Kar98K Upon Touchdown!

Vol 2 Chapter 934: Don't be afraid, Uncle is here!

"Chong Duck !!!"

Yu Misaka Koto took the lead, and was as boring as ironhead baby!

I just met each other. Before 1246, the two of them were headshot by Liu Zilang and Shen Zeyan and double AWM, and in the blink of an eye, only one person was left with combat power.

At this time, they naturally wanted to pursue.

On the commentary stage, Rong Ye said with a smile, "This wave of Vic and Ze Shao's double-sniper linkage is a bit Gay!"

"The two men in front didn't shoot when they held their breath. When the two of them showed up in 1246, they fired at the same time, and took the two without any precaution ..."

"How do you make people play?"

Da Sima, who stood aside, helplessly spread his hands. "Now Menhera sauce is leading, and the four of them directly face, if Zi Xuan can be 1V4, I will be able to broadcast it every day."

Msjoy couldn't help grinning, "Ms. Ma is too cruel, don't give Zixuan a chance at all."

"..." Dasima Wenyan's old face turned black.

As soon as the three commentators on the stage talked about Xiao Fengsheng, Misaka Kotomi had rushed to the other side.


Da da da-!

Muzzle fire flickered.

Whistling bullets shuttle back and forth!

In this wave of almost face-to-face guns, Liu Zilang helped a few guns behind him.

Relying on the strength of that iron, Yu Misaka Kotomi rashly dropped the last fire of 1246.

"Se7en2-Menhera killed 1246-zixuan with M416!"

After smashing each other, Misaka's face also flashed a little bit of mischief, and then a huge joy burst into her heart.

"Wet and wet! Wo did it! Wo killed him !!!" Niubin Misaka almost broke her hands on her hips and immediately pouted with a bun face, "Don't call Wo Jixiang ..."


She didn't finish the clinker, and there was a crisp gunshot on the field!

Without warning ...

There was a puff of blood mist bursting out of Yumi Sakamoto's head, and less than half of her blood pressure fell to the ground with a "thump".

In a hurry, Misaka Ginmi couldn't help but stay!

The words in my mouth were stuck for a while, and I felt like I was pinching my throat ...

At this point, a kill is swiped at the top right of the screen.

"4 AM-Gucun knocked Se7en2-Menhera down with a Kar98K headshot!"

He hosted the commentary.

"Oh! It's lonely! Solitary Men stole Menhera sauce!"

"Menhera sauce has no cover at this position. Is there a chance to make it up?"

等等 "Wait! Vic and Ze Shao are shooting guns, and that position is completely blocked!"

"Yes, Gu Xun knows that the other party has AWM, and dare not move! Gu Xun does not dare to move at all!"


On the stage when the commentary was performed quickly, there was a sudden burst of "嘭 嘭 嘭" bursts on the field, and the director's camera shot suddenly everything.

In the picture, I saw a location about 100 meters away from the lone existence.

A quick flash of three guns holding SKS flashed out and immediately squatted without hesitation!


As soon as he squatted, a sniper bullet from an air strike swept over his head!

"Oh! It's Wei of Karma!"

"My God Lord! Wei Shen's gun line is far away from Gu Cun!"

"This wave is really unexpected, although Vic's counterattack is, but Wei Shen seems to know that Vic is fast."

"After all, the two were old teammates before, and it is reasonable for God to know Vic very well."

没 "Yes, Wei Shen just squatted after three shots. I think it's better to be conscious than to react."

话 "Speaking of which, these three shots of Wei Shen should be able to make up Menhera sauce!"

At this time, the guide lens is switched again.

In Misaki's vision, Misaka Kotomi was not directly replaced, but she was kneeling there helplessly.

嘶 "His—! Didn't make up for three shots of SKS?"

"It shouldn't be, three shots are supposed to die, right?"

"Did Wei shot a shot with his hands shaking? 唔 ... It's possible."

"I think there is another possibility ...

It was Menhera's pan that helped her block a shot, after all, the mascot ... "


For a while, there was speculation on and off the stage, but Wei Shen and Gu Cun did not dare to show up in the game.

Because Liu Zilang and Shen Zeyan have firmly locked their positions, the reaction of the two of them and the marksmanship are basically shot guns at this distance.

Obviously Wei Wei and Gu Cun also knew this, and they didn't continue to try after they missed it.

After all, not only is Liu Zilang's team on the island, but also 17 and IG are watching, they dare not guarantee that these two teams will touch the sound of the gun just now.

But Misaka Koto's side was really guessed by Dasima.

Yun Weishen's marksmanship did not fail.

At a critical moment of life and death, the pan behind Misaka Kotomi's **** helped her to stop her shot.

即便 But even so, Misaka Koto's blood volume was crumbling, and it seemed that he would later react in a box.

"Wet and wet! Come and save the nest!"

Misaka Koto shouted pitifully, but there is still the momentum just to hit the hips ..

"Don't panic! Uncle comes to save you!"

沐 Li Muqiu put away the big pineapple, took the opportunity to be a cheap uncle, hurriedly ran over.

At this time, Liu Zilang and Shen Zeyan split their guns, naturally it is impossible to have a chance to rescue her.

Hurry up and hurry up, just when Misaka Koto's blood is about to fall to the bottom of the valley.

沐 Li Muqiu jumped over the stone with a big slap from the edge of death and caught Misaka Kotomi.

"Hoo—! Good danger!"

Naomi Misaka Komi breathed a sigh of relief.

你 "Look, the uncle is reliable at critical moments."

沐 Li Muqiu frowned and immediately invited the merit, it seems that he wants to take this as his "uncle" name.

Clinker, he was just halfway through reading,

There was a blast of gunfire in a certain direction on the island.

咻咻 咻 —!

Countless bullets are coming!

At the moment of life and death, Li Muqiu immediately stopped saving people!

I saw him leaning down and lying on the ground, and a palm of smoke quickly slipped out of his palm.

Puff puff-!

The sound of the bullet hitting the flesh sounded!

At the same time, Li Muqiu pulled the smoke in place.

Looks like a scent of incense ...

"Douy17-17shox finally killed Se7en2-Menhera with Mini14!"

Uh ... in fact ...

He did add a joss stick, too.

嗤嗤嗤 —!

沐 Li Muqiu took advantage of Misaka Kotomi's "human flesh bunker ~ www.readwn.com ~" to force the smoke to spread under the surprise attack of 17, and survived to the limit.

Of course, at this time, Misaka Kotomi has been beaten into a horse honeycomb ...

Seeing this cruel picture, the audience off the scene couldn't help but be shocked!

"I rub! Autumn God is too cruel!"

"It's worthy of being a Se7en Gemini. This shameless vigour is as good as Vic's!"

"Distressed Menhera, it's too fast to realize my life ..."


In the game competition, Misaka Kobe was crying without tears.

沐 Li Muqiu laughed awkwardly twice, and she was embarrassed to mention any more "uncle".

After hitting a first aid kit, he waited for the rhythm of the opponent's gunfire and quickly climbed around in a circle to hide behind the stone.

Liu Zilang and Shen Zeyan, who were armed with guns at the back, immediately took their shots and leaned in the direction of Li Muqiu.

At this moment, the radiation behind and the circle coincide, the last safe zone in the finals ...


Uh ...

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