Xiaolan fell into the deepest sleep.

Her sleep was very deep and sound, as if she had experienced a distant dream, and the whole person seemed to be immersed in warm water.

This is not because the big bed in the hotel is too comfortable, but because Miyazaki uses a special massage technique.

He has studied so many medical books, coupled with his understanding of the human body, if he goes for massage, he will definitely make a lot of money.

Compared to those blind people, it is more than ten times better.

Under his massage to help sleep, the girl fell into a deep sleep, and the nerves, which had been tensed up by the various dangers experienced yesterday, slowly regained their calm.

At this time, the girl is like a statue carved from mutton fat jade, quiet and gentle, with a little smile at the corner of her mouth, which makes people want to kiss it.

I don’t know how long it took for the girl to finally wake up.

First I opened my big sleepy eyes, and then I remembered something.


The girl couldn’t help but scream, remembering what happened before.

When she was out playing with Shinichi, she encountered a shootout and almost lost her life.

As a result, he was saved by a young man from the Dragon Kingdom, but the guy spoke frivolously and embarrassed himself.

As a result, Shinichi rushed back at this time, and Shinichi worried about himself and fought with the guy.

But the difference in their strength was too great, Shinichi was not his opponent at all, and he wanted to stop it, but he suddenly lost consciousness.

“That guy must have knocked me unconscious!”

She also thought clearly about the cause and effect now, it must be that person who thought she was in the way, which knocked herself unconscious.

“Shinichi! I don’t know if he raised it like this! ”

Thinking of Kudo Shinichi, the girl was immediately anxious, Shinichi has a stubborn personality, that guy is a ruthless murderer, if Shinichi angers him, the other party will definitely kill him!

Hurriedly got up from the bed, but just stood still, found that his clothes had been changed into pajamas, and looked around to see that his clothes had been neatly folded and placed at the end of the bed.

But she suddenly thought of something terrible, and her originally rosy face instantly lost its blood color.

So I hurriedly ran to the bathroom and checked my body well, as a high school girl, I already have common sense in this regard, and it is still okay to check whether there is an abnormality in my body.

After the examination, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Except for his surprisingly good state, there was nothing unusual, but when he saw the pajamas on his body, he couldn’t help but feel angry.

“It must be that bastard! He must have changed my clothes on his own initiative! ”

Thinking that it was possible that her whole body might be seen by the other party, the girl’s heart was a pang of shame, but a special feeling also rose, and she didn’t know what it was like.

Immediately changed his clothes and went downstairs.

When I arrived at the front desk and asked, I knew that the other party left here yesterday after paying the room fee, and did not stay here, and I was even more relieved in my heart.

Queens, New York, which is located in the eastern part of New York City, is multi-ethnically mixed, creating complex location factors here.

So while it’s one of the busiest districts in New York, it’s also the most chaotic area.

It’s like a cyberpunk scene, with advanced technology and buildings, but in the blink of an eye, it can be a garbage-ridden slum.

Completely different styles, intertwined in the same place, resulting in an unusually peculiar scenery here.

In an inconspicuous building, Belmode himself filled Miyazaki with a glass full of wine glasses, with a mesmerizing smile on his beautiful face.

“Unexpectedly, you are even better than I thought, you are really born with a sharp blade!”

No wonder she is so satisfied, the other party has already done several major things in just a few days when he arrived in New York.

The first shot caused a bombing attack and gave the FBI the harshest warning.

The entire New York FBI felt fear, and the psychological advantage brought about by Shuichi Akai’s betrayal had disappeared.

Even the guy from Gin Jiu had to admit his strength, which can be seen in the conversation in the past few days, that guy used to talk to himself so politely.

And then there was the plan to break into the interior of a gangster, and he did it, and he did it perfectly.

In a short period of time, the underground world of New York was turned upside down, and the ‘blastman’ Bulang also died in his hands, which can be described as killing three birds with one stone.

“Since you want to do it, you naturally have to do the best, and in this world, if you want to get enough benefits, you have to show enough value.”

Belmod nodded: “That’s right, after that idiot of Bulang died, his underground power was accepted by Olip, but Olip didn’t know that I was the biggest winner.”

As he spoke, a smile flashed in his eyes.

She can’t be surprised, her identity is Sharon Wynyard, a female star in Hollywood.

As a complex and mysterious figure, the interests involved in her can be described as huge.

The interests of the black-clad organization are only one of them, but by no means all.

Deep down, she actually hates the black-clothed organization, but if she wants to survive, she has to be attached to the organization, and this contradiction makes her live in the cracks.

So she needs money and power, and money power, like twins, is mutually reinforcing, if you want money, you need to have enough deterrence, and if you want power, you also need enough money protection.

Therefore, Sister Pei has her own industry all over the world.

And the deepest involved is the New York industry.

It’s just that these industries are targeted by local gangster forces, and this force is the gang where Demoman Bulang belongs.

It’s just that this is only one part of the whole plan.

Miyazaki Yu also smiled, this woman is not scheming, the whole plan can be described as fantastic, seemingly not marginal, in fact, in a short period of time, several results in her favor were obtained.

“What’s next for you?”

Belmod smiled lightly: “According to our plan, Akai Shuichi should have already found out about you now, but with his caution, even if he acts, he will be very careful, so my second step plan is about to begin.”

Her next plan, of course, Miyazaki Yu knows very well.

“There is no problem with your plan, but I think that the roles between you and me should be changed, after all, I would like to see how much strength the character that makes you so afraid has really had!”

Belmod was slightly stunned, and then his heart warmed.

This kid knows all his plans, and he knows that in the whole plan, only one thing is the most dangerous, that is, to deal with Akai Shuichi.

On the contrary, he originally attracted the firepower of the FBI, although it was also very dangerous, but after all, it was only on the periphery to support, and the degree of danger was very limited.

Now he took the initiative to do this most dangerous thing, which made Belmode’s heart a little warmer.

She put her arms around Miyazaki directly from behind, her soft body pressed against his back.

“Why are you so nice to your sister, do you like your sister?”

Miyazaki Yu stood up directly and snorted coldly: “Less self-inflicted and more affectionate, I’m afraid that you will die, no one will pay me a salary, I don’t care if you live or die!” ”

Looking at Miyazaki Ha’s back as he left, Belmod snorted heavily.

“Stinky boy, not cute at all! The old lady is a big beauty sought after by the whole of Hollywood, she actually doesn’t like me, she likes a little girl! ”

But suddenly thought of something, but he smiled.

“That guy Yukiko always regarded that girl as his daughter-in-law, and now that smelly boy has one more opponent like this, which is a very interesting thing.”

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