Kar98K Upon Touchdown!

Vol 2 Chapter 799: You are so good!

I have to say that this "kneeling in the sky" really scared the lonely and eye-catching two people!

Especially lonely, children are still young, where have you seen this scene?

The moment I turned around,

The whole person suddenly went down.

The next moment, there was a system prompt on the screen.

"Se7en2-olves knocked down Se7en- with a Kar98k headshot!"

Seeing this prompt,

The barrage of the live broadcast rooms on various platforms could not help but explode, and fans and water friends had heated discussions.

"Wow! It ’s New Year's Eve!"

"This headshot is true!"

"Haha, Ze Shao's gun was finally washed up. Who would say that Se7en teamed illegally?"

"Wait a minute, Vic and Qiu Shen were not overwhelmed on the roof just now?"

"Who believes this? It must be acting!"

"Hey, this one is a little bit unintentional. After everyone hides from the wall, go up and try on one for me?"


On the commentary stage, Msjoy couldn't help laughing when he saw this scene, "Thanks to Ze Shao, otherwise the three of Vic will output crazy for a while ..."

"Ahem ... I don't think it can be considered a crazy output." The PDD on the side interrupted with a smile, "reasonably, this wave is at most a medium output."

"Medium output is ok."

I can't help laughing, "It's mainly because there are too many walls in the middle of the C building, and the people in the first team are so good at finding shelter."

"But Ze Shao's shot helped Se7en wash away the suspicion of team formation, but this head is a bit pity ..."

"Oh, the head was taken away in isolation."

Msjoy's words are not finished yet,

There was a crisp gunshot on the field.

When I saw Gu Cun returning to God, he directly raised the 98K in his hand and took the head without mercy.

Next, Wei Shen, who was killed, said something in his voice.

Along the side ladder of Building No. 1, the lonely and small eye-catchers who had already climbed to half of them suddenly walked.

They seemed to hesitate a bit,

However, he jumped directly from the middle of the side ladder and immediately rushed out of the airport ...

"Huh? 4AM, is this going to yo-yo?"

"Wow! Let's make a head and leave. It's too real."

"I think 4AM mainly wants to save the tinder, right? They don't want to make too much exchange in the early stage."

"Well, now the first safe zone has been brushed. It is a continental center circle centered on P City, not an airport circle, so it is also a good choice to advance in a circle."

"These two teams at the airport are now fighting between Se7en. We don't seem to think about this situation."

"Yes, the first team and the second team of the same club jump the same resource point. This is subconsciously reminiscent of a conspiracy. If we look at it now, this may already be ruled out."

"These waves of team Se7en and team 3V4, I feel that the team is a bit stuck on the garden wall in the middle of the C building."

"Oh! Vic and Qiu Shen jumped upstairs! Are they going to pull the gun line?"

This commentary was obviously wrong.

From the big-screen guide perspective,

I saw that Liu Zilang and Li Muqiu both jumped from the top of the building, and Shen Zeyan, who had already climbed to the top of Building No. 2, and Misaka Qinmei, who was still on the roof of Building No. 3.

The two of them stood up instantly from the ground, and immediately rushed into the dense bushes in the middle of the C-shaped building like two detached wild dogs.

Seeing the two players playing so fiercely, many spectators off the field were also a chicken jelly, staring nervously at the big screen.

"Fuck! Is this the War Wolf mode?"

"It seems to be a little exciting!"

"I think Vic and Qiushen have inflated! If this wave is overcast, it will be fun 2333."


During the game, Li Muqiu squinted and squinted Liu Zilang, who was holding SKS with him,

He couldn't help laughing.

Obviously, in the face-to-face close range, the SKS in Liu Zilang's hands was obviously not as good as the S686 or UMP9 in his hands.

Let your ya black me outfit!

Li Muqiu thought indignantly!

At this moment, he seemed to have seen Liu Zilang accidentally stumbled in his eyes.

Then kneeling howling picture ...

But with YY in his mind, he was not too worried about whether Liu Zilang would be replaced.

After all, Shen Zeyan and Misaka Kotomi were firing guns on it. If he was replaced in this case, Li Muqiu could only mourn for him ...


The sound of gunfire suddenly came!

A spirit in Li Muqiu's mind reacted very quickly—the sound of gunfire came from Liu Zilang.

In the bushes.

Se7en's team, who replaced Li Muqiu's assaulter 90god, saw that Liu Zilang in front of him actually came over with an SKS, and Wei Yan's eyes flashed!

Hehe, dare to take the SKS and rush his face ...

You are so good.JPG

And at this time the big screen guide?

At the moment when the grass was shaking obliquely in front of him, the long SKS in Liu Zilang's hands seemed to come alive, and the gun shot out in a flash!


Huh! Huh! Uh ...!


Violent and hastily automatic fire,

The SKS burst fire was almost approaching, and there was a clear gunshot on the top of Building No. 2!

At the moment when 90god held the AK and fired ~ www.readwn.com ~ Liu Zilang and Shen Zeyan on the top of the building reacted almost indiscriminately, but Shen Zeyan's shot that was necessary was empty.

Because at the moment when his 98K child popped out of the chamber, 90god's neck and chest and abdomen burst out a few bursts of blood!

In the damage mechanism in the survival of the Jedi, the neck is the second most important part of the head.

Therefore, at the moment when he fired three shots, 90god fell to the ground weakly, and Shen Zeyan was naturally empty.

no way!

Liu Zilang is too fast!

Almost indescribable!

Theoretically, he uses SKS's maximum rate of fire, which is about 17 rounds per second.

Then convert it,

In three consecutive shots, it took Liu Zilang only 0.35 seconds to fire all the shots!

This is no longer a spike ...

This is triple the spike!

At this moment, the 90god, who is kneeling down, is like being poured into a basin of cold water by several cold winters, and the whole person looks a little aggressive!

A kind of thick unwillingness rises in my heart ...

The next moment, he shouted subconsciously in the team chat voice, "Hurry up! I'm playing this cripple, almost! Make up!"

Of course, if he can see Liu Zilang's blood volume at this time, I am afraid there will be nothing unwilling.

Because of the shuttle bullet that he fired,

Except for the damage caused by the first shot, the bullets in the back are almost all ineffective damage, so Liu Zilang's health is naturally not that simple.

But in fact, even if Liu Zilang was really bad, the two members of the Se7en team were also at a loss.

Can't come over to make up a shot.

Because they already had a fire with Li Muqiu.


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