Ke Xue: Elementary School Student Of The God Of Death, Help Me Become A Chaebol!

Chapter 47 Natasha Joins The Company To Rescue Miyano Shiho!

Chapter 47 Natasha joins the company and rescues Miyano Shiho!

After the deal was done, the two left immediately.


With the intervention of the Red Queen of artificial intelligence, Natasha forged a resume and went directly to Qinggang Biopharmaceuticals to apply for a job.

That day, in the afternoon.

Natasha successfully joined the company!

Of course.

Natasha only joined the company on the surface.

The real research site of the dark organization is located on the third floor underground of this company.

"If you want to enter the underground core, you must take a special elevator."

"The elevator uses a card swipe system, and there are people guarding the elevator entrance for a long time."

"It's really not easy to get in without alarming anyone."

Natasha frowned slightly.

At this time.

She was wearing a fitted uniform and holding a stack of documents in her arms.

While walking, she observed.

It has been half a day since she joined this biopharmaceutical company.

She probably walked around all the public areas.

But, it's a pity.

In addition to the elevators with people stationed, she has not found any other way yet.

As for the Red Queen's subprogram, she had also tested it.

It was useless!

18 This so-called Qinggang Biopharmaceutical Company was just an empty shell.


These computers above were not connected to the underground.

If she wanted the Red Queen to work, she had to find a way to get into the underground.


Hard work pays off.

After a while, Natasha found an opportunity.

After all, the underground was a secret research institute, so naturally various experiments were needed, and various large equipment were definitely needed.

So, for this reason.

A huge underground ventilation network was naturally a given.


She began a secret investigation and successfully found a seemingly ordinary computer room not far from the office building.

But, in fact.

This was a disguised vent.

I don't know if the dark organization is too confident or if they simply don't have the professional ability.

At least.

There were no security personnel or even monitoring equipment at this vent in front of me.

"This is hard to understand!"

"Even though the frontal control was so strict, even an eighth-level agent like me found it very difficult to deal with.

"But why?"

"How could such a big omission occur?"

"Is there something wrong?"

Natasha complained in her heart.


She really couldn't stand it.

This world is too weird.

As the head of a chaebol, Seiwa Sontoku can easily kill anyone under normal circumstances, and he doesn't need to dirty his hands.

But, what happened next?

He had to do it himself, in front of so many guests.

He played it fancy, and then he killed himself.


This dark organization is the same.

On the surface, it's awesome.

The secret research institute dared to open in a place like Tokyo, and it seems to secretly control bigwigs such as congressmen. The three research institutes The protection of the institute is so tight.

But, what happened in the end?

It's just a bright surface, but it's all bullshit.

There is such a big loophole!

Even if you don't arrange people to defend it, at least install a surveillance camera?

But, forget it.

Anyway, it has nothing to do with me, I'd better complete the task as soon as possible.

That's it.

Natasha easily sneaked into the underground institute through this large ventilation equipment.


She found a computer at random and inserted the Red Queen's subroutine directly into the computer.

Probably, after a while.

The computer started to run on its own, and in less than two minutes, the Red Queen's figure appeared.

"Invasion completed, self-check started..."

"Self-check ended, invasion started........."

"Invasion completed!"

"Hello, Natasha."

"I have completely taken control of this secret base and found the rescue target Miyano Shiho."

"Map, distributing!"

The speed of Red Queen's invasion is incredible.

Even Natasha, who had seen Jarvis, couldn't help but sigh that it was amazing.


After getting the location of Miyano Shiho's imprisonment, Natasha's tone began to become very serious: "Set a route for me and avoid everyone as much as possible."

"Route planning............" Red Queen's tone was indifferent, and ten seconds later she spoke again: "The planning is completed, please check!"


The fax machine next to the computer began to operate automatically.

Natasha took the blueprint from the fax machine, took a quick look and memorized it in her mind, and then went directly to the place where Miyano Shiho was imprisoned.

Five minutes later.


Natasha opened the door and saw ten girls in white coats.

Well, very young.

That brown hair is naturally very easy to recognize.

"Who are you?"

"It seems that the organization has determined to kill me?"

"But, okay."

"Since my sister is dead, I may not have any meaning."

"Go ahead."

Miyano Shiho, his face was indifferent.

She glanced at Natasha briefly, and then began to close her eyes and wait for death.

And, in response to this.

Natasha's mouth twitched, and she sighed helplessly.


She didn't say any nonsense, took out her mobile phone directly, and started to call Li Ze.

After a simple exchange, she handed the phone to Miyano Shiho.

"You, what do you mean?" Miyano Shiho was a little confused.

Natasha pointed to the phone, and then smiled and said: "You communicate with the other end of the phone yourself.

Miyano Shiho, a little confused.

The woman in front of her didn't seem to be a member of the organization.


Although she was very confused, she still picked up the phone.

"Hello, are you...sister?"

"Sister, are you still alive?"

"This woman came to save me and let me listen to her?"

"Okay, I get it. "

Miyano Shiho, who was holding the phone, was naturally shocked.


She did not expect that.

Her sister was not dead.


Although Gin told her yesterday 993 that her sister was not dead but just missing.

But, to be honest.

She did not believe it at all!

After all.

As a younger sister, she still knew what level her sister was.

At least.

She was definitely not the opponent of the organization!

Under such circumstances, her sister suddenly disappeared?

It was a trick!

That's right.

She chose to stop the research directly, hoping to fight with this method, hoping to get the truth of the matter.

But, she never thought.

What Gin said was true.

This made her feel dazed, especially when she looked at Natasha in front of her, her heart was full of surprise and confusion.

After pondering for a long time, she suddenly spoke.

"Who are you?"

"Let's talk about these things after we leave. "

Natasha did not explain Miyano Shiho's doubts, but was busy removing her handcuffs.

After a while.

After the handcuffs were opened, Natasha stood up.


"Time is running out, the enemy will come at any time."

"Follow me, we are leaving."

After that.

Natasha took out two pistols, then opened the door and left.

And, on the other side.

Knowing that her sister Miyano Akemi is still alive, Miyano Shiho naturally doesn't want to die.


She followed Natasha closely, but couldn't help but speak.

"We can't escape."

"I don't know who you are, but the organization is too scary, you can't be the opponent. "

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