Kawaranu Mono <Kirameki no Gōremu>

Episode 122: The Battle Begins

I will be a golem.

I just finished pulling the combination and decided to go buy it because I ran out of all the food I bought at the street.

Because the zispo started moving more than before, or eating more than before.

"Lord Golem, where are you going? It's time for the first game."

I want to. A good man asked, so I write a message in my notebook.

I'll get you some food and drinks.

He'll be back by Haku's game.

"Sometimes the game ends quickly, so you better come back early."

I nodded and went shopping for food. Now buy a little more so it won't go away any time soon.

When I came back from my buyout, Haku's game had already begun. Oh, my God!? I haven't wasted that much time.

What happened to the first game?

"The first game ended as soon as Goichi rocked the spirit of his opponent with dark magic. He's a pretty good user just coming out of the main battle. That dark elf."

Oh, did the dark elves win? Well, now let's support Haku!

The brave Romen of the Birdmen is flying over a ring made of stone and launching an attack from above. When I wave the spear, the togee is popping out of the spear. Haku is magnificently evading the attack. I don't know what it would be like if I didn't hit it. Yeah, yeah.

Nevertheless, a unilateral attack from above? That looks pretty nasty. Haku is also attacking with the Spirit of the Wind magic, but Romen quickly turns away.

It seems that Dada is not the brave man of the bird tribe.

After a similar offense for a while, Romen put up a spear and stopped moving. I wonder what it is. Why are we stopping?

Oh, Romen's spear glistened, is this building up strength? Maybe he thought Haku's Wind Spirit Magic could avoid it, but that's bad.

On the ring the spirits of the wind gather and about 10 spirits in one group scrum together. When Huck nods to the Spirit of the Wind, the Spirits of the Wind say, "Let's go!," he exclaimed, jumping up into the air. In all, a group of nearly 30 windy spirits jumped to a fragmented position over the ring.

Haku jumps and squeezes when Romen launches the attack. Romen waves a spear toward Haku, who is in the air to chase him. Normally, they will eat the attack, but the spirits of the wind are scrumptious ahead of Haku.

The spirits of the wind said, "No!," he exclaims, creating a wall of air for a moment. Haku jumped further in the air on the scaffold with that wall.

That move is cool. I tried to manipulate him, too, but he broke through the wall of air and the wind spirits refused to say, "I can't do golems anymore".

It's hard to apply or subtract force when jumping.

As it is, Haku uses the wall of air by the Spirits of the Wind to run up to the height of Romen and carry out the slaughter. Romen plays defense with a spear, but a magic slash that pops out of Haku's magic sword strikes Romen.

Haku kicks Romen's body as it is and leaps towards the Spirits of the Wind. After that it was a unilateral development.

Romen was scratched without being able to cope with the attack of Haku flying endlessly through the air, and finally he was slapped by the ring with the heel drop of Haku on his head by Moro from directly above.

Romen surrendered when Haku put a sword on Romen's neck.

To me and Zispo. Ipaad cheers loudly for Haku's victory! Well, my voice only sounds like a hack and a zispo.

I want a good man to be surprised, but he's training me. It is difficult for you to be surprised to that extent!

Game 3 was won by Smakkat. Kika is probably strong too, but a 6-star adventurer with nearly 7 stars is not Dada. It ended without a scene that I thought was particularly amazing. After all, it's better to have a sword with your fist and sword. It's hard to fight with your bare hands without my strength.

In Game 4, Nanaba unilaterally bogged down Monre, whose movement was dull in the water, generating huge amounts of water on the ring. Maybe he used magic props because he didn't seem to have used any magic in particular. But if you get dragged into that water, it's a mess. I can afford it in the water, but Haku couldn't swim until a while ago, so it might be tough.

Game 5 is Reacher's undefeated. Kamin didn't show up after all. I guess it still vanished. I must not pray in vain.

The sixth game was won by Ikuu. He took Panyi's assault with his hands as shields and grabbed Panyi's body with his hands as they were, slamming him on the ring. He never spit out his guts like a crushed frog, but Panyi couldn't get up and stayed out of the game.

Panyi, who was subjected to healing magic, went down the ring with his own feet.

Game 7 was a match between my natural enemy Dwarf Gorin and Sword Master Iska. I thought it would be a good game, but Iska turned Gorin into two straight hammers.

What a frightening cut. Gorin died instantly because he was in two. The audience is breathtaking about the way it is. It became the first death toll in the main battle.

Oh, it's the second one because Kamin is here.

Game 8 was a magic match. Both Mosmo and Sheena had fancy matches using advanced magic. I can only use line lights, so I'm a little jealous of them for all sorts of magic. I still have to work with the spirits to find a way to use it that doesn't look like a line light.

By the way, the winner of the eighth game is Mosmo. Mosmo pushed it off at the end due to the difference in magic power.

I thought that was the end of today's game, and they're also going to play Game 2 today. What a hard thing to do.

Game 1 of Game 2 is a match between Huck and Goich. I think Goichi was using Dark Spirit magic to launch a mental attack on Haku. "Why doesn't it work!?" said Goichi in a hurry. Well, since you're equipped with legalia, a mental attack shouldn't work on Huck either.

As Haku tilted his neck, he walked even closer to Goichi, striking him in the neck with his sword belly and stunning him. What an exciting game it was.

Whatever it is, we cheer for Haku's victory!

Smakat and Nanaba in Game 2. Nanaba generated water on the ring with the start of the game, but Smakkat, who had seen it in Game 1, jumped heavily over it.

If you were to see what you would do afterwards, what a smut you would have stood on the water!

Stand up! Smuckat stands up! I'm standing on the water!

Wow!! You can stand on the water! Holy shit!!

{Log: The effect of [enlightenment stuff] has sedated the state of excitement}

Before my right leg sank, I tried at sea, thinking I could put my left leg forward, but I couldn't. It's probably a smart cut that makes it possible.

Maybe it's magical power, but it's amazing!

Later, Smakkat built his magic on his sword and attacked Nanaba, who was in the water. Nanaba dodged it, but the water was torn apart, and it flowed all the way. After that, Nanaba surrendered due to Smakat's onslaught.

After all, it's only when the fisherman is in the water that he can show off his main command.

Game 3 of Game 2 was a match between Leeche and Icu. I wonder what kind of battle the quail farmer Leeche will have. Reache wields the quay and swings it down toward Ikuu. It's a good blow with a low back.

I feel like Dada doesn't have a farmer. Kwa eats into Ikuu's shoulder. Reache tried to shake up the quay to make the chase, but Ikuu put his strength into the muscles to keep them from going through the quay.

Keep it up, Ikuu waves his fist toward Leiche. Reache lets the quack go and stays away.

Come on, what do you do, farmer!

Ikuu pulled out the quay and folded the quay pattern into a vacillating force. Ikuu, who threw down the quay, is attacked by Leiche. Rietzsche gave a stunned look at the look and said, "Shit!" He shouted out loud.

Oh, it's over. Apparently, it was the farmer who had the quay. Reache bowed to the audience, leaving the ring behind.

Last game of the day, Game 4 of Game 2 is between Iska and Mosmo.

Swordsman and Wizard, no, it's a game of wise men. What battle will it be? I'm excited! Mosmo unleashes advanced magic toward Iska early in the beginning.

I thought Iska would avoid magic, how dare you cut advanced magic with a sword! I wondered if I could do that, but they can. It doesn't look like a big sword to Dada.

Iska waved her sword on the spot. With the distance away from Mosmo, I wondered why, but the advanced magic released by Mosmo earlier popped out of the sword. The power would be the same as the magic unleashed by Mosmo, or a little more than a little.

Mosmo is also stunned, while unleashing new advanced magic to offset it.

Afterwards, the battle continued that if Iska tried to get close to Mosmo, Mosmo would distance herself while unleashing magic. For a while, after a similar development continues, Iska sticks her sword into Mosmo.

Mosmo unleashes many shots of advanced magic, but Iska doesn't stop. Is that a human being, even though advanced magic is direct and wounded? With the momentum intact, Iska pierced Mosmo with a great sword.

Mosmo, pierced through his chest, died intact. The venue is on fire.

Since I was silently looking around at the venue, a good man who wanted to explained it to me. There is a rule that if you die, you lose, but it seems that athletes rarely actually die. That happened twice to keep standing, so the audience was probably confused, too, he said.

Iska leaving the ring looks heartless or wound healing.

Hmm, that man is cautious.

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