“You mean, you don’t know about this information, and you haven’t viewed it in any form?”

The rough voice sounded again.

“Of course not, I haven’t touched that bag at all, let alone read a word.”

“Then how do you prove it?”

Miyazaki sneered: “It’s really a ridiculous question, just like in the law, a person does not have the obligation to prove his innocence.”

Your Excellency’s statement is tantamount to allowing me to prove my innocence, is this not a fallacy? ”

The voice was silent for a moment: “It is true, there is really no way for a person to prove that he did not do something, so only a dead person can best keep a secret.”

As he spoke, there was a slight twisting sound all around, as if some machinery was turning.

Then, in the darkness, there was a slight noise.

It’s like the sound of a silenced pistol in a movie.

Then there was a dense strafing sound, and countless rubber bullets shot out in the air.

Belmod looked at the scene under surveillance, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Although these bullets are made of rubber, they are also extremely painful when they hit people, and people can only be truly obedient if they suffer a little.

Only in the next moment, Belmode’s smile stopped abruptly.

The aiming point that had just locked on to Tatsu had already lost the trace of Miyazaki Ha.

“It’s impossible, even if you are a master in the organization, you can’t easily dodge these rubber bullets!”

Belmode hurriedly ran to the monitoring equipment, gathered the image just now, and then slowed it down.

But I saw Miyazaki Yu jumping up in an instant, the speed was amazing, and the rubber bullets around him had all missed.

But in the entire hall, there are more than a dozen cameras.

These cameras, at this time, are automatically locking on the target, and soon found Miyazaki Yu’s trace, but before Belmode could be happy, the camera suddenly went black.

I saw it again through the video playback, but the moment the camera turned to him, he threw a knife out of his sleeve.

The throwing knife strikes at the camera at great speed, and then the image disappears.

“How come? Is this kid a monster? ”

At this time, Belmod was also extremely shocked, although there seemed to be pillars in this hall that could avoid attacks.

But in fact, the hall is densely packed with cameras and auto-aiming firearms, and there are no dead spots at all.

And these cameras and guns are very cleverly hidden, and the decoration of the entire roof and the surrounding dark environment are enough to hide these things perfectly.

Also, where did the knife come from?

When he caught him, he obviously searched his body, but there were no weapons!

But the change at this time made Belmod feel uneasy, the other party was so difficult, things went in a direction that he had never expected before.

When Miyazaki was brought here, he was already observing the entire hall.

All the surveillance cameras lit up the moment they were turned on, and just for a moment, Miyazaki remembered the location of all the cameras.

He unleashed his feelings to the maximum, and as soon as the attack began, he dodged it.

As for the throwing knife, it was the inspiration he had when he rescued Shiho Miyano before.

Whether he is fast and powerful, he is already excellent, the sword in his hand, the attack distance is still limited, if he can practice the skill of the throwing knife, he can play a miracle in the long-range attack.

He was awake the whole time he was carried, and it was naturally not difficult to hide a few knives.

After destroying a camera, he began to shoot one after another, destroying several cameras one by one, without the lock of the camera, those automatic firearms naturally became decorations, and he could no longer move his position.

However, in this way, Belmod simply turned on the free mode, so that all firearms began to shoot freely.

The entire hall was suddenly completely covered with rubber bullets.

“Damn, these rubber bullets are fast and completely irregular, if they are hit once, their bodies will be in severe pain, and once they are hit in a combo, they will no longer be able to fight back!”

Holding two small knives in his hands, the whole person was completely immersed, as deep and unfathomable as a spring water.

All his thoughts and distractions at this time were empty, and only one thought remained, that is, to break the attack of these firearms.

The knife in his hands cut a wonderful arc in the air, and the speed of his shot was not as fast as that of a firearm, but as soon as each knife was raised, there were rubber bullets coming right towards the blade.

This is not a coincidence, but he has captured the trajectory of all firearms at this time and calculated it in his mind.

The posture of his hands at this time, as well as the angle of holding the two small knives, and the timing of the knife are all wonderful.

In this way, the current situation can be formed, and these rubber bullets seem to be calculated, directly facing the blade.

In fact, it was not facing the blade, but Miyazaki Yu calculated the timing, blocked the blade on the trajectory of the bullet, and let the rubber bullet shatter itself.

At this time, Belmode was still a little uneasy.

“That little guy is a little strange, rubber bullets alone may not be able to make him lose his combat power, in that case, I will use the safest means.”

She directly set the time of continuous attacks to half an hour, which is the upper limit of the system.

Because half an hour will shoot all the rubber bullets.

And no matter who it is, it is impossible to be intact under that frequency and intensity of attacks.

“What an unbehaved little fellow, I want to teach you a lesson that will never be forgotten!”

Rubber bullets hitting people will only make people feel painful, but they will not kill a person.

Light a cigarette, the smoke swallows gently, and the light and darkness shine on Belmode’s beautiful face, and a trace of unbearability suddenly flashes in his eyes.

With a soft snort, he still reached out and turned off the automatic firearms system.

“I’m also too cautious, that kind of attack intensity can never be dodged, that kid is now rolling slowly in pain, I just went over to clean up the mess.”

But after thinking about it, I turned on the system and released hypnotic gas in the hall, so that everything was foolproof.

The door of the hall reopened, and the lights dispelled the darkness, and the entire hall was as bright as day.

It’s just that at this time the whole hall is also a mess, and there are rubber bullets everywhere.

There are also many fragments of the camera, which were apparently destroyed by Miyazaki Ha.

“What an dishonest stinky boy, it seems that wanting to use it for me is not a simple matter.”

It’s another headache to think about.

After scanning around, he found the figure of the other party, and at this time, the other party leaned behind a square pillar, revealing only half of the figure.

Belmode loaded the pistol, as a woman, able to survive in such a dangerous place as the organization, Belmode is indeed outstanding, prudence is the greatest advantage!

She would never give her enemies a chance.

“Boy, wasn’t it still very powerful just now? Why not now? ”

Belmod snorted coldly and walked over to see his injuries, but after walking over, he was taken aback.

It was not Miyazaki Yu lying there, but a dummy he had made out of clothes, which were filled with many rubber bullets, and from the side, it looked like a person had fallen there.


She reacted immediately, and then immediately rolled on the spot to dodge the opponent’s attack.

But at this time, it was too late, and a figure appeared from behind.

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