Kar98K Upon Touchdown!

Vol 2 Chapter 681: Floor words and abacus

If Misaka Koto heard Vivian's words, I'm afraid he would scratch his head in confusion, thinking that he had never heard such a strange request.

However, now that it has entered the penultimate finals, it is impossible for Skyfire to have Skyfire, which is why Vivian has no fear at this time.

On the stage, the three commentators looked at each other after seeing this scene.

"Emmm ... is it cohabitation?"

"Vic is also a bit dark under the lights. He has been caring for people who are far away, but he did not expect someone to come over boldly."

"The situation is very complicated now. Even if they know someone below, they can't hit each other at all."

"Well, similarly, if I didn't guess wrong, Vivian shouldn't plan to attack the second floor for the time being, otherwise they wouldn't have to enter the building the first time they touched it, just go up to attack the building from below That's the best time. "

"But if the two teams really coexist peacefully here, even if it is only a brief peace, two guns above and one gun below, alas, this sentry tower is simply an invincible point of fire in the security zone."

"Yes, once I have another destiny in the next lap, then I even feel that the chicken of this game has been decided."

Game match.

The director did not say anything wrong. Although Vivian wanted to "revenge", he did not reach such an urgent level.

The reason she took such a big risk was largely because she also liked the location of this safe area, which was very conducive to the installation of guns.

And she also pondered the enemy first.

Let Liu Zilang and Misaka Komi on the second floor be their first umbrellas. When someone comes over, they can even steal a chicken.

But when he came in and did nothing, Vivian obviously couldn't take this breath if he lived peacefully with the other party.

She listened to the steps in her ears and stared at the ceiling above her head for a few moments, turning her eyes slightly, and suddenly raised the M4 muzzle in her hand.


The fire flew in the muzzle.

A shuttle "Ding Ding Ding" hit the ceiling, splashing a series of Mars.


Liu Zilang above was startled.

He didn't know that the team downstairs was Vivian, so naturally it wasn't clear how high the opponent's hatred was.

After all, think about it if it was him

Obviously, he was about to win the double kill with "one dozen two", but somehow was sanctioned by a group of sky fires. Afterwards, the person said that sky fire was called by her ...

This Nima can't stand it!

Hear the gunshots below,

Misaka Ginmi could not help but crook her head. "Wet ~! Are the people below ... greeting me? I see! They want to form an alliance with us!"



Liu Zilang could not help but look black.

How can you see that the other party wants to form an alliance? !!

This is clearly hitting the scene!

Just then, Misaka Koto suddenly took a gun and shot a few shots at the ground.

Liu Zilang froze, wondering, "What are you doing?"

Misaka Ginmi has put away her gun and replied with a bliss, "I tell you we agree."


How do you convey this?

Floor language?

Are you sure the other person can understand?

Downstairs, Vivian just scanned a few shots, and heard the other party turned back indifferently.


I am so angry!

She gritted her teeth for a while and called her teammate Angelia together, "Hit! Let's fight together!"

Da da da-!

In a moment, two blue Gatlings fired at the ceiling again ...

Upstairs Misaka Ginmi heard the gunshot, and her eyes suddenly lighted, and she said cheerfully, "Wet and wet! They all agreed!"

Liu Zilang: ...


On the big screen behind the stage.

At this point, the shot was locked on the large power plant with gunfire.

Because the next safe area was brushed up by the small power plant, at this time some of the teams at the large power plant were fighting desperately, and some were fleeing.

Among them, Shroud and the two were being killed in blood.

"Dude! I've worked it out. Where's yours?"

"I'm still here, a tough guy."

"The radiation is about to shrink, and I think it's time we left."

"Wait for me to smoke!"

At this time, there were only twenty or so seconds left in the radiation countdown.

Not only was Shroud's team at this time, some lone wolves started to run poison at this moment.

However, since the circle has reached the small power plant, the people in the small power plant have fought with their enemies and guarded their common home.

In this case, those who rushed out of the large power plant and wanted to find an opportunity to enter the small power plant were like the water encountered a stone, and they suddenly scattered towards the sides.

"Well, this small power plant has been guarded into a copper wall and iron wall. People outside can hardly invade."

"Now there are only 15 teams and 24 people on the field. There are four teams guarding the small power plant. Except for the two teams living together in the outer sentry tower, all the other teams must be left in the wilderness."

"Wait, wait! A team touched the sentry tower, and they seemed to fancy this place."

"Well! Then they hit the iron plate. I am afraid they never thought that there were people above and below this little sentry tower ~ www.readwn.com ~ I saw a team under the camera lens. I walked around the small power plant and touched the tower.

The audience at the live and live broadcasts couldn't help but hesitate, their faces showed a good look.

It seems the next moment will see the two men melted in a burst of bullet rain.

However, the picture on the big screen was a bit confusing to everyone.

I saw the two trotting all the way, only 100 meters away from the sentry tower.

But the sentry tower was still quiet,

Seems empty.

This meow ... what the hell?

For a while, the commentary on the stage looked at each other.

"Why not fight?"

"Do you want to bring people closer?"

"But it's too close!"


In fact, not only the crowd outside the field, Misaka Kotomi on the second floor of the sentry tower also looked at Liu Zilang stunned.

"Have you heard of killing with a knife?"

"Knife? But we have a gun."


In fact, Liu Zilang didn't hit anyone.

It is because the people downstairs want him to be an umbrella, so he wants to bring people closer, so that they can use this team to harass the team below them.

He didn't believe that the other party approached, and did not check it, and he would naturally have a "papapa" meal.

At that time, he can take advantage of the imagination and eliminate the hidden dangers downstairs in one fell swoop.

Vivian also had her small abacus without firing, but her small abacus apparently did not arrive at Liu Zilang so out of order.

At this moment, she was also aggressive.


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