenly fell from the sky, hitting his head and covering his face, this Nima was poisonous!

In fact, not only them, but also the audience in the live and live broadcasts.

Thinking of the interview between the matches just now, Misaka Koto said with a serious expression "I called it."

At this time, everyone couldn't believe their eyes, as if they were hit by a thunderbolt on a sunny day, and they seemed to be poured with a basin of cold water from head to toe.

It feels cool from head to toe ...

"That ... who of you remember Menhera's words?"

"Is this deceptive?"

"Uh ... coincidence! Absolutely coincidence!"

"Have you thought about it, just in case ... not a coincidence?"


In the game, Liu Zilang looked at the sigh of relief beside him, and his face was "behind" the sage's state beauty.

For a moment, he couldn't help feeling that his throat was dry, and swallowed subconsciously ...


I want to learn this too?


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