Kar98K Upon Touchdown!

Vol 2 Chapter 717: 1 See Vic by mistake

Looking at the figures at the airport, the three commentaries on the stage were also on the spot, and opened their mouths slightly.

"Vic really wants to jump to the airport? This is too risky, this game is like" airports "in the place of" destiny. "

"Well, we can see that the players at the airport are all behind the previous two games. If you want to fight in the last game, the bike will become a motorcycle, and the game will be very chaotic."

"In contrast, except for the satan who chose port G, the top ten players are in a safer place, because they know that the competition for the first-level resource point in this game will be fierce, and it is easy to have a box reaction."

"Well, after all, many players are just behind in the ranking, which does not mean that their strength will be much worse than others, so everyone can avoid it, but does vic really want to land directly at the airport? I remember him before Tried a jungle game near the airport? "

"Oh! The airport is right! Vic flew directly overhead!" Ruofeng's exclamation immediately caught everyone's attention.

The two people who were analysing and guessing on the stage couldn't help but stunned, and then smiled wryly.

The audience on the spot and between the live broadcast also stared at the game screen along with the director's footage. I wondered how Liu Zilang would die at the airport during this game?



Before Liu Zilang landed,

I kept thinking that way.

But when he straight down from the top, he searched all the way, and finally looked at a revolver and a crossbow on his body.

this moment,

Liu Zilang's heart is broken

The director needs to take control of the overall situation, and naturally the shot cannot be given to Liu Zilang.

However, in the early stage of the game, the airport was undoubtedly a resource point where the fighting broke out fiercely.

Big screen game picture.

The director just caught a wave of fighting in the second building of C-shaped, and a wave of s12k from pr0phie player from the ghost of "North American ghost" ghost, took away ts player aipr holding ak suddenly.

"Hey! Everyone is really dripping in this game!"

"Well? Isn't vic also at the airport? Why haven't you seen his killing screen?"

"This is colder than it would be"

"No, shouldn't this guy get up?"


Everyone saw that the airport was so lively, but there was no news of Liu Zilang, and they couldn't help but be confused.

At this moment, everything of the director's footage was given to Liu Zilang on the elevated side.

After seeing the things in Liu Zilang's hands, the crowd couldn't help but burst into laughter immediately.

"Revolver! This equipment is bad!"

"This face is okay. Is it true that Vic has been possessed by McRae and Hanzo in this game?"

Everyone off the court was teasing.

In the picture, I saw a spiral ladder on the side near the c-shaped building suddenly climbing up.

At this point Liu Zilang was running towards the spiral ladder on that side, and it seemed that he wanted to search there.

But if he continued to move forward, it was bound to collide with the man who climbed up from the spiral ladder.

Look again at the id of the person who climbed from the spiral ladder, and everyone at the scene couldn't help but be stunned again!

Because that person is not someone else,

It was Billy King who was slashed by Liu Zilang in the first game today in R City. I did not expect that the two met again in the third game.

"Oh, this is really a fate, I didn't expect the two to meet again."

"I don't think it's strange. In the first game, Billy got the chicken in the opposite direction and almost didn't get a point. In the second game, he only made the top ten.

"So if he wants to compete for the first place, he must fight for the last match. In this way, the airport is undoubtedly the best choice."

"Well, speaking of the strength of billy in this World Championship, it can definitely be ranked in the top ten. The reason why it is now like this is because of encountering vic."

"And this game has been encountered again, but this time, I feel that billy may take time to run. The vic equipment can kill people, but it does not have too much lethality."

While talking on the stage, the distance between Liu Zilang and billy on the elevated platform was getting closer and closer.



Almost at the same time, the two heard each other's voices and could not help but stop.


Liu Zilang's body flickered, squatting behind an iron pillar in front of him, and watching the direction of the spiral ladder vigilantly.

On the spiral ladder.

Billy's body fell slightly.

He chose to jump to the airport in order to fight for the final strongest solo king with high kills just like Liu Zilang.

So there was no tension on his face at this time, but his eyes were full of familiar heat.

One step, two steps

Billy hugged the 4 in his hand and slowly touched the position of the spiral staircase. He glanced at the probe very quickly, and then quickly retracted.

The next moment, he could not help but hesitate.

You know, although the pillars on the elevated can be used as shelter, they can't cover too much.

Just a moment ago, Billy saw the huge crossbow behind the opponent clearly.



Billy licked his lips, his eyes flashed with excitement, and raised the 4 in his hand.

The next moment, he suddenly got up very quickly from the entrance of the spiral staircase, and shot wildly at the other side.


The fire snake spit, and the bullet blasted away like a torrential shower. While emitting a jingle of metal vibrato, it also splashed a dazzling Mars.

Shake it!


Just then, a sudden gunshot sounded, and there was a flash of light behind the iron pillar, and a bullet burst out from the flashlight.

As soon as Billy's gun line passed, the other side retracted behind the post.

At the same time, I only listened to the sound of "噗嗤", and he could not avoid the sudden scarlet blood on his shoulder.

This gunshot is a revolver! !! !!

Crossbow and revolver?

Prey seems to be getting more and more interesting

After Billy reacted, the look in his eyes after looking at the pillar couldn't help getting hotter!

He put a bandage at the entrance of the spiral ladder ~ www.readwn.com ~ and poked his body again to observe it, and then quickly retracted.

Because he suddenly found that the huge crossbow behind the opponent behind the pillar was gone.

In this case, naturally, there is only one possibility, and that is that the other party is holding it.

Have you used a crossbow?

Billy's heart is eager to try. Although he wants to experience the opponent's "Archery", the damage of the crossbow is different. Even if he is full of blood, he may be spiked.

In the final match, Billy naturally did not allow himself to make any mistakes.

Soon, a round grenade slipped out of his palm, and he sighed with regret.


My little sweetheart


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