Kar98K Upon Touchdown!

Vol 2 Chapter 851: Dual wield battle!

Hearing Liu Zilang's words, Li Muqiu, who was rushing down, was also a bit stunned!

"Don't slip away ... love?"

He learned how Liu Zilang was called, but his voice sounded a little trembling.

He just said casually.

After all, since a pair of a yellow eggs were opened, most of the remaining ones were dog jerseys or the like.

However, Li Muqiu never expected to be a word in his language.

After a short stint, Li Muqiu immediately turned his face and smiled, "Oh! Hmm! Let me give you a hit. They all say that Xiaoqinmei is a koi, and I think I am the ultimate carp!"

When hearing Mu Muqiu's words, Misaka Ginmi could not help lowering her head.

Unexpectedly, after hearing what he said, Liu Zilang squinted his eyes, "It's obviously my hand is red, what's the relationship with you?"

Li Muqiu just heard that she wanted to argue.

But after a while, Liu Zilang brought him over this a.

So he nodded hurriedly, "Yes, yes, yes! You are popular, come on, we wait for you."

"I want to hurry ..."

Liu Zilang glanced at the man who was still squatting behind the scrap car, and muttered quietly in his mouth.

At this time, there are more than ten seconds left in the countdown.

This wave of poison is already the fourth wave. Although it can be carried for a while, it cannot be carried for too long.

Liu Zilang looked at a in the airdrop, his eyes turned, and there was a countermeasure in his heart.

I saw that he quickly unloaded his body, and immediately equipped the a in the airdrop to the body, one by one, and pushed the Magnum bullets into the chamber.

A in front of the building.

After the car was scrapped.

Ma Niuniu is also watching the movement of Liu Zilang.

He didn't know what was in the airdrop box, but it was eager to see Liu Zilang licking so cheerfully.

In the team's voice, Da Jing's voice came, "What's wrong with you, just leave."

"It's okay. If he wants to eat poison, he should eat it first." Ma Niuniu shrugged indifferently, and then continued again.

With his mouth in his mouth, he raised his head and mumbled a bottle of drink to fill the energy bar.

Obviously, Ma Niuniu is ready to carry poison operations.

Speaking of this wave of poison, although it hurts a lot more than the previous waves, but as long as there is medicine, it will not be able to carry it.

And the reason to enter the circle in advance is that the fear is that the entry is late and the people around the circle cannot get out of the poison,

At that time, he would either slap his head against the bullet, or just kill himself in the poison outside the safe zone.

However, on the 7 side, there were Dajing and 7shu who entered the circle in advance to take over the points. After no worries, Ma Niuniu was not panic at all.

Just then, Liu Zilang suddenly flashed after the airdrop box.

"Can't squat?"

Ma Niuniu raised an eyebrow, and suddenly took heart.

Uncontrollably, I saw him suddenly stunned and shot back quickly.

as expected! ..

He just rolled away.

I only heard a dull gunshot, and at the same time, a crackling sound of "咻" sounded in my ear!

Seeing each other's tactics, a short shot, Ma Niuniu could not help but settle in his heart, and his eyes flashed brilliantly.

This is the time!

I saw him suddenly leaning back against the scrap car, holding up the sks in his hand extremely quickly.

He wanted to seize the opportunity, taking advantage of the gap between Liu Zilang's pull bolts and hit the other side by surprise!

Even if you can't kill the other person, at least you have to fight it back.

Want to slip away after taking the airdrop?

No doors!

Unexpectedly, the moment he opened the mirror!

Ma Niu Niu's pupils contracted, and his scalp was numb, which looked like thunder!

Because in his field of vision of the sks quadruple mirror, Liu Zilang was facing him with a familiar dark green snipe, the only difference was that the black and long silencer before the snipe was gone.

what happened?

Did he change the bullet so soon?

Or ... is he just bluffing?

The mind turns

Numerous speculations erupted in Ma Niuniu's mind.

Suddenly ...

Gunfire blew!


Because there is no silence, at this time a finally restored its tough and loud voice, which sounded like a spring thunder that suddenly exploded in the afternoon on spring day!

Ma Niuniu hasn't had time to think more, and hasn't had time to react and dodge.

The dark third-level head on his head burst into a horrific mist of blood!

And when he heard the faint gunfire from afar, at this time he had passed the boiler room, and the two of them who were about to enter the circle from the east of the airport could not help but stunned.

As soon as they turned their heads, Ma Niu Niu fell to the ground in shock.

"What's going on?" Da Jing couldn't help but frown slightly. "Don't you say that life-saving first?"

After all, one more person will have one more output point in the late stage of the game, and it is more likely to eat chicken.

Ma Niuniu's downsizing at this time has a great impact on the entire 7 team.

However, Ma Niuniu was shocked at the moment, as if he had not heard what Da Jing said.

He stared straight at the gray screen in front of him, and murmured in his mouth, "He ... he has two guns !!!"

"Two guns?"

Da Jing and 7shu couldn't help but hesitate, some didn't understand what he meant.

Shouldn't the two guns be normal?

In the middle and late stages of the game ~ www.readwn.com ~ Even the poorest team players will have a spare on them. It is also common to have guns and sprays.

Ma Niuniu took a breath and continued, "Two ... a!"

"Two a?" Da Jing stunned.

"The guy drove another a?" 7shu reacted, and couldn't help but grin, "This guy's luck is too good!"

The encounter was more surprising for Liu Zilang's double holding of 7 than the 7s. The three commentaries on the stage were more shocked by the wave of gun games on both sides.

"Oh! A wonderful psychological game!"

"Both players were cheating just now, but the wave of vi was obviously left behind."

"Oh, this can't be a good thing, he just had a wonderful gun. After all, who can think that vi can be lucky enough to open two a in double yolk?"

"Is this guy the son of the match for this game? But I do n’t think it looks like they were given a turn around by this safe zone ..."


There were mixed reactions in the game. In the game, Liu Zilang passed by Ma Niuniu's box and licked a drink, and soon entered the "escape mode".

Because the poison behind has been brushed over.

At the same time, Mu Qiu and Misaka Kotomi, who were rushing along the edge of the airport, also touched the edge of the safe area.

Seeing that the two people can take a few more steps to enter the lap, at this moment, a sharp and violent gunshot suddenly came from the safety zone diagonally ahead!

嗖 嗖 嗖 —!

A wave of rain broke through the air!

Suddenly, an exclamation from the commentary!

"Oh my god! It's the se7en team! The first team got the second team in poison!"


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