Kar98K Upon Touchdown!

Vol 2 Chapter 859: Go over the mountain!

Seeing this wretched operation, Liu Zilang also reacted somewhat, she was not targeting herself.

Then it may only be a personal problem. Is there any secret in this box?

Sawai Kuroko lowered his head, held the box grip with both hands, his face looked red.

Forget it.

Liu Zilang didn't think much, walked over and took the box.

Sawai Kuroko hesitated slightly, but handed the box over to Liu Zilang, just glanced at him vigilantly.

Liu Zilang laughed slightly, shaking his head calmly.

Sawai Kuroko couldn't help but notice it.

Soon, she turned her head anxiously as if she had been shown any secret, but the light of her eyes kept peeping at the box.

Liu Zilang felt more curious when he realized that it seems that this box is definitely more than just a little "commodity". & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

But curiosity turns to curiosity, and he does not peep.

He didn't dare to think about Sawai Kuroko, who had stepped back three times, without mentioning the lock on the box.


After going upstairs, Wang Yan has not yet returned home.

Entering the house, Sakai Kuroko quickly bowed in thanks and immediately took the box from Liu Zilang.

Liu Zilang saw that she was obviously relieved at the moment she took the box, but there was not much undulation on her chest.

After getting the box, Sawai Kuroko quickly recovered his dignified ladylike appearance.

His eyes were looking around, and he seemed to be looking for clues.

However, Liu Zilang stood for so many years that she naturally could not find any clues.

Misaka Ginmi blinked, and apologized glanced at Liu Zilang, worried that Liu Zilang would cause trouble. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

Liu Zilang didn't feel anything, he just shook his head with a smile.

Misaka Komi could not help but feel relieved, and then brought Sawai Kuroko to her room.

After entering the room, Sawai Kuroko lowered the box and looked around, suddenly closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, "Is this the room of Kotomi Sama?"

In the next moment, if Liu Zilang and Zhang Xiaotong were present, they might be aggressive!

I saw Sawai Kuroko suddenly jumped up and flew to the bed. He grabbed the quilt with his hands and put it on the tip of his nose, and said with a look of intoxication, "This is ... this is the taste of Kotomi sama."

That looks like a foolish man, where is the dignified lady just now.

Misaka Ginmi also hit her gently from behind, and said blushingly, "You ... Kuroko, don't be so perverted." & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>


Suzai Kuroko suddenly "chirped" and rubbed his hands with a smile, "I have more perverts!"

Immediately after she finished speaking, she jumped up from the bed, and suddenly fell on Misaka Kotomi, her face shamelessly pressed against Misaka Kotomi, and her mouth laughed strangely. It's unfair to be so short! "

"It's not fair."

Kosaka Misaki struggled with a red face.

Hearing this, Suzai Kuroko suddenly stopped his breasts, focused his attention, and said seriously:

"Neither is fair!"

Misaka Koto: ...

Pushing Sakai Kuroko away, Misaka Koto asked seriously again, "Kuroko, how many days are you going to study this time?" & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

"Kinmi sama, will someone just drive me away as soon as he arrives?" Sawai Kuroko suddenly switched modes, staring at her pitifully.

"No no."

Misaka Hiromi hurriedly waved her hands, and then a little yelled, "But this is wet home, I'm afraid ..."

"Hum, your master is a pervert!"

Sawai Kuroko poked his mouth and held his chest with both hands. "You have to be careful with him, I think he's wrong with you."

"Where are you, Kuroko? Don't talk nonsense." Misaka Koto shook her head.

Sawai Kuroko's eyes revealed a wise light, questioning, "Then why did he keep you at home?"

"Because ... because Wo can help with wet cleaning and cooking ..." Sumitsu Misaka suddenly found a valid reason.

Unexpectedly, Sawai Kuroko exclaimed, "Ah! Damn! He wants to enslave you!" & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

"What slavery ..." Misaka Kotomi was a little speechless.

"Relax Qinmei sama, I will rescue you." Sawai Kuroko chuckled twice, gradually reluctant to only use his cheeks to chest, and suddenly began to use his hands and feet and use them.

When Misaka Komori noticed it, she just felt an electric shock and couldn't help but "snive" gently.

But the next moment, she suddenly flew a handful of Sawai Kuroko flying on the bed, turning her black face and walking towards the outside.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she opened the door, she saw Zhang Xiaotong who looked like he was aggressive.

Zhang Xiaotong's face was ashamed and red, and he suddenly covered his mouth with both hands, and whispered,

"Sister Qinmei, I ... I heard it accidentally, and I wouldn't say it indiscriminately."

After speaking, she hurried back to her room. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

Looking at the back of Zhang Xiaotong, Misaka Kotomi stupidly stayed in place, and suddenly wanted to cry.


living room.

The housekeeping aunt has prepared meals.

Liu Zilang is sitting on the sand watching TV while waiting for them to settle out for dinner.

At that moment, the screen of the mobile phone that he set aside suddenly flashed, apparently it was news.

Liu Zilang hit the news, but now it is Li Muqiu.

"Have you heard?"

Liu Zilang thought that he was talking about Sakai Kuroko. Not only had he heard that the labor and capital had heard, but this guy was still in my house.

He was about to reply to the complaint, but at that moment, Li Muqiu had another news.

"Skk lost today." & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

skk lost?

Liu Zilang froze.

He did not follow up and quickly found the news of the European and American games on his mobile phone.

As pgi is a globally synchronized event, today's European and American pgi qualifiers are also the opening match, and in today's game skk only scored the second.

The second result is already good for many teams, and in fact the top ten can enter the winner group, but for a legendary fps team like skk.

In the pubg game, if you fail to eat the chicken to take the first place, you have already lost.

Liu Zilang slides the screen of the mobile phone, and now the e-sports media in Europe and the United States are scrambling to report a team called "gtiger", referred to as "gt" for short.

They boldly predicted this team's stunning three innings and two chickens on the match day, and they beat skk's performance, which is likely to make it the biggest dark horse in the pgi European and American qualifiers and the pgi global finals!

Seeing his frown slightly, Liu Zilang searched the team's information.

He soon showed that the most eye-catching performance of this team on a match day was a free man and captain named theshine from the magical country of Iceland.

After reading the information ~ www.readwn.com ~ Liu Zilang's heart gradually eased, he responded to Li Muqiu casually, and was not too surprised by the results of the European and American pgi qualifiers.

Because it is just like China is rich in top ad and South Korea is rich in top singles. In the field of fps, the most lacking in Europe and America is top genius. The fall of a dynasty is often the preparation for the arrival of a new era.

But before going over the mountain, they need to go through more than this.

Therefore, Liu Zilang was not nervous, but he felt a little wait and see.


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