“Yes, the name Miyazaki Ha, we have never heard of it before, it seems that we have not participated in national competitions, right?”

Kazuha also reacted immediately.

The premise of those powerful guys that Sonoko just said is that these people may cause trouble to Miyazaki Yu.

If you think about it the other way around, this guy named Miyazaki Yu is the really scary guy.

I immediately wanted to hurry to ask clearly, if this garden classmate did not lie, this person must be Heiji’s fierce rival, or the kind that must not be underestimated.

Yuanzi smiled mysteriously.

“I can’t say this, you just need to know that he is very powerful, yesterday I originally wanted to secretly tell Miyazaki the intelligence I collected, but he refused, he wanted to be dignified, fight these powerful guys once, he said so, correspondingly, I can’t leak his information, that’s not fair to him.”

As soon as these words came out, Hattori Heiji couldn’t help but be in awe.

“I actually gave up the low-hanging fruit of the information, I didn’t expect this person to be so upright, or rather, he was enjoying the whole battle!”

Kazuha on the side was startled, and she suddenly felt that Hattori Heiji on the side seemed to be burning, and the whole person was originally dark skin, and suddenly reddened slightly.

This is the expression that only comes when he is excited to the extreme, and only when he falls into great interest.

“Heiji 、、、”

“Kazuha! I didn’t expect that this time in the competition, there will be so many interesting guys, it’s so interesting, I must have a good time with this guy! ”

Seeing him full of energy, everyone’s emotions were also infected, and they couldn’t help but become serious.

Kudo Shinichi couldn’t help but look forward to it.

“This guy actually has such momentum, this is really exciting!”

In the entire hall, the large stadium that could accommodate 10,000 people was already overcrowded at this time, and there were no more empty seats.

Teams from each school quickly found their own area where their school was located.

This is also one of the characteristics of this place, which has been divided into areas according to a rough range before the kendo competition.

Each school has its own specific area, such as Didan High School, Gaifang High School, Ekoda High School, Cupdo High School, etc.

The whole kendo competition is divided into two parts, that is, the high school group and the university group, the high school group is played first, and the university group competition is played later.

After the winners of the two groups are decided, the champions of the two groups will have an exchange battle to bring the entire competition to a climax.

“Xiaolan, look at it, Miyazaki is there!”

Sonoko quickly found Miyazaki Yu, who was already preparing on the sidelines at this time.

At this time, Miyazaki Yu was wearing a protective gear, and he was kneeling on the ground and closing his eyes.

Although he knows that with his current strength, facing this level of competition, it is almost a sure game.

Now because he has the world of consciousness, he can understand his body extremely thoroughly, taking his body as the origin, and the angle and strength of the sword are adjusted to a perfect degree.

Of course, this perfection is his own perfection, and other people with different heights and different powers like him cannot perform the same tricks as him, and they cannot reach his level.

“What I have to do now is to make up for all the deficits in my body, and after making up all the deficits, my body can develop again under the stimulation of my inner vision.”

In fact, after a year of coma, the impact on Miyazaki Yu is still quite large, causing internal weakness, which is like a congenital deficiency, which is difficult to make up.

This deficit did not affect his strength, and after making up for it, it would not directly increase his strength, but it was a person’s foundation.

It’s like the decay of a big tree, it must have started to rot from the inside.

If a person has this kind of deficit, it is equivalent to hurting the inside, which cannot be seen when he is young, but it is a fundamental weakness.

After reaching a certain age, small injuries that may have no effect on others can kill a person.

Although Miyazaki Ha began to recover slowly under the continuous stimulation of his body after he had inner vision, it was too long, and after having a medicinal bath, this compensation was very fast.

Legend has it that when Buddha was old, he lost all the teeth in his mouth, but suddenly one day, he regained his teeth, and there were as many as 40 teeth.

Although this is a legend, it is obvious that in old age, it still has vigorous vitality.

Therefore, Miyazaki Yu is also imagining that if he can perfectly control the body, stimulate the body through inner vision, and subtly control the inside, he can have internal strength.

This is what Miyazaki has achieved these days, that is, internal strength!

In his understanding, the so-called internal strength is to control the inner changes through strong control ability, so as to stimulate the power in the body.

He consulted a lot of information and found a lot of literature, including some methods of cultivating inner strength.

It’s just that most of those things are internal forces or internal strength, talking about Xuanzhi and Xuan.

But to sum up, it is nothing more than several methods.

The first is to temper the body through specific movements, either rigid or feminine, to guide the explosion of inner strength.

The second is breathing, through special breathing rhythms, plus meditation to restrain distractions, and finally achieve the reduction of external movements through meditation, change the internal body changes, and guide the inner strength.

Or maybe it’s a combination of the two, a combination of movement and static, and a combination of inside and outside.

So Miyazaki also thought clearly about the question, that is, why he could cut off steel with a wooden sword.

When it comes to control now, in fact, even arbitrarily controlling all the muscle bundles in the whole body can not be fully achieved, even if it is all achieved, according to common sense, it should not be possible.

But I did it!

Only now do I know that this is because I can restrain all distractions and reach the level of mental clarity, and I inadvertently fit the method of internal strength.

When cutting out that sword, what he used was not only the strength of muscles, but also the heart, liver, spleen, lungs, kidneys and other organs, as well as the credit of blood vessels, bones, and veins!

But once that trick is used, the burden on him is too great, and he can only barely cut it out twice!

And this has already illuminated the way forward for him!

What he has to do now is to first control all the muscles perfectly with the help of inner vision, and then continue to go deeper, guiding the power of organs, blood vessels, and bones layer by layer!

According to his vision, he could even control the secretion of glands in his organs, as well as various peristalsis.

Just like the large intestine, at that time, he can control the peristalsis of the small intestine, so that the digestive efficiency is increased tenfold at once, or even more!

Even if the toxin enters the bloodstream, it can directly separate the toxin and alcohol, and also separate all the excess toxins in the body!

Even to observe the operation of cells, intervene in the arrangement of the entire body gene sequence, and so on!

Once you can reach that level, the path of immortality can really be seen!

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