Kar98K Upon Touchdown!

Vol 2 Chapter 862: Wet make up!

The next day, the sky was bright. & 1t; /

Misaka Qinmei got up early, happily came to Liu Zilang's room, pulled Liu Zilang's arm and shook it, almost shaking him off the bed. & 1t; /

"Wet up and wet!" & 1t; /

"Why do you get up so early? I'll sleep for a while." Liu Zilang rubbed his sleepy eyes, looked at the sky outside the window, and turned over to face her and continued to sleep. & 1t; /

Unexpectedly, Misaka Koto did not agree. & 1t; /

She crept up to bed, her little **** sitting on her side with her back facing her, and Liu Zilang was shaking. "Wet and wet, Xiaotong and sunspots are up, we are waiting for you." & 1t; /

She tried to "pressurize" Liu Zilang in this way. & 1t; /

Liu Zilang was shaken by her body and she almost broke up. Where can she fall asleep, she couldn't help turning around and trying to teach her. & 1t; /

Turned out unexpectedly, & 1t; /

Misaka Koto's little **** then fell through, and suddenly he sat on his abdomen. & 1t; /

what-! Oh oh oh! & 1t; /

Suddenly under such age pressure, Liu Zilang couldn't help screaming. & 1t; /

Because he was not only forced into a gun, but also almost sat out overnight. & 1t; /

Opening his eyes, he watched "Sao" jump out of bed suddenly, some blushing and standing under the bed, Misaka Kotomi. & 1t; /

Liu Zilang took a breath, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, "Come here, I promise not to kill you." & 1t; /

"Wo ... Wo won't pass!" Misaka Koto finished, and hurriedly ran towards the outside. & 1t; /

Seeing this, Liu Zilang couldn't help but speechless, and raised his head to slap himself. & 1t; /

Wrong! & 1t; /

If I knew it, I shouldn't have promised to go to Jianghai Paradise. & 1t; /

... & 1t; /

But now that he has been awakened, Liu Zilang's head is awake at this time. If he sleeps again, maybe the three of them will come in together. & 1t; /

The consequences are simply unbearable.! & 1t; /

Scratching his messy head, Liu Zilang got out of bed and put on slippers, ready to wash first. & 1t; /

However, when he stepped out of the door, he saw that the living room was empty and quiet, only a sound from the kitchen. & 1t; /

As soon as I walked to the door of the bathroom, I heard a "squeak" in my ears, but turned around but Zhang Xiaotong just got up. & 1t; /

Zhang Xiaotong was wearing the familiar koala bear pajamas, his eyes closed slightly and he was awake, his face did not wake up. & 1t; /

She shook her shoulders and walked forward, until Liu Zilang appeared. & 1t; /

However, she froze after seeing Liu Zilang and blinked with a small face on her back, looking silly. & 1t; /

Huh! & 1t; /

Liu Zilang couldn't help laughing when he saw this, he still rarely saw Zhang Xiaotong who was so dumb. & 1t; /

Hearing laughter, Zhang Xiaotong also responded. & 1t; /

After seeing the smiling Liu Zilang, she stayed blank, suddenly lowered her head and passed by Liu Zilang pretending to be nothing. & 1t; /

... & 1t; /

Before the sink. & 1t; /

Zhang Xiaotong is squeezing toothpaste in front of the mirror and looking left and right at the mirror. & 1t; /

It seemed to be wondering why Liu Zilang looked at her and laughed, thinking that he had something on his face just after getting up. & 1t; /

"Cough ..." Liu Zilang coughed. & 1t; /

Zhang Xiaotong immediately stopped looking at the mirror, and bowed his head to squeeze the toothpaste, as if to pretend he had not been seen. & 1t; /

Seeing this situation, Liu Zilang couldn't help laughing, and saw that he picked up his pink tooth cup of Peggy Page before the washstand. He could not help walking to pick up the blue tooth cup of his boar Page, and then started to squeeze toothpaste. & 1t; /

The washstand at home is not large, but it just fits two people together. & 1t; /

After being aware of Liu Zilang's movement, Zhang Xiaotong could not help but stiffen, and shrank subconsciously to the side. & 1t; /

After squeezing the toothpaste, watching Zhang Xiaotong bow his head and concentrate on brushing his teeth, his mouth was filled with white foam. & 1t; /

Liu Zilang couldn't help laughing in his heart, could not help but want to tease her. & 1t; /

So he deliberately leaned towards Zhang Xiaotong, and then learned the way of Dad, with both index fingers and middle fingers pressed together to hold the head in front of his forehead, and said that the margin line was wiped back slowly, and his mouth was vocal. Said, "It's handsome! If you don't blow, you will be the best, Jianghai is the first!" & 1t; /

puff! & 1t; /

As soon as the words fell, Zhang Xiaotong suddenly sprayed out with a smile, spraying all the foam in front of the mirror, and the toothbrush in his hand fell into the sink. & 1t; /

Seeing this, Liu Zilang couldn't help but stay. & 1t; /

Although he just wanted to tease her, he didn't expect the effect to be so significant. & 1t; /

Wait ... not right! & 1t; /

Liu Zilang suddenly turned black. & 1t; /

Hemp eggs! & 1t; /

Is that funny? & 1t; /

After Zhang Xiaotong coughed a few times, he suddenly turned his head, and the pink face glared at him dissatisfied. & 1t; /

Then she picked up the cup and refilled it, grunted and groaned, then put down the toothbrush and turned around. & 1t; /

Liu Zilang shrugged, helped her wipe the white foam on the mirror, and then washed a wave sharply. & 1t; /

However, just after washing, when I arrived in the living room, I saw Misaka Kome holding out a bowl of porridge out of the kitchen. & 1t; /

After seeing Liu Zilang, she put the porridge in front of him like a child doing something wrong, and bowed her head a little embarrassed. "Sorry for the wetness, the nest ... the nest was not intentional." & 1t; /

After sitting down, Liu Zilang snorted and squinted, "I'm not going to kill you next time." & 1t; /

After hearing Liu Zilang's words, Misaka Kotomi knew that he was no longer angry, and said with a smile, "Wet and wet, this is the porridge specially prepared for you by the nest. Quickly make up." & 1t; /

Liu Zilang looked down, and couldn't help pulling his eyes slightly. & 1t; /

It turns out that in addition to red beans and dates, there are also many red wolfberries ... & 1t; /

... & 1t; /

In a strange look, after Liu Zilang had a hard time drinking the "nutrition porridge" prepared by Misaka Kotome, several of them went back to their rooms to change clothes. & 1t; /

Thinking of opening an outdoor live broadcast today, after returning to the room, Liu Zilang thought about it and carried a bag with a charging treasure and a flexible selfie stick in it. & 1t; /

After waiting at the door for a while, the first one to come out was Kosaka Misaka, & 1t; /

This melon peel awakened Liu Zilang early in the morning and couldn't wait to play anymore. Where can I change my clothes? & 1t; /

Soon after, Zhang Xiaotong and Sawai Kuroko also stepped out one after the other. The three of them did not wear any makeup, but Sheng was lively and cute, full of youth. & 1t; /

But if you look closely, there are differences. & 1t; /

Zhang Xiaotong's dress looks like the little girl in the school, and Misaka Koto's dress is more at home, like a house girl who hasn't been away for a long time. & 1t; /

By contrast, Sawai Kuroko's dress is moving closer to Tokyo Metropolitan Girls. & 1t; /

She still has a pair of ponytails, but she wears a brown sun hat on her head ~ www.readwn.com ~ and wears a light blue dress with unknown but beautiful flowers. & 1t; /

Below is a pair of small white pointed low-heel shoes with a white bag hanging on the shoulder, which looks simple and gorgeous. & 1t; /

Of course, Liu Zilang didn't pay much attention to these. & 1t; /

After seeing the three of them arriving, he stopped a taxi and went in the direction of Jianghai Paradise in his memory. & 1t; /

While the car was driving, in the back seat, Zhang Xiaotong tinkered with his mobile phone and started the outdoor live broadcast. & 1t; /

... & 1t; /

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