“You actually dare to humiliate me! But I promised, back away, right? The result of victory is equal, if you lose, where I, Aso and Naruto, are there, you will also be far away! ”

His brother was originally the chief general of the Kendo Club, and his future was originally bright.

As long as you can get a good position in the national competition, you can go to a good university.

But because of the battle with Miyazaki Ha, all of this was ruined!

After being injured in the battle, he was recovering for a long time, and after knowing that he could not participate in the national competition, his brother was even more depressed.

Because he lost the bonus of his specialty, his brother lost the opportunity to go to a good university and had to go to a very ordinary school.

He often saw his brother depressed, which made him very uncomfortable.

So from that time on, he worked hard to train himself, after some hard training.

His strength has improved tremendously, and he has now completely surpassed his brother.

His coach was very optimistic about him, and once praised him, saying that he had a deep foundation in swordsmanship, refined his tricks, and already had the strength of a professional player.

With such recognition, Aso and Naruto naturally worked harder.

And once he was promoted to high school, he quickly became one of the main forces of the kendo club, and there were only one or two people in the entire kendo club who could compare with him.

This gave him great confidence!

And later, he also heard his brother say that although Miyazaki Yu’s strength was good, it was actually inferior to him, but he was injured at that time.

He couldn’t exert his full strength, so he was exploited by the other party, so he was full of confidence in this battle.

Discerning people can see that this guy’s mind is not pure.

People have just recovered and just come to school, and you run over to challenge, obviously to take advantage of the danger.

However, seeing Miyazaki Yu’s calm and relaxed demeanor without the slightest change, he was infected.

It’s like when you’re in a war, a good commander is always like this, and as long as he doesn’t panic, he can drive others to stabilize as well.

The Kendo Club is located northwest of the school’s sports complex.

It occupies a separate area in the gymnasium, consisting of several large rooms, and because it is the largest club in the school, the changing rooms and bathing rooms are separate.

It does not share a locker room like the karate club and the tennis club.

The two changed into protective gear, and the training of kendo was dangerous after all.

At this time, the two stood opposite each other with bamboo knives in their hands.

Miyazaki feather gently waved the bamboo knife in his hand, this bamboo knife was much lighter than what he was used to, and it felt a little fluttering when held in his hand at this time.

He held the knife in one hand, and then he also showed a solemn look, even if it was a lion fighting rabbit, he would not be careless.

The failure of many strong people begins with mental burnout.

He will not underestimate the opponent in the slightest, the opponent is the opponent, no matter whether it is strong or weak, it is the same, only when the opponent completely loses the combat effectiveness of the opponent, can he be truly despised.

Many students gathered together, especially the members of the kendo club, who gathered around and began to consciously maintain order.

“Don’t get too close, everyone.”

“Don’t influence their showdown”.

A tall girl stood not far away, her gaze falling on Miyazaki Yu’s body.

“I remember Miyazaki Ha coming on the first day today, right? Just came back and want to stir up the storm? The girl seemed to be very familiar with Miyazaki Ha.

She is also wearing a protective gear now, and her face is blocked by the mask, but through the gap in the mask, she can see a smile on the corner of her mouth.

“Both sides are ready, start!”

Aso and Naruto looked at Miyazaki with cold eyes.

“Let me avenge my eldest brother today!”

Miyazaki Yu smiled gently, since he woke up, his realm had already stood at the apex of the vast majority of people, and a young man was not in his eyes at all.

There are two kinds of pride in this world, one is stupid arrogance.

They leave their pride on their faces, on their bodies, making people very uncomfortable at first glance, and making people see their pride at a glance, which is stupid arrogance.

The second is inner pride, they exist in another situation, turn pride into motivation, and push themselves all the time.

Never relax the requirements for yourself, this is the real pride!

Just like the leaders of those countries, they seem approachable, but imagine which of these people who can hold high positions is not arrogant.

It’s just that they all transform pride into a kind of self-confidence.


Aso and Naruto swung their bamboo knives and slashed at Miyazaki Ha, bringing an afterimage.

This blow is powerful, and it seems that you can feel the sense of power in it, obviously the strength is definitely not weak!

It’s just that Miyazaki Yu took a slight step back, and this blow fell in the air, and at this time his hand also moved, and his right hand followed the trend, and a heavy mountain of power fell on the front of the opponent’s bamboo knife.

With a snap, the other party’s bamboo knife suddenly crooked, but this is not over yet.


The bamboo knife sounded again, and another blow fell, and Aso and Naruto’s bamboo knife fell crooked again, but it was crooked to the other side.

In a moment his empty door opened, and his throat and chest and abdomen were exposed.

The bamboo knife held by Miyazaki Yu in one hand pushed forward and landed on the opponent’s throat, and the other party couldn’t help but take a step back.

“Hit the throat, the attack works!”

The members of the Kendo Club who acted as referees hurriedly said.

“How is that possible?”

Many people have seen Aso and Naruto strike for the first time, but the gesture just now is powerful, and it is by no means a general, and the strength is absolutely terrifying.

Moreover, he holds a sword in both hands, while Miyazaki Yu only holds the sword in one hand, and his speed does not seem to be fast, but he can cut off the opponent’s moves.

Those who have practiced confrontational sports are shocked.

“It seems to be a slight shot, but it is a shot with strength, speed and excellent eyesight, and all the flaws of the opponent are magnified as soon as the shot is made, this guy actually has such a temperament!”

Kudo Shinichi was also shocked when he saw Miyazaki Ha make a move.

The more understatement, the more you can feel the horror!

Xiaolan and the garden on the side were very excited.

“Xiaolan, look at it, it’s really powerful, that Aso and Naruto are not Miyazaki-kun’s opponents at all!”

Xiao Lan also nodded: “Although I know that his swordsmanship is very powerful, I didn’t expect that in the face of strong enemies like Aso and Naruto, he can still easily win, it seems that he is useless and has no strength.”

At this time, Aso and Naruto were completely stunned in place.

Only he felt the horror of the other party on the field, and in the moment when the bamboo knives were staggered, he felt like a fish caught in a storm.

There is no way to fight back, and you can only let the wind and rain sweep and manipulate!

“No, I can’t lose! I didn’t lose! ”

Saying that, he desperately swung his knife again and rushed over, but Miyazaki Ha did not move in place, allowing the other party to attack.

“This guy, the battle is over, and he dares to continue attacking!”

“It’s so despicable, you’ve already lost!”

Everyone was startled and hurriedly wanted to go up to stop it, but the other party’s attack had arrived!

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