“Damn, he still escaped into the river!”

By the time Akai arrived at the scene, there was calm above the water, but his brows were still wrinkled.

“Mr. Akai, the other party was shot several times and fell into the rapids, he should be dead.”

An agent stepped forward and said.

In reality, it is not a movie, and people’s bodies are actually extremely fragile when facing bullets, and once shot, it is almost a lore.

Unless the place where the hit is not critical, so that the opponent can maintain the ability to fight for a short time, in most cases, it will not be possible to live at all.

The other party was shot twice, and there was almost no hope of survival.

“Who among you shot him?”

Hearing this question, all the agents were a little dazed.

“Mr. Akai, that person was so fierce just now that we could only shoot desperately, and we couldn’t tell who hit the other side.”

Looking at these agents who looked at each other, Akai Shuichi also shook his head, but it was also, such a chaotic situation, even the agents, could not guarantee their shooting accuracy.

If you have the opportunity to snipe, it is good, with your own sniping skills, you will definitely be able to put the other party to death.

But now the time is too tight, there is no time to investigate, and there is no time to snipe at each other.

It’s just that Akai Shuichi didn’t see a man with eyes in the crowd, with a hint of a smile in his eyes.

“Akai Shuichi, Akai Shuichi, after all, you still overlooked a lot of things, forehead things, it’s hard to hide from your eyes, but it’s easy to hide from these idiots.

Just like what that kid said, the moment the curtain fell, it was the moment when the long sword was unsheathed! The real lore, this is the beginning! ”

Akai Shuichi spoke: “Guys, now is not the time to relax, contact the police now, whether the other party is alive or dead, find the other party’s body!” ”

The agents around all nodded, but they were all relieved.

An enemy who is seriously injured and whose life and death are unknown is no longer much threatening, and even the other party is very likely to die in the river, which saves a lot of trouble.

They are still afraid of that battle just now.

They were well prepared and besieged from all sides with a large number of men, and the other party was originally like a turtle in an urn.

The most important thing is that from the intelligence they secretly observed, when the other party appeared, he did not carry a gun at all!

That is to say, the other party can actually kill more than ten of them without a gun, although in the back, after the other party grabbed the gun, he also used the gun, but this did not affect the strength of the other party at all!

The screams that came from the headset still echoed in my ears, and the fear of watching my companions fall has not completely disappeared until now!

Some people are even gasping for air at this time, relieving the adrenaline rush caused by excessive tension.

Many people feel a chill in their backs, which is dry cold sweat.

Not long after, a large number of police forces arrived and began to cooperate with the FBI along the banks of the river to conduct lateral searches, and also dispatched a lot of police dogs.

There were also many ambulances dispatched to remove the dead and wounded, and professionals were dispatched to start cleaning the streets of blood.

Everything seems to have completely calmed down.

It’s just that Akai Shuichi, at this moment, still feels very heavy, and it seems that something bad is about to happen.

While thinking, a voice came from the headset.

“Mr. Akai, just when I was searching, in Area Six, I accidentally found a trace of the murderer, and now the first squad has chased after it!”

“Silver-haired murderer?”

Akai Shuichi’s heart moved, this area was originally the activity area of the silver-haired murderer, and the trace of the mysterious figure was found before, or because of the unexpected gain of tracking the silver-haired murderer.

In this way, this is indeed the hiding place of the murderer.

Today’s large-scale operation aroused the vigilance of the other party, so the silver-haired murderer was blocked in this area!

It seems that today there is a chance to solve this guy!

Without the slightest hesitation, he immediately rushed towards the place of the incident.

Compared to that mysterious figure, a guy like the silver-haired murderer is not worth mentioning, and it is more than enough to deal with such a guy by himself.

“The first squad is pursuing with all its might, and you must not let the other party escape!”

He began to go all out, and the speed soared to the extreme, and it only took another five minutes or so for him to reach the incident area.

It’s just that he doesn’t know that this net specially created for him is now ready to go!

In the street, a figure is running fast, although the speed is fast, but you can see that it is very embarrassed, behind him, five or six agents, still chasing.

These FBIs are very excited at this time.

Today’s day can be described as a bad year, encountering a powerful pervert, their delicate preparation, or paid a heavy price.

Now it’s exciting to find another valuable target.

Hitting a rabbit with grass, as long as it is a rabbit, as for whether it is the one chased in the first place, it doesn’t really matter.

As long as you can grasp a worthy target, you can make a difference!

It’s just that they didn’t see it at this time, the silver-haired murderer who seemed embarrassed, but under the silver-white hair at this time, there was a trace of a weird smile.

“Sister Bei, I lost money today, I have been constantly being hunted and killed, and you are now mixed in the FBI, but you are leisurely and comfortable.”

Belmode, who was mixed with the wisdom of the crowd, smiled softly.

“Knowing that it is not easy for you, as long as the task is completed this time, my sister will definitely reward you well.”

Miyazaki Yu smiled: “I fought with Akai Shuichi, you are not allowed to interfere, I want to see how much weight the FBI’s ace sniper has!” ”

In just a few days, Miyazaki’s mentality has completely changed.

This New York is worthy of being the capital of sin and worthy of being the Gotham on earth.

The continuous fighting and fighting has given him a deeper understanding of the battle, and he has truly completed the transformation, from a high school student with strong martial arts to a decisive assassin!

He had a real long sword in his arms, which Belmod gave him, and it was a blade specially customized by someone!

He has never forgotten that he is not a gunman, but a swordsman, a strong man who has mastered the true meaning of kendo!

It’s just that before, for various reasons, he could only use bamboo knives, palms, pistols, throwing knives to solve the enemy.

But I just haven’t killed the enemy with a real bladed sword!

And now, Shuichi Akai is the best prey, let this FBI silver bullet become the first sacrifice of the blade in his hand!

“Stop, you have no way to escape!”

At the bend of a small alley, the first squad finally blocked Miyazaki Ha, and they all raised their guns nervously.

Although this person in front of him is not as powerful as that guy, he is also very dangerous, after all, there are not many people who died in his hands.

The whole of New York has made people panic because of this guy, and now I finally caught this guy!

“Don’t resist or we’ll shoot you!” Now raise your hand and slowly turn to face us! ”

The figure slowly raised his hand, and under the silver hair, a pair of bright eyes were revealed, as deep and unfathomable as a deep pool.

Just looking at those eyes, as if he had been pricked by a steel needle, he couldn’t help but be startled.

“Now hold your head in your hands, and then slowly squat on the ground without moving!”

The figure suddenly grinned, its white teeth shining.

“Keeping me from moving? But I prefer to keep people from moving, start! ”

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