Kar98K Upon Touchdown!

Vol 2 Chapter 743: 4 big chicken kings, technology shares?

The name Sloth, by itself, may not be familiar.

But if you prefix it with a prefix.


This is not familiar, for many old players of FPS can even be said to be thundering.

Break through the thousands of troops, Gao Yunyang!

Se7en's first breakthrough in Asia at the time!

At that time, it was rumored that this was a losing game, and it was necessary to go back to inherit the rich second generation of the family property. I did not expect that the rumor was actually true, so I rushed to the opponent's strength of this super-fire as a fish ball. The proper rich second generation is no doubt !!

But here comes the problem ...

Why did Sloth brush Super Vic?

Generally, this kind of super-fire when used as a fishball brush appears in the live broadcast room of the female anchor, right?

With this in mind, the audience in the live broadcast room was calm and calm, and the imagination was completely released on the barrage.

"Well, I thought it was a rich woman playing with music, but I didn't expect to be a blue man."

"Little brother is interesting, brother, isn't the rich woman pursuing too much?"

"Then Sloth suddenly gave Vic a rocket, is there any dirty PY deal?"

"Shocked! It's appalling that the world champion has been raised by his former teammates!"

"The UC shock department is full, your little brother, a little later."


Liu Zilang looked at the screen-swimming rocket and the barrage rhythm that was taken up, and the whole person was speechless for a while.

He reached out his cell phone and just wanted to ask Gao Yunyang what kind of wind he was pumping. At this moment, a new screen swipe message suddenly appeared over the gift in the live room.

"Shark Peppers are presented to the anchor Super Rocket × 7!"


"The Shark Pepper was presented to the anchor Super Rocket × 47!"


"The Shark Pepper was presented to the anchor Super Rocket ?? × 77!"

Seeing Liu Zilang's live room again appeared a local tyrant holding a super fire as a fish ball brush, many fans and water friends could not help but be a little aggressive.

"Slumped, is it another wave of super-fire combos?"

"Shark pepper? Isn't that the mysterious superpipe?"

"Is Shark Chili fancying Vic too? Is this particularly jealous?"

"I am a ghost! Today's wind is a bit hustle and bustle!"

"Don't brush Vic anymore. This comparison is too waves. Even the people who get him won't get his heart. What do you think of me?"

"The brothers in front are a bit hanging, and actually digging the wall in front of Vic."

"Is this the husband before me? It really is the greenest live room of the whole Douyu!"

"Vic: Green is in a good mood. Just be happy."


Seeing Wang Yan also following the trouble, Liu Zilang couldn't help but shame his face. He didn't oppose the gift, nor did he reject the fostering.

But when he thought that each time they brushed a rocket, half of the money fell into Douyu's purse, and he couldn't help twitching to dripping blood ...

Thinking of this, he hurriedly sent a message to the two of WeChat to let them stop.

Soon, Gao Yunyang returned the news.

"I will give you a present this time. Next time I have something, do you have to know?"

Can something happen?

Get on your brother-in-law!

Liu Zilang simply returned a message, and as soon as he put it down, the phone vibrated.

He thought it was Gao Yunyang, but when he opened it, it was Wang Yan.

"I'm not messing around. I'm helping you with the list."

"Play a list?"

"Yes, the activities of the four kings of betta fish have already come out, you can see it by refreshing the page."

So efficient?

Liu Zilang refreshed the page and it turned out that he saw a real-time leaderboard on the right side of the live broadcast room. Basically all the anchors of the Douyu platform were in it.

This list is similar to the selection of the top ten anchors of the Betta Fish Music Festival, which is supported by fans for playing for a week.

The anchors that come out at the end may not be the strongest, but the popularity and brand on the Douyu platform is definitely the highest.

However, because the event just launched tonight, many viewers didn't know it, so they mistakenly thought that Gao Yunyang and Wang Ye were jealous.

Of course, it does not rule out that you are really jealous of the wind ...

But no matter what, the Rockets are always down-to-earth, especially because many Jedi anchors are not like Liu Zilang, and there is an event planner as the "internal response".

Many Jedi anchors have just received the news and haven't had time to call on their fans.

This sudden move naturally made Liu Zilang top the list and lead the way.

And the second place opened a huge gap.

At this time, the top five Jedi anchors are Liu Zilang, 17Shou, Wei Shen, 哆 唻 A Cat (Note), and YJJ, which are basically some players with both popularity and strength.

Of course, this is only temporary, and there are other powerful anchors like Pigff who have not broadcast tonight.

When the fans mobilize when the broadcast starts, the rankings will naturally rise again.

"Four Big Chicken Kings" Liu Zilang doesn't value it very much. This stigma to him is like a cloud in the sky. He just wants to be a quiet and beautiful man in the face area.

However, fans of the live streaming platform all like to have cards, and of course I hope that the anchors they like to support have more cards, plus a wave of leading charges from Gao Yunyang and Wang Ye.

At this time, many fans of water friends spontaneously organized, some directly brushed gifts, some brushed free light sticks and fish ball support, also known as "pick up garbage".

For a while, the action was unprecedentedly powerful, and he vowed to send Liu Zilang to the top of the chicken king list and become the first card.

Wait until around 11pm.

After returning to China, Liu Zilang, who premiered for the first time, and the fans of the live broadcast finished the chat and ended the stream.

His ranking is still high on the list, and the gap with the back is widening.

Although Liu Zilang didn't care about his mouth,

But as a chicken king, his heart is still grateful for these "chicks" in the live broadcast ...


at night.

After washing, Liu Zilang put down his mobile phone on the bedside table ~ www.readwn.com ~ and jumped to bed to rest.

At this time, the screen of the mobile phone flickered.

I glanced at the caller ID and found that it was Gao Yunyang.

He couldn't help touching his chin.

This guy doesn't sleep in the middle of the night, why do you call me?

Is it long and sleepless?

Then you shouldn't find me.

There was a defamation in her heart for a while, and Liu Zilang on the bed still turned over and took the mobile phone, sliding the screen to answer the call.

As a result, the first sentence from the other party made Liu Zilang a little aggressive.

"Zhao Shao and IG are about to cancel their contract."

"Cancellation? So sudden?"

"Suddenly, he had signed with IG for a short time since Se7en left. In fact, we expired before we went to the California game, but there was a temporary shortage of people there before he left the California game."

Speaking of which, they were suddenly silent.

After a while, Liu Zi waved his lower lip, and after all he couldn't help asking, "Where is he going next?"

"I have an idea," Gao Yunyang said suddenly without a thought, "I don't know if you are interested."

"What's the idea? Come and listen." Liu Zilang said.

"I want to talk to Se7en's managers and create a second-name team."

"Second team? Se7en is not well funded, can the manager agree?"

"Well, I haven't contacted him yet."

"Where's that player? Wait, you mean ... Shao will go?"

"I haven't contacted him yet."

"I intend that the second team will only be linked to Se7en. I want to find a way to get started capital. How about your technical investment?"




(Note: the parallel world, the timeline is not based on reality, everyone must be full of vitality in the Mid-Autumn Festival (??? ω ???)

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