Kar98K Upon Touchdown!

Vol 2 Chapter 793: Group of death!

As soon as the players appeared on the stage, there was a huge noise in the surrounding auditorium!

Although this sound sounds a bit noisy, if you listen carefully, you can still identify that there are the most fans of se7en2 on the court, and the cheers are the highest, accounting for at least 60%.

In fact, this is not unreasonable.

After all, teams like 4a and 17 and ifty, although they are also well-known in the country, there are often only one or two star players in these teams.

However, se7en2 is different.

Liu Zilang, Li Muqiu and Shen Zeyan, all three of them are major anchors of top traffic on major platforms, and Shen Zeyan still has a huge "wife group" as a backup.

This time the female fan group came to the scene, the cheering shout and the male fan were not an order of magnitude at all.

As for Misaka Kotomi, she's maintained her popularity at around 500,000 when she live broadcasted in Douyu, which is considered to have entered the threshold of second-line anchors.

When this stupid apprentice came to power, she looked around and saw that someone was holding a "hera sauce? ('???`) "response card to cheer her up, couldn't help but smile, and happily put his hands on his head and compared his heart .

The director ’s footage captures this scene,

For a while, the audience in the live broadcast rooms of the major platforms saw this scene, and they could not help but froze the chicken!

"Mama! There is a young lady who is hitting me!"

"This lady is too generous, I feel like I am in love."

"Wow! Is that young lady a professional player?"

"Professional player? Is it Miss Mozi of snacke?"

"Not Mozi, this is vic's apprentice nhera sauce!"

"Unreasonable! How could Vic's crude student have a spicy and generous apprentice?"


The audience at the scene also noticed this scene, and the enthusiasm off the scene suddenly became even higher.

The three commentaries on the stage saw that they had not spoken, and the atmosphere at the scene was stimulated.

I can't help but sigh,

The mascot Aura Girl really deserves its reputation.

Otherwise, if they are replaced by them, even if they talk about it for a long time, the effect is not as good as that of Misaka Koto just now.

sjoy said with a smile, "It seems that nhera sauce is very popular. Now the twenty teams of group a and group b in our match today have all appeared. They are accessing the debugging equipment and will soon bring us exciting competition."

"Well, today our group a and group b are dying for many teams."

The one on the side also looked at the team group in his hand and couldn't help but continue.

"There is no need for me to talk about Group A here. It can be said to be a strong dialogue. In addition, there are many strong teams in Group B. We can see the SSSS where 211 is located and the tyloo where Nighthawk is. These are currently ours. Popular team of the match. "

"Yes," pdd nodded, and suddenly couldn't help but said, "but I heard that there has been a dark horse team recently, it seems like it's coming very fast?"

"Oh! Shouldn't Teacher Gu want to say og?" Joy said with a smile.

"Og was divided into group c in the lottery a few days ago, and their match with group d is tomorrow."

Having said that, Joy paused and continued, "Speaking of which the team's recent momentum is indeed a bit fierce. If the training match counts, I guess they have already reached the top five at least at this time."

"Although the members of this team have undergone a major blood exchange, I feel that it is also our popular team for pcpi this time."

At this moment, the one who was on the side just shook his head suddenly, "Do I think so?"

Hearing good words, everyone on and off the stage could not help but look at him.

Fortunately, it didn't sell anything, and soon continued, "I don't deny the strength of og, but this time there are too many powerful teams in our 40 pcpi teams."

"Also, the training match is different from the main match. In order to prevent being penetrated by the intentional opponents, most teams will not expose their tactics and operations too much in the training match. Many teams use a relatively brutal style to touch. The details of other teams. "

sjoy nodded slightly and said thoughtfully, "I know a little bit about what you mean, that is to say, for many teams in the training match, it is only a mock exam, everyone is trying to figure it out, right?"

"Almost that." Nodded and continued, "But I have watched the video of the training match. During the training match, og exposed a lot of things. They have now aroused the vigilance of various teams. It is estimated Even the circle transfer route has been touched by other teams. "

"Then, if og's tactics are not changed and responded to in the next major test, it will be easy for some teams who are eyeing them to squat to death in the middle of the game before and after the game, so I don't like them very much. "

It ’s a good analysis, and the ppp on the side is a bit stunned. I ca n’t help but say, “It looks like the game is really different from normal times, but the little lion is still very fierce, and I am more optimistic about it.”

sjoy couldn't help but said with a smile, "It seems that it's okay to have a little disagreement with teacher 嫖 for the team og, so let's wait and see tomorrow's game. Well, let's get back to business, today's game you compare Who are you optimistic about? "

"I think 17 and tyloo are very strong." It ’s good to think without thinking. "In addition, I am very optimistic about 4a."

Hearing what he said, both Joy and the audience could not help but wonder.

You know, the biggest thing today is that the reorganized se7en second team is the right one, but it is good that the three teams that have been said in succession have no se7en2.

It seemed as if they could see the doubts of the crowd and continued with a smile, "Se7en's All-Star team today is understandable, but don't forget that they are on the bench today."

Hearing this,

Everyone could not help but startled.

After all, the four-player tournament for the Jedi survival is still very cooperative ~ www.readwn.com ~ Especially in the high-intensity competition of powerful enemies in the middle and late stages,

Once a loop disconnection occurs,

It is easy to cause a "short board effect" and even cause the entire team to die.

If Gao Yunyang is here today, se7en2 is probably the biggest hit.

But se7en2's lineup today is three starters plus a mascot substitute, which is no wonder that some are not so optimistic about se7en2.

At least in comparison, winning the championship at the California World Championships and introducing a new talented young sniper 4a, which is more optimistic.

Sjoy quickly thought about this, and couldn't help but slightly nodded, "This is a problem, but it is said that se7en2's breakthrough player, Sloth, went home to visit relatives. It is estimated that he won't return until the winner of the finals."

"It seems that in the early stages of the game, it was also a big test for se7en2."


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