Kar98K Upon Touchdown!

Vol 2 Chapter 811: The tacit understanding of Gemini!

Big screen game picture.

Countless spectators off the field widened their eyes, and watched in horror as the two of SnakeTC jumped downstairs one after another, like a gust of wind, with strong and agile hands.

However, in the eyes of everyone in the scene from the perspective of God, the two seem to be a bit dead, and they are in a hurry to reincarnate ...

After the fence next door to the fake garage, Liu Zilang and Li Muqiu squatted there.

Seeing the two who suddenly jumped from the upper floor, Li Muqiu almost laughed in his heart after a moment's sleep.

This special meow is the SEAL!

Although Liu Zilang was an action planner, he obviously did not expect that the other party would jump straight down.

But these are not important at this time.

Da da da-!


The two men raised their muzzles directly, and they shot at SnakeTc who jumped off the second floor platform.

Rui and P13 did not expect to be killed,

Obviously the car was still on the mountain, and they responded almost as soon as they found it.

But someone on the other side actually touched it.

For a while, the two could not help but be caught off guard, and the short rigidity of the landing made them unable to fight back.

"Se7en2-Vic knocked SnakeTC-Rui down with MK14!"

"Se7en2-Vic knocked down SnakeTC-P13 with MK14!"

In an instant, they were easily brought down.


Li Muqiu was happy for a while.

But he glanced at the top right of the screen, but the smile at the corner of his mouth suddenly froze.

"Shit! Why is it your head?"

Seeing Bai Xi's head slipping away from his hand, he couldn't help asking.

Whoever knocked the enemy down in the fourth volleyball match is head, so at this time even if Li Muqiu made up the two, the two heads in this wave are still Liu Zilang.

"No way." Liu Zilang smiled indifferently when he heard what Li Muqiu said.

Ah, Ye Gao is bold. Have you heard of it? "

Li Muqiu: ...

Labor and capital have never seen such a brazen person!

But this is not the time to struggle with this,

Although SnakeTC has a female player Mo Zi, but the strength of the league is also considered to be middle and upper.

As soon as the next two teammates encountered an unexpected event, they quickly reacted.

咻咻 咻 ——!

The bullet poured down from the roof on the third floor.

Liu Zilang and Li Muqiu quickly drew their guns, and the two squatted back against the wall.

All of a sudden, a round of bullets hit the wall behind them like raindrops.

And if this wave was not reminded by Liu Zilang in time, Li Muqiu, who was trying to reprimand Liu Zilang, would have collapsed.

However, at this time, they saw Liu Zilang and Li Muqiu approaching each other to bring them down.

Shen Zeyan on Xiaoqingshan stepped on the accelerator at his foot and rushed down from above.

Host the commentator.

"This wave of SnakeTC is a bit careless. It was knocked down by Se7en2 as soon as we played. How can this be beaten?"

"I don't think SnakeTC can be blamed. The enemy is too cunning."

"Yes, after all, who would have thought that Vic and Qiu Shen had touched the point a long time ago, which is not in line with the logical thinking of normal people."

"Yes, now all four of Se7en2 have come up. It seems that SnakeTC's situation is a bit difficult."

"In this case, the teammates downstairs could not be saved at all. Although the defenders occupied the land, the Se7en2 siege by four people must be the latter."

Behind the fence next to the fake garage.

After a wave of sharp and violent bursts ceased, Liu Zilang and Li Muqiu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking up at the two men upstairs, Liu Zilang's eyes rolled around, and he immediately approached Li Muqiu,

"Lao Qiu, didn't you say there was no head?"

"So ... I won't grab you two upstairs, let's go up together, both for you!"

"Do you think you're stupid?"

Li Muqiu gave him a scornful look.

Liu Zilang wasn't bothered, just hey he smiled, "then you have to think clearly, when the next Xia Ze comes, who the head is, it's hard to say."

Shen Zeyan heard Liu Zilang tell him something, his face was still expressionless, but Misaka Komi on the car faintly felt that the speed seemed to speed up suddenly.

Hearing Liu Zilang's words, Li Muqiu's face could not help but appear a tangled color.

But he has a quick personality,

Not to mention hesitant people.

After tangling for a second and a third, Li Muqiu gritted his teeth, "Done! Go!"

"Wise choice!" Liu Zilang praised him.

The next moment, while the two were on the rooftop, they were attracted by Shen Zeyan who drove up the hillside.

Liu Zilang and Li Muqiu quickly crossed the low wall and rushed in through the front door of the fake garage.

When he went upstairs, Li Muqiu deliberately slowed down and was behind Liu Zilang.

But Liu Zilang didn't seem to care, and took the lead with a young girl control.

Looking at Liu Zilang's **** in front, Li Muqiu couldn't help thinking about it in secret.

In this wave of death, you die first!

Lord, I will never die!


哐 当 —!

The fence near the **** of the fake garage suddenly heard a collision between the car's head and the wall. When Shen Zeyan and Misaka Qinmei successfully cut to the nearest point, Liu Zilang and Li Muqiu also touched the second floor door.

The door is closed.

Li Muqiu quietly shrank back, and set his sights on Liu Zilang.

However, Liu Zilang didn't seem to realize that when he saw him, he was one. After opening the door, he took the lead in charge!

Li Muqiu was happy, and quickly followed.

Because Liu Zilang and Li Muqiu were in a hurry, they didn't take a quiet step along the way. In this case, the SnakeTC on the top of the building would naturally not be unaware.

In fact,

Liu Zilang and Li Muqiu just entered the door.

On the stairs leading to the third floor from the second floor of the fake garage, two figures were imprinted into their eyes, followed by the intense fireworks spraying from the muzzle!

咻咻 咻 —!

In this case of pre-emptive shooting, Li Muqiu and Liu Zilang had no time to respond.

Between the flashes of fire, they were shot out of the door by a round of fire.

What I have to say here is,

Fortunately, the two have cooperated for many years, and the tacit understanding still exists at the critical moment.

Otherwise, if they get stuck at the door, the two of them will really be cold ...

"Wow! This wave is so dangerous!"

"It is indeed the Se7en Gemini of the year. The reaction and tacit understanding of Vic and Qiushen did not have to say ~ www.readwn.com ~ Well, it seems that the two of SnakeTC are here to seize Se7en2."

"I think this is a good choice. If you put everyone up, they only take up a rooftop and fight too much."


Behind the door on the second floor, Liu Zilang and Li Muqiu put out bandages after they pushed out the door.

Seeing that Shen Zeyan and Misaka Ginmi were about to come, Li Muqiu, who was ashamed, came up and pulled a grenade backhanded behind Liu Zilang.

Hemp eggs!

Labor and capital killed you a turtle grandson!

However, the moment he dropped his grenade!

The horrifying scene is over!


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