Taking advantage of Miyazaki Ha’s processing of ingredients, Kudo Shinichi quickly came to the third floor, and when he actually went up to the third floor, he was relieved.

“Whew——, it’s actually more nervous than probing the gang headquarters.”

Although I made up my mind, I must probe this place to rest assured, after all, such a terrifying guy, if he is really a criminal, then it is too terrible.

Thinking of Miyazaki Ha’s easy victory over his opponent, he couldn’t help but tremble all over.

At this time, this detective did not know that Miyazaki Yu, who was in the kitchen, the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

“I know that this kid is very suspicious, and now it seems that this is really the case, he is really a little master.”

Throughout the entire main story of Conan, this kid’s ability to die is extremely strong, and it is no less than that of the juvenile death group.

All kinds of entering and leaving the death scene, confronting all kinds of vicious criminals, countless times brought Xiaolan to the point of death.

According to the flower planter, this kid’s seal hall should probably be black and shiny!

It is enough to follow the power in an emergency, but many times, it is his disregard that makes the situation more escalated, and even the people around him have also been implicated, and the examples are endless.

From these things, although Miyazaki Yu does not have much ill feelings for this kind of person, he does not have a good impression.

So he decided to let this curious guy also feel afraid.

After going upstairs, Kudo Shinichi was speechless for a while, this guy said that his bedroom was thoughtful, but the upstairs environment was still very clean.

Apart from the original decoration, there are not many ornaments.

The most eye-catching thing is the two huge bookcases in the bedroom, which are divided into many books.

Kudo Shinichi knows that what books a person likes to read represents his hobbies and some real thoughts in his heart.

His gaze fell on a bookshelf, but after looking at it, he couldn’t help but roll his eyes, these books are very professional books, many of them are books about the structure of the human body, and about various kendo schools.

It’s just that most of them are still brand new, and obviously they haven’t been fortunate yet.

“I bought so many books, but they just look good?” I couldn’t help but complain in my heart.

But then I also thought, this is not surprising, this guy has just moved over, he has to go to school during the day, he has to practice kendo, and he doesn’t have much time to read, right?

However, I still couldn’t help but open a book that I had obviously read, but I was shocked when I opened it.

On the pages of the book, I wrote annotations in many places, endured my head and read a few sentences, but found that these things were all references to the content of other books, and there were discrepancies between the descriptions in the books, and he compared the two, or multiple ideas, and then came to his own conclusions.

This gave him a new understanding of the other party’s erudition.

On the other shelf, except for half of the books of various disciplines, the other half is completely medical books.

“Internal Medicine, Neurology, Surgery, ENT 、、、”

“What is this!”

As a detective who eats with excellent logical skills, he feels a bit ‘square’!

Although he knew that medicine was a particularly complex discipline, he did not expect that it was so complicated that just reading the title of the book made people very big!

He turned his gaze away and began to exert his meticulous observation, observing the entire room.

The biggest feeling is that the whole room is simple and clean, there is a freshness everywhere, and everything is very neatly tidy.

“I didn’t expect this guy to be more careful than a woman, it’s really surprising.”

After scanning everywhere, I found nothing, because the whole room was so neat that everything could be swept at a glance, and there was nothing superfluous at all.

“It seems that there is no problem in the bedroom.”

Exiting Miyazaki’s bedroom and moving to another room, he must now speed up and visit people’s homes, but secretly search people’s rooms.

Once this kind of thing is caught, his face as a high school detective will be lost.

This kind of moment of social death, he definitely does not want!

Turning and walking towards another room, the door was closed, and the doorknob was gently turned, and the room was dark, only the tight curtains, shining through the slightest light.

This made him instantly interested, the door was closed, and the curtains were drawn, was there something tricky in this?

He opened the door a little, but a figure came into view, but it was a human silhouette, faintly shimmering, but it was the outline and color of this figure, it was a blood-colored body, or a corpse!

Suddenly seeing such a stimulating thing suddenly made his heart pound.

At this moment, a rapid ringing sound came from Miyazaki Ha’s bedroom.

Shinichi Kudo, who was already nervous, almost stopped beating his heart!

There was also a sound of footsteps downstairs, which made him break into a cold sweat instantly!

“This is definitely a corpse! Now what? Once he finds me, he knows that I have seen his secret, he will definitely kill people, his sword skills are strong, much stronger than Hattori Heiji!

Once he really makes up his mind to kill, I will definitely die, and Xiaolan and Yuanzi, they still don’t know anything, what should I do? ”

In an instant, many thoughts turned in his mind.

When people are prepared, they are not easily frightened, and the most afraid is that they are not prepared.

It’s like watching a ghost movie, the most frightening thing is the sudden change, revealing a terrifying scene, and the contrast with the previous is too strong.

Some people were even scared to death!

Kudo Shinichi was extremely annoyed in his heart, he was really careless, and he dared to do such a thing without a little preparation!

It will even endanger Xiaolan’s life!

Immediately, he entered the room directly and closed the door!

There was another sound of footsteps outside the door.

“Xiao Yu, how can there be a ringtone?”

Kudo Shinichi, who was hiding inside the door, turned pale for a while.

“It’s Xiaolan! What did she come up for? ”

“I train every day when I come back, and I’m afraid that sometimes training forgets time to cook, so I set an alarm to prevent myself from losing track of time and turning it off.”

“I ate barbecue on the roof before, I haven’t visited this third floor, you just said that you put a lot of thought into the bedroom, let’s take a look.”

The sound of the garden also sounded.

“Yes, that is to say, I heard that the boys’ rooms are very messy, and I also want to see if Miyazaki-kun is such a person.”

The first and second floors are very clean and tidy, which makes both girls interested.

“Of course, it’s okay to look at it casually.”

The voice of the garden came again: “Hehe, so we are not welcome, your boy’s residence, actually neat than the girl’s room, I am very unconvinced, I want to see all these rooms, maybe you pile all the messy things in one room!” ”

At this time, Kudo Shinichi’s heart is about to jump out!

“It’s not good, this silly girl in the garden actually wants to see all the rooms! Once she opens the rate, it’s over!

The only way now is to stop the garden, and you must not let her open it! ”

Immediately gently opened the window, looked slightly, and found a pipe.

So I immediately climbed out, and then climbed down the pipe, my hands were immediately stained with a lot of dust, and soon came to the position of the second floor, found an unclosed window to open, and entered through the window.

When he rushed upstairs desperately, the garden just opened the room.

Then came a scream!

At this time, Kudo Shinichi had just rushed to the top of the stairs, and his heart couldn’t help but sink completely.

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