Kar98K Upon Touchdown!

Vol 2 Chapter 708: Grass snake gray line, fuyan 0 miles!

G town housing district.

The window of a small two-story building.

Shen Zeyan was holding a kar98k, and the octoscope was locked in the smoke. Because he didn't hold his breath, his crosshair seemed to shake slightly at this time.

He and his gun ... were silent.

Just then, something suddenly burst out of the smoke.

Shocked for a moment!

I saw Shen Zeyan's eight-fold mirror crosshairs, as if the serpent uttered a letter, and suddenly pounced towards a certain point in the smoke.


The crisp gunshots sounded!

The fireworks spewed, and a sniper bullet suddenly cut through the sky, screaming away!

From the first perspective of the director Shen Zeyan, the audience and commentary on the scene have not yet responded.

I saw a sudden burst of blood in the smoke, and it seemed that something had fallen to the ground.

The next moment ...

A kill prompt appears at the top right of the screen.

"Ig-olves killed skk-vivian with kar98k!"


Seeing this incredible blind shot, countless viewers on the spot and between the live broadcast suddenly became an uproar!

"My horse and duck! This blind snipe ... lie?"

"Fuck, you can hit this shot!"

"Look at Ze Shao's expression quickly. Is this too calm?"

"Ze Shao: Ji Cao, don't be six, just sit and watch!"

"Xiu Xiu Xiu! Ze Shao's shot really looks like this baby can't hold his legs together!"

"It's just that although Vivian wasn't full of blood, but the blood volume is quite high? Ze Shao's 98k shot is not a headshot.

"I'm wondering, too. Is it what hit me?"


I have to say that the audience on the barrage in the live room is often very spiritual.

Soon, the playback footage from the director was given out.

Big screen under God perspective.

I saw smoke and various obstacles blocking the line of sight, such as the room area, all disappeared, and the two on the field were all in the eyes of everyone.

However, at this time, everyone found that after Shen Zeyan's shot blasted out, it seemed that Vivian in the smoke really burst out a striking blood on his head!

Is it a kill bug?

But soon, Su Changming on the commentary stage frowned and shook his head, "No, right! Not the head, but the neck!"

Just then, the director's camera zoomed in, giving Vivian a close-up shot that fell to the ground in the smoke.

When everyone saw this, they could not help but took a sigh of air-conditioning. As a matter of fact, as Su Changming said, a huge bullet hole appeared on the floor of Vivian's neck!

Rongye could not help but smile bitterly, "Although Ze Shao did not have a headshot, it was quite accurate in a certain sense."

"I'm curious about how he hit the second shot."

If Feng touched his big nose, he couldn't help wondering, "The first shot was interpreted as Mongolian, which I believe, but if the second shot is also Mongolian, would that be too metaphysical?"

"It shouldn't be Mongolian." Rong Ye, who had just vowed that Shen Zeyan could not hit, said at this time in his mind as he recalled the scene just now:

"If I'm not mistaken, Ze Shao's shot just now should be based on Vivian's second smoke bomb to determine her position."

"I guess so."

Su Changming rubbing his chin,

"Although Ze Yan's sniper is not as flamboyant as A Lang and various sassy operations are hand-in-hand, but his style is a grass-snake gray line, and it can often perform incredible operations with small details."

Hearing the words of the two, if the wind couldn't help but take a breath, "In other words, Ze Shao just used the smoke bombs thrown by the other party to determine the position of the opponent, and also shot the other party's vital neck. ..

Neighing—! This is too incredible. "

"Hehe, this is the gap between amateur and professional." Rongye could not help but laughed and teased. "There may be many operations that sound incredible to us. These are basic operations for these top professional snipers."

"But at this position, the situation is still not optimistic."

"Well, because of this procrastination, Ze Shao is currently the slowest one in the town of G and V. The most important thing is that his gunshot has just exposed himself, so wait for the resistance to enter the circle It's really not that big. "

"Well? There is already a personal state-of-the-art circle over the v-cheater, oh! It's vi!"

With the exclamation on the commentary stage, the director's footage was quickly given to Liu Zilang.

Big screen game picture.

I saw a weird man wearing auspicious clothes, and went all the way into the circle silently.

This person is naturally Liu Zilang.

Liu Zilang's auspiciousness has been around for a long time, and he picked it up in an airdrop in Xiaoqingshan, south of the school.

But the effect has not been obvious for a long time, and sometimes even more noticeable.

But this wave, he turned into a phantom tank, silently lurking in a cluster of half-height bushes.

During this period, the director's footage was given to a person in the wheat field.

I saw the man swept across the edge of the wheat field twice while holding a quadruple mirror on the m16 after Liu Zilang squatted.

But the bushes were hidden, plus the phantom tank effect of the Geely suit.

The man looked around twice, but did not notice the trace of Liu Zilang.

Seeing this scene, everyone could not help but look at each other.

You need to know that this is not "e-sports does not require eyesight", because that person is not someone else just now, it is the main god-level player satan called the "Evil King True Eye"!

After being “qualified” by players of this level, no problem was found, then Liu Zilang can really be said to be quite hidden at this time.

One and a half minutes passed quietly.

The surrounding poisonous ring suddenly shook, and continued to spread and devour the last piece of pure land in the middle of the map.

At this point is already the penultimate circle on the field, this wave of poison damage naturally need not be said.

And when the poisonous circle began to shrink, it seemed to sound some kind of horn!

The people on the edge of town G and the trenches of V quickly hurried to the Eight Immortals to cross the sea, each showing their magical powers.

The pavement of smoke, the throwing of thunder, and the thunder throwing thundered like a rush to the safe area.


Da Da Da!

Just a blink of an eye ...

The sound of gunfire on this edge was even connected, and the northwestern part of the entire safe area was completely chaotic!

Liu Zilang squatting in the grass looked at the fire behind him. He felt itchy hands and wanted to try to fire a few shots.

But he knew better that he couldn't bear it, but he was messy. He was now perfectly concealed, but it was hard to say when he fired.

By that time, those who were exposed to the safety zone were out of sight ~ www.readwn.com ~ and there was no shelter around.

This is undoubtedly putting yourself in danger.

Therefore, at this time, Liu Zilang resisted the restlessness in his heart and kept hypnotizing himself.

I am a tree.

a tree...

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps behind him, Liu Zilang carefully pulled the perspective and turned to look.

I saw a man holding a gun, looking all the way to the west, wandering straight towards himself.

At this moment, Liu Zilang couldn't help being stupid!

This Nima ... isn't it? !!

Don't come over!

I'll call if you come again!


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