
Chapter 175 Since Yu is born, why is Liang born?

Chen Mu was thinking. As far as the eye can see, this grass-covered area is so different from its surroundings. Card fragments scattered everywhere, metal round table-shaped devices, and texture-like patterns engraved on them, these pieces of information combined seemed to be conveying a message to him.

This is a place closely related to "cards".

Cards first appeared in some religions. Each of these religions has a long history, and their inheritance is mysterious and unknown. In the eyes of ancient people, cards were full of mysterious power, which also provided considerable help in the spread of these religions. In ancient times, any religion that was once prosperous or had widespread influence had a very persistent pursuit of cards. At that time, not only ordinary people, but also insiders of these religions were full of awe for this mysterious and magical power.

It was not until Rosenberg's appearance that cards became a subject, a comprehensive subject involving energy, structure, perception, etc.

Could this be a relic of an ancient religion?

This is Chen Mu's most likely guess. Because judging from those card fragments, although it was impossible to accurately determine their specific age, Chen Mu felt that the years they had experienced might even exceed Rosenberg's era.

It's a pity that he is not an expert in ancient card identification, so he cannot make an accurate judgment.

"Found it!" Alfonso's excited shout interrupted Chen Mu's thinking.

Alfonso pointed at two places and said to Chen Mu: "It should be this, and this. The traces in these two places are obviously different from other places. As for which one is the starting point and which one is the ending point?" , I don’t know.”

But this was enough for Chen Mu. Chen Mu turned to Siweide and said, "Give me the Blue Moon Gun."

Sivid was stunned and quickly handed the Blue Moon Gun to Chen Mu. Everyone looked at each other. Could it be that Chen Mu was going to use the Blue Moon Gun to blast away the disc?

I saw Chen Mu skillfully dismantling the Blue Moon Gun into a pile of parts. At this time, no one understood what he wanted to do. Quietness returned among the grass. Everyone's eyes widened again, but this time the target was Chen Mu.

Chen Mu took out the energy box of the Blue Moon Gun, took out several parts, reassembled it into a weird-shaped structure, and then connected it to the metal disc.

The first person to figure out what Chen Mu wanted to do was Alfonso. He snorted a few times, as if he wanted to say something, but quickly stopped his voice, but in the end he couldn't help but murmured softly: "It's so ugly! The craftsmanship is so ugly." It’s still this bad!”

Chen Mu didn't hear Alfonso's complaints. He was very involved and completely isolated from the outside world. What he is doing now is very simple in principle. Whether it is a card or a card, it needs to be activated with energy. As long as you provide it with energy, if it is stuck, it can be activated naturally. And if it's a card, in addition to energy, perception also needs to be used as a medium.

Chen Mu couldn't tell whether it was a "card" or a card. Perhaps in terms of appearance and structure, it looked more like a card, but Chen Mu felt that it might also be a different kind of "card."

The moment the energy was connected, Chen Mu's heart almost rose to his throat. What changes will happen to this metal round table? This made his heart beat faster and faster.

However, there was no movement on the metal round table, and it still stood there quietly without any change. Some of the people watching couldn't help but have a look of disappointment on their faces.

Chen Mu's heartbeat returned to normal levels. Since the first solution failed, let's try the second method.

Under the gaze of everyone, Chen Mu pressed his hands on the metal disc and closed his eyes. The rotation speed of the sensory spiral structure in the body began to accelerate rapidly under his urging!

Bowen Chengying's face changed slightly, and they felt a powerful wave of perception! Card Xiu is extremely sensitive to the fluctuations of perception. Although this fluctuation of perception is not offensive, its intensity frightened the two of them. The shock in Bowen's heart was particularly obvious. Chen Mu's strength had always been a mystery in his mind, and Chen Mu's stunning performances were extremely short-lived every time, making it impossible for him to make an accurate judgment.

However, this time, he was really shocked!

Perception is the most fundamental part of Ka Xiu's strength. In Ka Xiu's professional system, there are two main types of graded assessments of perception, one is the intensity level of perception, and the other is the accuracy of perception control.

The standard grading of perceived intensity is divided into ten levels in total, and each level is further divided into three levels: upper, middle and lower. Bowen's perception intensity is at the lower level of level four, which is a quite remarkable achievement for his age group. This has always been something he was very proud of, but today, his pride in himself was wiped out in an instant.

Chen Mu's perception intensity is at least at the middle level of level four, and may even reach the upper level of level four, and Chen Mu is younger than him! Judging from the information he obtained, Chen Mu's age should be around seventeen or eighteen years old. You know, if the perception intensity reaches level three, you can be considered an intermediate card repairer, and if you reach level four, you can already be considered an intermediate expert.

Level 4 is a watershed. If the perception intensity does not reach level 4 before the age of thirty, it means that the development potential of this Card Xiu is not optimistic. Just like card makers, making three-star cards is also their watershed, while five-star cards are another watershed for them.

Bowen knew very well that in the entire Dongxing Ning family, there were not many Kaxiu whose perception intensity exceeded level four. Those card cultivators whose perception intensity reaches level four are basically over thirty years old.

Of course, high-level card cultivators are popular, but the most popular ones are those young people who are young but have outstanding talents and huge potential. These are the targets that the real wealthy families are pursuing. At the age of 17 or 18, he reached the fourth level of intermediate perception and above. Bowen knew that if this news was spread, he would never be able or dare to kill Chen Mu. At that time, countless wealthy families will swarm in, waving countless Audis, and offer coveted positions to recruit this talented young man whose future development is unlimited.

In the eyes of those wealthy families, such a talented young man was much more valuable than a local wealthy family like the Dongxing Ning Family. Countless precedents have proven that a card cultivator's potential is directly related to his age when he reaches the fourth level. Geniuses who are less than twenty years old when they reach the fourth level are one of the rarest and most precious resources in the world.

So far, the fastest known record in the Tianyou Federation to reach the fourth level of perception was set by Tang Hanpei from the Federal Comprehensive School ten years ago, when he was seventeen years, four months and fifteen days old. Tang Hanpei, who set this record, has now become one of the most outstanding young masters in the entire Tianyou Federation. He is a representative of the federal comprehensive university and has unparalleled influence.

The inconspicuous boy in front of him turned out to be a talented boy at the same level as Tang Hanpei. Bowen saw the shadow of Tang Hanpei in Chen Mu. If...if Chen Mu grew up to be as powerful as Tang Hanpei in the future, the hatred formed today would be enough to make the Dongxing Ning family disappear from the Tianyou Federation.

Bowen just broke through level four this year, and this year, he is twenty years old! This achievement originally not only made his family full of expectations for his future, but he himself was also extremely proud. However, compared to Chen Mu, he was still far behind.

When the legendary genius appeared before his eyes, Bowen's proud heart was shattered again and again.

[Cross Night] actually has such an outstanding genius, which makes Bowen feel jealous and helpless. If the Dongxing Ning family has such a genius with great potential, then the Dongxing Ning family will most likely become a truly wealthy family in the future. But why is it [Cross Night]? If it were other forces, he would do everything he could to recruit them. No matter how much it cost, he would not hesitate to absorb this genius into the Dongxing Ning family.

But this is impossible!

The murderous intent in Bowen's eyes flashed away.

Realizing that Chen Mu was also sensing Weah, his face remained indifferent, with just a hint of strange color flashing in his eyes. However, when he raised his head, he inadvertently saw the murderous intent in Bowen's eyes.

Although Cheng Ying also felt the fluctuations in Chen Mu's perception, her perception intensity was only level three intermediate, which also made it impossible for her to judge Chen Mu's strength. A certain philosopher said that the unknown is always awe-inspiring. Chen Mu's already tall figure in Cheng Ying's heart immediately became a bit taller.

Chen Mu didn't notice any movement from the crowd around him. His range of perception was compressed to a very small area, just enough to cover the disk. The benefit of sacrificing the range of perception is that his perception precision has reached an unprecedented level.

It had been a long time since he had used his perception in this way, but there was nothing unfamiliar about his move this time. On the contrary, he felt his progress. This improvement is not because his operation is more proficient, but because his perception intensity has slightly improved.

All the engraved lines appeared in his mind very clearly, and he could even "see" a little bit of soil remaining in the engraved lines. He also noticed that the amorphous energy slowly flowing from the energy box to the metal plate seemed to be blocked by something.

Chen Mu understood that this meant that the energy released by the energy box could not yet connect with the metal plate. The current situation is like a meter, where an energy card and a magic card are placed respectively, and they have been activated. However, without sensory control, the two cannot connect at all to release an attack.

What Chen Mu needs to do is to use his own perception to connect the two.

He found the two parts of the carvings that Alfonso had pointed out that were different from the rest, and they were the key to solving the problem!

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