
Kudo Shinichi was taken aback.

“Last night the deceased left the residence, this is to check the monitoring of access to the building, only to find out, and then we carefully looked at all the surveillance, but found a terrible thing, that is, after leaving the residence, the deceased did not come back, but now died in his own residence.”

Kudo Shinichi’s heart sank, Twilight police officer has always been rigorous, since he said this, he has obviously ruled out the possibility of monitoring being manipulated.

In other words, the death of this person must be very problematic, and it can never be a natural death!

“Officer Twilight, who found the body? Since he died in his own home, and he returned silently, someone must find out.”

Officer Twilight sighed: “I also thought of this, the informant is the person who delivered alcohol to this Kawashima, this Kawashima loves beer, every Wednesday someone will come to the door to deliver beer to him, this morning is the time to deliver beer, this person has been delivering beer to him for more than a year, and the time he arrived at the scene was around nine o’clock, after discovering that the situation was wrong, he immediately chose to call the police.”

The time of death of the deceased was about eight o’clock, but the time when the informant came to the scene was about an hour after the death, and the other party did not come temporarily, but lasted for a long time.

“The deceased who left his residence but returned secretly, a completely enclosed space”

While chanting this, Kudo Shinichi carefully surveyed the scene.

The whole home is very messy, all kinds of things are not neatly tidy, but all kinds of things are scattered everywhere.

This is a very spacious three-bedroom living room, which is indeed excellent in terms of living environment.

On the windowsills everywhere, there are no traces of climbing.

And here is a very high rise, ordinary people climbing such heights, they are simply looking for death, so the possibility of bringing people up from the window can be described as minimal.

“Officer Twilight, I would like to ask the administrator of this building?”

After Officer Twilight agreed, he called the administrator of the building up.

The administrator’s name is Itakura, an old man in his sixties, who looks kind-hearted, but he looks a little curved and hunched, but he looks very mentally good.

“Itakura-san, I would like to ask you for some details about yesterday’s incident, don’t be nervous, just answer my question well.”

The administrator of Itakura nodded: “Okay, I will definitely actively cooperate with the police to solve the case.”

“Did Mr. Kawashima go out last night?”

“When I was on duty last night, I didn’t see him go out directly, but after cooperating with Mr. Police to call the surveillance, I found out that he had gone out last night.”

“How is Mr. Kawashima on weekdays?”

After a moment of silence, the administrator of the board warehouse spoke.

“Kawashima this person is domineering, often quarrels with others, he likes to drink, many times because of drinking, quarrels with others, the day before yesterday was still drunk back, what mouth must be retaliated and so on, I saw that he couldn’t stand steadily, so I stepped forward to help him, but accidentally touched his stomach, but he suddenly screamed and pushed me away.”

Kudo Shinichi frowned.

The administrator continued.

“And I’ve heard other people in this building say that this Mr. Kawashima seems to have an underworld background and seems to be related to some kind of gang, and it is rumored that he has offended a lot of people.”

By this time, Kudo Shinichi had already thought of a lot of things.

This case is only the kind of case he hates the most.

The social relations of the victims are very complicated, and there are many enemies of such triads.

Because such cases often have a very complex background, it is a very complicated matter to sort out the social relationship of the victim.

It is very difficult to find a motivated person in such a complex relationship, and it is too difficult to locate the murderer.

He called the informant, the beer deliverer, over for questioning.

The results obtained are similar to what the administrator said.

At this time, Officer Twilight had also investigated some specific information about this Kawashima.

This Kawashima is an underworld element who has been suspected of extortion, fighting, and even participating in hostage-taking incidents many times.

It’s just that the gang behind this person is not small, and later, because of insufficient evidence, this Kawashima has been at large.

“Officer Twilight, judging from the clues currently available, this place is not the scene of the first crime, and there is no specific cause of death, and even a suspect has not been found, which can be used as the object of investigation, and it is not possible to find the murderer yet.”

Officer Twilight also took a deep breath.

As a police officer, I hate this kind of case the most.

The background of the victim is complex, the whole case is confusing, there are doubts about the cause and time of death of the deceased, and there are no valuable clues at the scene.

If you want to solve such a case, you need a lot of investigation, little by little to find clues, and even whether you can solve the case in the end has become unknown.

“I know Brother Kudo, there is no way to do this, now it seems that the only way to dissect the deceased first to find his specific cause of death, on the other hand, investigate the people that the deceased came into contact with before his death, and slowly find the murderer.”

Kudo Shinichi could only nod helplessly, and now the situation seems to be like this.

Only at this moment, he suddenly remembered a detail that the administrator had just said.

Hurriedly ran to the side of the corpse and lifted the clothes on Kawashima’s corpse.

But I saw that his hattori was blue and purple, and it seemed to be after suffering a heavy blow.

The forensic doctor on the side spoke: “This injury was discovered during the autopsy, and this injury should have been caused by a heavy blow, although it will be very painful, but it will not be fatal.”

Kudo Shinichi’s face showed joy: “It is true that this is not a fatal injury, but it is a very important clue, and this injury may have a causal relationship with the death of the deceased.”

“Officer Twilight, the direction of investigation now is the person who has had conflicts with this Kawashima in the past few days!”

At this time, a flame had risen in Kudo Shinichi’s heart.

“Perfect crime, this is definitely a very clever perfect crime!

The murderer used an unknown method to put the deceased to death, and used a method that I can’t crack now, so that the dying person returned to his room, and then entered the room without breaking the doors and windows, and let the deceased die slowly!

Only in this way can everything make sense! ”

He trembled with excitement!

The opponent encountered this time is absolutely completely different from all the opponents encountered before, and it is an extremely terrifying opponent!

It’s just that the more so, the more excited he becomes.

He enjoyed the pleasure of finding the murderer a little bit and forcing the murderer into a corner, and at this time, his fighting spirit had been fully stimulated!

In the arena of the Langhua Stadium, a much-anticipated game has quietly begun.

Miyazaki slowly got up at this time and walked towards the opponent in front of him with a smile.

“Finally met a good opponent, so it seems that I have to be more serious.”

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