After parting her lips, Tomoko looked at Natsuki a little breathlessly.

The hair on his sideburns was messy, and his originally fair cheeks were slightly flushed.

“Ask you a question, have you kissed Sonoko and Ayako?”

Tomoko Suzuki asked like a docile kitten lying in Natsuki’s arms, her pink lips lightly opened.

Natsuki thought for a moment and replied, “I haven’t had a relationship with Ayako, but I was forcibly kissed by Sonoko before.” ”

Thinking of the actions of the garden before, Xia Shu was a little confused.

So bold!

“If it were a garden, it wouldn’t be surprising that such a move would be made…”

Tomoko Suzuki sighed, and then she noticed that Natsuki’s eyes were peeking at her calf.

“You like to look at my legs?”

Unlike those young girls, Suzuki Tomoko has long passed that shy stage, so she feels not shy, but happy for Natsuki to like her beautiful legs.

While saying this, she couldn’t help but shrink her pink little toes.

Xia Shu subconsciously replied, “Where do you look without looking at your legs?” ”

“You’re pretty honest.” Tomoko Suzuki scolded with a smile.

“Ahem, my biggest advantage as a person is honesty.”

“For example, I’ve actually wanted to do this to you for a long time.”

While speaking, Natsuki stretched out his hand and put it on Suzuki Tomoko’s smooth and delicate beautiful legs, gently kneading.

Suzuki Tomoko’s pink ear roots slowly climbed a light red, and her watery eyes kept flickering.

“Speaking of which, why didn’t you wear stockings today?”

Natsuki leaned forward slightly, his lips already on the verge of touching Suzuki’s earlobe.

“You like to see me in stockings?”

Tomoko Suzuki suddenly remembered that before Natsuki liked to stare at his thighs with iron-gray stockings.

Sure enough, this guy is a pervert who likes stockings!

For her answer, Natsuki nodded honestly.

While here you non my non, the other side –

Countless twinkling stars hang in the dark night sky, and a silver-white car shuttles through the streets of the city.

Belmod sits in the driver’s seat, but she is not the same as before.

She transfigured.

Since he is going to investigate something inside the Suzuki Foundation, he must hide his identity.

After all, it was the Suzuki Foundation, the consortium standing at the top of the country, not other cats and dogs.

There are many descriptions of the Suzuki Foundation’s financial power in the anime, which can be seen from Sonoko Suzuki.

However, the anime is actually deliberately downplaying the influence of the Suzuki Foundation, or deliberately showing the powerful side of the Suzuki Foundation.

In the anime, the Suzuki Foundation can’t stop the theft of the strange thief Kidd.

Even in the end, it is necessary to rely on the so-called detective Conan to reason and find the strange thief Kidd.

But after crossing into this world, Natsuki understood something.

If the Suzuki Foundation wanted to, it could have sent a heavily armed squad to protect the jewels that seduced Kidd.

In this regard, the police actually have some role to play.

At least on the surface, the Suzuki Foundation has never thought of clashing with the police.

Therefore, with the police present, the Suzuki Foundation’s actions will not be too excessive.

As a member of the black-clad organization, and even a high-ranking member of the black-clad organization, Belmode knows the strength of the Suzuki consortium better than ordinary people.

Belmod had already changed into a JK girl at this time, and her long black hair was styled as a princess.

The upper body is wearing a small black suit, and the lower body is a black pleated skirt, which reaches to the knee, revealing only a small section of pure calves like white lotus.

All in all, it’s all black.

Leggings are also black.

“But although I said that I was going to investigate, I still had some trouble.”

“Not even a single person could be found, almost all the kidnappers who went to the school were killed by him, and the few remaining who could be saved were also taken away by the police.”

“It’s a real trouble.” Belmode complained while holding the steering wheel and glancing in the rearview mirror from time to time.

Chianti, who was sitting next to her, seemed to have become a different person under Belmode’s superb transfiguration.

He has short and medium black hair, barely reaches his shoulders, and wears a baseball cap on his head.

The red and white baseball open shirt, with her chest that was originally a steel plate, is like a real boy.

The lower body is blue and white jeans, which set off the slender and slender legs.

“You didn’t take his request yourself?”

“The reason why you want to do such a troublesome thing, after all, is not because you suddenly grew a love brain recently?”

“The love brain that will lose your mind when you see Natsuki Suzuki.”

For Belmode’s complaint, Chianti said he didn’t care, and threw her a merciless and cold taunt.

Belmod also did not show weakness, “Aren’t you the same? ”

“If it weren’t for him, you would have come with me to investigate?!”

After Belmode’s words fell, Chianti also fell silent.

It’s just that I am still thinking in my heart, and I seem to have really become a little wrong….

On both sides of the silver-white car, only occasional cars driving in opposite directions can be seen.

The purpose of the two is the home of a shareholder in the Suzuki Foundation.

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