Kar98K Upon Touchdown!

Vol 2 Chapter 829: After the age of chicken king!

Msjoy exclaimed on the commentary stage!

"My God! Vic did it! He actually saved the autumn **** with a motorcycle!"

At the same time, the barrage of the live broadcast rooms of the major platforms also exploded!

"Wow! This is too cool!"

"Thick line! The legendary Force Moto is thick!"

"My favorite person is a Gabriella. One day he will ride a black motorcycle to rescue me. No, the old man's girl's heart is blown!"

"Well, it is indeed the best magic engine in the world!"

"Wait! Is it really a coincidence? Wabuxin!"


It's a coincidence that I'll leave it alone.

The start of a game was less than three minutes, but Li Muqiu experienced ups and downs twice in life.

At this moment, he stared blankly at Liu Zilang braking suddenly, feeling that his breathing was about to stop!

on purpose!

This guy is definitely intentional!

He must have been on time, and he wanted to come and scare himself.

However, even with such malicious speculations, Li Muqiu was full of ecstasy of regaining a new life.

"Save me, save me!" Li Muqiu stared at Liu Zilang and sent out an affectionate call.

At this time, Liu Zilang, who pulled out Li Muqiu from the abyss of death, should reasonably stop the car and lift Li Muqiu, and then the two of them got on the car and left.

Condor Heroes, extinct rivers and lakes.

However, Lu Xun said that things in this world are not justified.

For example, a motorcycle can fly Jeep, and then Liu Zilang at this time.

He missed the blood strips and half of Li Muqiu,

Instead, he glanced at the direction of the man who had just fallen to the ground, and rushed on his motorcycle!

QG is here.

Unexpectedly, Leee was overthrown by his own Jeep and was kneeling on the ground to press ...

Just then, he suddenly heard a familiar engine sound coming from the front and couldn't help turning his head.

I get a grass!


Don't come over!

Life and death were in danger, and Leee, like a little piglet waiting to be slaughtered, hurriedly crawled up on the ground.

However, Liu Zilang's car was like a knife, and it was accurately tied around his neck.

simply! neat!

"Se7en2-Vic drove QG-Leee to death!"

Seeing that his teammates were suddenly replenished, Fei Fei rolled a few laps like a king with four feet on the sky, and the three on the jeep upside down the road also quickly jumped off the car.

Because they found out that the other side had no gun.

But after seeing that the other party replaced Leee, the three suddenly realized a problem.

Leee has a gun.

Leee's gun is his gun!

At this moment, how could the three unarmed people who turned over the driver not run?

Under the screen of the big screen.

I saw QG's three people jumping from the car, like prey being artificially put into a hunting ground, and panicked and ran!

At this moment, the hunter naturally picked up Liu Zilang, one after another, and pushed the sniper bullets one by one after picking up the 98K puller in the box.

The next moment, Liu Zilang picked up the 98K in his hand and turned on the camera!

But at this moment, Msjoy on the commentary could not help but be surprised, "3 bullets? Is there no more bullets?"

This guess is obviously unrealistic.

You need to know that the 7.62mm bullet used by 98K has at least 15 rounds, and Lee just fired two shots.

So as long as the physical education teacher teaches well, everyone clearly knows that there are at least 10 rounds in the box!

Just then, the PDD on the side suddenly took a breath and said in a low voice,

"I think ... maybe because the other party had only three people, so Vic licked only three bullets."

Hearing the words of PDD, not only Msjoy on stage, but also the countless spectators in the audience and in the live studio were also shocked!

There are only three of them.

So only three bullets are needed.

This is a simple arithmetic problem that can be calculated even if the math is taught by a health teacher.

However, in the survival of the Jedi, this is not an arithmetic problem that ordinary people can access.

It is an arithmetic problem that belongs to "King the King".

"Ah! My eyes are so dazzling!"

"Let's run! Vic will start pretending to be hot!"

"Excuse me, is this the live broadcast room where the face value King Vic?"

"No! Go!"

"Can't stand the birds, is this Nima too confident, does it imply that a child is shot?"

"I like to pretend, right? Let it go. If he can shoot one, he will broadcast the manhole butterfly stroke!"


In game games,

Liu Zilang did not think so much.

His prodigal Liu never pretends in his life. The reason why this wave only has three rounds of bullets is because the three rounds of bullets occupy exactly one space.

He naturally picked it up.

If someone asks,

He would still say the same.

As for why the three bullets occupy a single cell, this is not Liu Zilang's concern at this time.

After raising his gun, he squinted slightly.

The eyelet of the camera aimed at the head that kept shaking when one of them ran.


The crisp body sounded!

At this distance, the 98K bullet speed has exceeded the speed of sound.

So there was a shot.

If you win, you win, if you miss, you miss.

There is no possibility of listening to the gun.


An exclamation from the commentary!

Under the director's camera, a head of blood suddenly burst out of the head of a person who ran towards the reservoir toward the northeast, and his body leaned forward and fell to the ground suddenly.

"Se7en2-Vic knocked down QG-ShenS with a Kar98K headshot!"

Seeing that the teammate who ran with himself was really hit by that man, and was still knocked down by the headshot.

At this moment, there were two QGs in the heart that said "the opponent's marksmanship should not be so accurate." Fortunately, at the same time, the whole person was a little bit better!

"What to do?" One asked.

Another hurriedly said, "What else can you do? Hurry up and find a shelter!"

After speaking, the two continued running towards City Y without looking back.

Looking at the back of the two teammates,

Shens, who had just been knocked down by Liu Zilang, said "don't care about me" as if it was stuck in his throat.

Hemp buy batch! !! !!



After one shot,

Liu Zilang pulls the bolt to change bullets and aim again!


Another shot!

Seeing this terrifying scene, the audience around the venue was also shocked!

"My God! Are these monsters only eyes?"

"Don't blow or black, Vic's sniper feeling is Asia's fourth largest peak sniper god!"

"This is the famous all-around king than before. Are you kidding when you are the most personal player?"

"The last one is left now, my God, can this wave really shoot a kid?"

The goals of everyone on the field are all in one place ~ www.readwn.com ~ The world focuses on him!


Push the last bullet into the barrel,

Liu Zilang quietly aimed at the figure who was about to run toll station in city Y.

One second ...

Two seconds ...

Three seconds ...

He did not shoot.

Behind Li Muqiu's voice came, "Don't hit if you can't hit, come and save me, labor and capital will be cold!"

Hearing what he said, Liu Zilang turned suddenly.

Everyone could not help but see it!

What the hell?


Unexpectedly the next moment, he saw a prodigal son suddenly turn around and shoot out like a dragon!


Without warning ...

The fire flashed in the muzzle, and the last sniper bullet burst out!

噗嗤 —!

The bullet hits the body,

There are no headshots in the picture.

However, the last person of QG who had already run to the toll gate of Y city entrance was suddenly stunned.

One fell to the ground.

"Se7en2-Vic killed QG-PpP with Kar98K!"

Three bullets!

three people!

Especially the last irritable look back at the moon, it also makes people feel a scalp exploded!

"My dear grandpa, this is my spy!"

"The gun should have hit the neck just now, but this special meow is too good ?!"

"Vic, this is a real show! You've spent all this time talking about it."

"It's done! Fighting fish has no more beauty chicken, only beauty has the king!"

"See the King!"

"Where's that big breasted boy in the dung pit butterfly swimming, do you need swimming trunks? Thirty-one, one-three!"

"..." 8) More exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading school

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