
The members of the kendo club and many people from the second grade B class were all gathered together at this time.

“I’m so happy today, our Didan High School is so high,” Morita Yinglan said with a smile.

Others also responded one after another, especially some members of the second-grade B class, who couldn’t help but twitter and discuss at this time.

“Yes, with Big Sister Yingran and Big Brother Miyazaki joining forces, other kendo clubs will not be our opponents.”

A younger brother of the kendo club couldn’t help but praise.

But what he said is probably also true.

The strength of these two people can be said to be obvious to all, especially Miyazaki Yu, one hand of swordsmanship is superb, the other party’s main general is not his enemy, now think about the day’s battle, the excitement in the heart, still has not completely faded.

It’s really a lucky thing to compete with such a strongman.

If you can mix a winner, it is also excellent material for bragging and farting in the future, and even when you are old, it is also an excellent talking point.

This is a national competition.

It’s like Maori Lan became the national champion of karate later, but he was teased by the garden at every turn.

Although there is an element of joke, the weight of this honor cannot be underestimated.

Miyazaki Yu also smiled slightly: “The day after tomorrow there will be a competition, I will not drink, so I will replace beer with drinks, and the members of the kendo club are not allowed to drink, and when we finish the competition, we will accompany everyone to have a good drink.”

Everyone laughed when they heard it, Miyazaki Yu’s strength is so high, but there is no shelf, he is humble and self-contained, it is really like a spring breeze.

Kudo Shinichi on the side also nodded in his heart.

“This guy is really good at being a person, it seems that I have to learn it too.”

After everyone had drunk and eaten, they went back separately, and those who were close to home returned from business, too far away or members of the kendo club.

Because there was a game tomorrow, I didn’t go back, but stayed directly at a nearby hotel.

Thanks to the help of Morita Sakura, when booking a hotel a few days in advance, many people discovered a terrible fact.

That is, the hotel near the Langhua Stadium actually has no empty rooms, and they have been booked out half a month ago.

This makes everyone very annoyed, they are not close to here, the night round trip is time-consuming and laborious, everyone is likely to rest badly, which will affect the next day’s performance.

However, fortunately, Morita Sakuran has the ‘banknote ability’, and with a little touch, everything is done.

After the dinner, everyone dispersed, Kudo Shinichi pulled Ran to watch a movie, but Miyazaki did not follow.

Although he also likes Xiaolan, there is no need to be a follower, plain and annoying, Kudo Shinichi that guy, sooner or later will become Conan’s, and at that time, there will be a lot of room for things to operate.

What I am doing now is two things, the first is to work hard to improve myself.

Nowadays, he has found the road ahead, as long as he continues to follow this road, his strength will become stronger and stronger, and it is only a matter of time before he surpasses the limits of people.

The second is to do everything that can be done well and slowly affect Xiaolan’s state of mind.

These days, his concern for Xiaolan is moist and silent.

It may not seem like hospitality, but in fact, it is like air everywhere, which creates an environment.

This girl’s mind is clear and pure, and she is by no means one of those girls who can be easily changed, but once she changes, she will be stronger than anyone else, which is what Miyazaki values most.

He still has a lot of time, take your time, there are many opportunities, after all, there are too many events in this world.

Above the long street at night, the lights are still red.

Now because his physical functions have greatly increased, as long as he concentrates, all kinds of sensations can be greatly increased.

At this time, wandering on the long street, unconsciously increased his ear power, and the sounds around him also came.

The sound of the owner chatting with customers in some shops, and the sound of various vehicles on the street, are also clearly in the ears.

This makes Miyazaki Yu also have some more bad taste.

Prying into other people’s secrets has always been the greatest pleasure, and many people like to listen to the corner, like to watch the liveliness, in fact, it is the same.

It’s not how wonderful other people’s things are, it’s a pleasure to listen to them.

Now because if you concentrate your ears with all your strength, the subtle sounds within a radius of hundreds of meters cannot escape your ears.

He couldn’t help but give a lewd smile and asked me to listen to what was happening around me.

In just a few minutes, an interesting sound source was found.

“Huh? Oh! This guy has good physical strength.”

Suddenly, I heard some quiet sounds, and the corners of my mouth couldn’t help but show a playful smile.

The documentary is more real than the movie, but now you can only hear the sound and can’t see the picture, which is a bit regrettable.

Just walking like this, listening to ‘life variety’, it is very leisurely.

Suddenly, a discordant voice came into his ears.

“Please, I’ll find a way to pay it back, you can’t do this!”

A sinister smile came.

“Hehe, it’s not that I haven’t given you time, I’ve given you a lot of time, but you don’t cherish it, it’s rare that you’re not young, but your skin is fair, it’s still very beautiful, you don’t want to serve Boss Kuroda, so I sent you to the custom shop, you just died your husband for many years, you will definitely enjoy it.”

As he spoke, there was a tearing sound, and the sound of a woman’s resistance.

The location is very remote and there are no people passing by.

But even if someone passes by, no one cares.

Many gangsters have knives in their hands, and some people see righteousness and bravery, and have a dispute with the gangsters, and they are accidentally stabbed by the gangsters during the dispute, and after the gangsters see that they have stabbed someone, they throw the stolen goods and run away.

The saddest thing is that after the victim of the robbery sees such a situation, he picks up his own things and runs, as if he did not see the good man.

That good man could only have died because he bleed too much.

There are so many such examples, so people’s hearts are numb.

As long as you don’t rob yourself, no one will care.

But at this time, Miyazaki Ha’s face changed, because this woman’s voice was somewhat familiar.

“Is that her?”

Thinking of this, his figure moved, and he ran towards the front, the speed was like a galloping horse, and any obstacles on the road were gently avoided by a parkour-like method.

These parkour movements seem to be extremely skillful, easily passing over some obstacles, and the movements are extremely dashing and handsome.

Turning an alley, I saw a man and a woman entangled around the corner.

The middle-aged man is struggling to tear the woman’s clothes, although this woman is in her thirties, her skin is fair and charming, and her figure is even more bumpy.

There is no girl’s youthfulness, more of an alluring style.

At this time, Miyazaki Yu also confirmed his guess, this woman is Miyazawa Mie who has taken care of herself for a long time before.

At this time, the button of her collar had been torn open, although she resisted desperately, but how could a weak woman resist the power of a strong man.

Large expanses of snow-white skin are revealed with an alluring glow.

“Hehe, since I want to send you to the custom shop, let me teach you how to receive guests first.”

Just when he was about to do whatever he wanted, he suddenly felt a huge force hitting the back of his neck, and the whole person flew out upside down like a soaring cloud, and slammed into the wall.

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