The sword comes out like a dragon, breaking the gold and cutting the iron!

The moment ——, swung his sword, it was as if there was a sound of spring thunder in his ears.

In fact, the room was quiet, this was the moment when the power of his whole body exploded, and he concentrated all the power of his whole body on the sword blade!

And with incredible speed and luck, rapid and swift and skillful, all in one!

Above the tip of the bamboo knife, a strong wind stirred, which can also be understood as something like an air knife, because of the concentration and violent agitation, the air knife triggered!

And steel itself has its own fragile moment, steel is also breathing, this moment is when steel is most vulnerable!

The sword qi stirred up under this sword directly split the solid iron frame in two!

Looking at the iron frame again, it is even more shocking!

Where the iron frame was cut open, a smooth section appeared, which looked smooth as a mirror and could illuminate a figure.

At this time, Miyazaki Ha’s whole body was soft and gentle, as if his body was soaked in warm water inside and out.

Every breath of fresh air is not just inhaled into the lungs, but directly into every cell of the body.

Not only the nose is breathing, but all the pores in the whole body seem to be inhaling and exhaling according to a certain rhythm.

A sword out found the rhythm of steel breathing, the moment the sword came out, instantly found the weakness of steel, a sword cut out, as if just following the wonderful rhythm, the iron frame was instantly cut off!

Although it only cut off the rough iron frame, this is a wooden sword, which is enough to call it a divine skill!

But then there was a tearing sensation in my arm, as if I had done hundreds of push-ups at once.

Then there was a weakness in the whole body, and a fierce hunger pang came.

This body has been in a coma for too long, it is really very weak, and the sword just now is not simply the power of the arm swing, but the entire body.

First start the mana from the two calves, the power is transmitted to the thighs, through the waist, back, arms, and finally released!

This is an all-out blow, an advanced technique that exerts strength all over the body, and it is a powerful technique that he has practiced in the consciousness world for many years before he is proficient in it, and it is already as powerful as instinct!

Ordinary people exert force, it is arm power is arm power, only those who have practiced martial arts can be in the time of strength.

Borrow power from other parts of the body, conduct and increase step by step, and finally when it is presented, the power is very amazing!

With a muffled snort, the whole person fell softly to the ground, inhaled in his mouth, and a hot feeling came from his lungs, just like the abdominal pain after running for several kilometers.

“I’m a superman, right?”

Miyazaki Yu couldn’t help but laugh, if he had not lost his freedom, he would not know the preciousness of freedom, and Miyazaki Yu was like this at this time.

It’s amazing to go from being born from the dead to being trapped in a strange place to being free again.


The door of the hall was pulled open, and after seeing the scene in front of them, the person who came in directly threw the things in his hand to the ground, so he made a sound.

When I looked up, I saw a tall girl, who was looking at herself with a shocked face, as if she had seen some rare animal.

“Miyazaki, are you awake? It’s great to actually wake up! ”

The girl’s eyes flashed with something shiny, and the surprise was overflowing.

“Are you Maoriland?”

Although he has existed in the world of consciousness for a long time, he has just woken up now, and he can’t clearly distinguish the dividing line between reality and illusory, and he is a little overwhelmed.

To put it bluntly, in fact, there is still some confusion about the identity.

Some people can’t tell whether they are the middle-aged man in Huaxia, or Miyazaki Yu now, an orphan of a small dojo.

Especially after waking up, he gradually fused the emotional memory of this body, and then discovered a strange fact.

This world is neither a world of a past life nor a parallel world, and the history of this world is somewhat different from the original history.

Although there are still similarities in the overall pattern of the world, there are more incomprehensible things. 、

For example, the girl in front of her, her name is Mao Lilan.

According to her memory, this girl should be just a name in the anime of the island country, just a fictional character.

But now, it is alive in front of his eyes!

This makes people’s brains hurt, emotional memory The impact of knowledge memory on people is completely different, and the current emotional impact makes him not know what to say.

Mao Lilan, however, rushed directly and lifted him up from the ground as soon as he reached out.

“Great, you’ve finally woken up from your coma, but don’t you know you’re still weak? Although your muscles have not atrophied, they are still very weak, how can you be reassuring like this? ”

The girl looked very concerned about him, and after listening to Mao Lilan’s narration, Miyazaki Ha really figured out what happened.

It turned out that after falling into a coma a year ago, he was almost sentenced to death by the hospital, and the gangsters saw the result.

I want to take the opportunity to put him to death and make him disappear from this world completely.

But fortunately, at that time, there was a very important person who helped him, this person was Mao Lilan’s mother Concubine Yingli.

Therefore, this person who fell into a deep coma can keep the Taoist Hall, still live in this Taoist Hall, and have been carefully cared for.

“But Miyazaki-kun, I’m really sorry, in order to have money to be able to hire someone to take care of you, my mother can only mortgage your dojo so that I can have money to hire someone to take care of you, I’m really sorry.”

Miyazaki Ha sighed softly, a smile on his face.

“No need to apologize, I still have to thank Maori classmates, if it weren’t for the help of you and Aunt Concubine Yingli, I would probably have died by now.”

Those who die do not need a dojo, on the contrary, as long as I am alive, I have the opportunity to re-establish a dojo, which may be the will of God.”

Looking at his slightly gloomy appearance, Mao Lilan felt uncomfortable in his heart.

Miyazaki Yu has grown up with her since she was a child, and the relationship between the two can be regarded as a childhood sweetheart, he has a strong and stubborn personality since he was a child, even if he suffers, he will only be bored in his heart.

As a result, he suffered so many misfortunes, his parents died, but the inheritance hall was threatened by gangsters, and finally he was seriously injured and remained in a coma for more than a year.

Now that I have come to my senses, I have lost even my own dojo!

Although for himself, these things have passed for a long time, but for Miyazaki Yu, these things must be like yesterday, and the blow in his heart can be imagined.

She is a very kind girl, her heart is as pure as ice and snow, and now her best friends are hit by such a blow, and her heart can’t help but feel a pang of sorrow.

Seeing the girl’s self-blamed appearance, Miyazaki Yu was moved in his heart.

He knew very well that the reason why his body was in its current state, this girl must have given a lot.

Many people who have been in a coma for a long time will have a lot of problems.

For example, muscle atrophy, bedsores on the body, and failure of various organs, these can all occur.

Although this body is not very strong now, it still remains normal, although it is a little weak, but I have to say that this must be a miracle!

In addition to the role of his own consciousness, Maori Lan must be indispensable to his own help.

Looking at the girl’s face, my heart couldn’t help but feel hot, and I secretly swore in my heart.

“Washing machine, washing machine, since I came to this world, your relationship with Xiaolan ends here, such a good girl, it is better to put it here!”

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