Kar98K Upon Touchdown!

Vol 2 Chapter 702: Life and death at your fingertips, wilderness car god!

No one else in the jeep,

It is Karl of SKK.

The reason he found Liu Zilang was because he and Liu Zilang were both stuck in the circle from that direction.

It was just that Karl's choice was a high point on the slope, where the view was wider, and Karl was ready to be beaten.

But with the jeep as a bunker, Karl has the confidence to take the other one step before the other kills him!

Next, the poisonous circle shrank, and some people started to enter the circle outside the safety zone. Karl saw that Hunting was happy, and was about to do his best.

Soon, he frowned suddenly and found that things were not so simple.

Many of those who came in from outside the circle just pulled the mirror and pulled it over, and the other side fell to the ground.

Seeing this scene, Karl did not know where someone was robbing himself of business.

But at first Karl didn't think too much, he grabbed it, everyone had their own skills.

But when he found out that this man's marksmanship was extremely accurate, and he specially made up those who had been disabled by himself.

Looking at id again, it is Liu Zilang.

At this moment, Karl couldn't bear it.

So in the following time, he stopped firing and looked for the position of Liu Zilang with all his heart.

Hard work pays off.

Karl, through a series of meticulous observations, finally found that Liu Zilang was hiding in the toilet near the safety zone below.

He wanted to sneak in, but he thought it was too slow.

Seeing the other party playing well,

Karl simply let go, he turned and drove directly on the jeep, and ran straight across.


Right now.

Seeing that the distance between the two sides is close at hand,

The next moment, Liu Zilang will be hit by a person with a toilet.

Many viewers in the domestic livestream could not help but take a breath.

What a bulldozer!

Especially the wave of Liu Zilang's reaction in the toilet made everyone silent for a while.

"It's cold! It's cold! This wave of vi is too big."

"I guess this guy is playing too much, thinking that he is surrounded by copper and iron walls."

"Karl is also big-hearted. He actually hit the car directly and never expected to encounter vi with a bigger heart."


When the audience in the domestic live broadcast room could not bear to watch, Liu Zilang did not try to run out from the side door of the toilet.

Because the jeep came from that direction,

If others do that,

It's like sending yourself to Jeep's face.

As life hangs on the line,

I saw him suddenly pick up ak, facing the wooden wall behind him was a burst of wild shooting!

"Oh ... vi this is ..."

"He wants to break through the wall from behind!"

"But it's too late! The car is here!"

Accompanying Ruofeng's exclaimed voice!

I saw the whistling jeep crashing into a wild cow with a destructive momentum!

Suddenly, the wooden wall of the toilet was like a piece of paper.

Half of his body rushed out and Liu Zilang saw that he was "zero distance" from the front of the Jeep, and it seemed that he would be hit in the next moment!

But at this moment,

Liu Zilang suddenly disappeared out of thin air!

Karl was startled, thinking that Liu Zilang rushed out from behind, and quickly threw his head.

The next moment, hearing only a loud bang, the jeep crashed into a motorcycle!

On the motorcycle, he was riding alone.

This is not who else Liu Zilang is!

This motorcycle was parked behind the toilet when he just entered the lap.

It turned out that just at the moment of crisis, Liu Zilang knew instantly that even if he rushed out, he could not escape the bad luck of being hit.

However, he quickly moved his mind and thought of the happy motorcycle behind him, so this scene broke through the wall from behind.

Seeing this sudden scene, the audience at the scene and the live broadcast could not help but stay, they did not expect that at such a critical moment, Liu Zilang could have come up with such a method to escape the disaster.

Karl on the field was also shocked, but soon his eyes flickered!

Because even then, Liu Zilang's side is still passive.

To be precise, it is very passive!

Under the camera lens, I saw that Jeep rushing at high speed did not stop after hitting the motorcycle.

Instead, I stepped on the accelerator at my feet, like an "old man pushing a cart", and rushed forward on the grass!

嗤嗤嗤 —!

A harsh tire friction sound was stretched!

At this moment, Liu Zilang, who was standing in front of the car, can be said to be riding a tiger, because once he jumped out of the car, he was mostly run over by two cars.

Seeing this, he gritted his teeth and simply pulled up the motorcycle's throttle!

Buzz—! Buzz—! Buzz—!

The roaring engine sounded!

The two tires of the motorcycle began to rub against the ground, and there seemed to be a little looseness in the two workshops!

Seeing this, Karl couldn't sit still immediately.

I saw him cut from the driver's seat to the second position very quickly, shot out the window and fired.

At the same time, with no people in the driver's seat, the speed naturally slowed down.

However, the front of the motorcycle and Jeep were stuck together, and Liu Zilang's acceleration was not able to break free immediately.

Seeing that the other side raised his gun to shoot, although the road was bumpy and unsteady, he did not dare to carelessly at this distance.

But at this time the car has not stopped,

It's not wise to get out of the car.

In a moment of life and death,

Liu Zilang suddenly had an idea!

I saw him suddenly shooting at the other side, suddenly all seats, changed to the back seat of the motorcycle.

Karl quickly pulled the crosshairs, but was unexpectedly blocked by the jeep's frame, and a series of fires flew!

But Karl is also adaptable.

As soon as the gun line was blocked, he quickly cut from the second position on the right to the third position on the left, and leaned out again to shoot out the gun!


Liu Zilang quickly cut to the front seat.

But this time Karl's change was too sudden, he still had two blood flashes on his body, and his blood was suddenly half empty.

Just over Karl is preparing to replay the trick.

But I never thought that when Liu Zilang was switching seats, he burned a burning bottle out of his bag.

When he switched to the motorcycle second position again, he shook his hand and poured it into the jeep.

Water Heat Falk?

Karl always boasted that the gentleman Sunshine couldn't help swearing at this moment. He never expected that Liu Zilang had such a thing.


The burning bottle was thrown into the car instantly!

It burst instantly, and the raging fire spread in the car instantly!


Karl's body suddenly hit him ~ www.readwn.com ~ scared him to jump off the car quickly, but fortunately, the speed has now dropped, so this time the jump has not dropped much blood.

Nevertheless, Karl, like a fire man, was burned too badly!

Next, after the car slid forward a certain distance, as soon as it stopped, Liu Zilang jumped out of the car and immediately raised the gun behind the car.

You know, Karl is jumping in the middle of the road, and there is no cover at this time, and he can just take the opportunity to beat it!

Unexpectedly, he had just fired a gun, his back was cold and he was shot by a stray bullet from somewhere.

Liu Zilang had been beaten half-blooded, but this time it turned red directly.

He couldn't help but wonder ...

not good!

Someone attacked!


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