After coming out of the apartment where he lived, Zhang Kun came to Suzuki Mansion for the first time.

If the police can save Sonoko Suzuki once, he can kidnap him again.

Of course, he does not necessarily have to kidnap Sonoko, like Suzuki Sonoko’s sister Ayako Suzuki, and her mother Tomoko Suzuki are within the scope of kidnapping.

As for Shiro Suzuki?

Forget it, it’s too fat, and Zhang Kun doesn’t want to check if Shiro Suzuki has a GPS locator hidden on him.

When he came to Suzuki’s mansion, there were several police cars outside the door, and there were several patrols guarding the door, plus the gate was closed, and Zhang Kun was standing in the courtyard outside the gate waiting.

He is not in a hurry, and when the police come out, the gate will definitely open.

Sure enough, it didn’t take long for the door to open.

However, what surprised Zhang Kun was that it was not only the police who came out of the house, but also Maori Kogoro, Concubine Eiri, Mori Lan and Kudo Shinichi.

After the police rescued Suzuki Sonoko and Moriland, they all brought them directly to the Suzuki Mansion.

Watching Maori Kogoro and Officer Twilight and others leave, Zhang Kun did not follow.

The people of the Suzuki Foundation are his number one target.

His purpose is to make money, and he kidnapped Morilan before because she was with Sonoko Suzuki, and in order to prevent trouble, he tied them together.

Zhang Kun was indeed very upset that the two hostages were rescued and his actions yesterday failed.

Revenge is certain to go back, but before that, you still have to get the first funds.

Without money, he can’t even use his own ‘system’!

It’s a bunch of good stuff that you can’t afford to buy!

So make money first, and everything else has to go to the back!

Taking advantage of the gap when Maori Kogoro and the others left, Zhang Kun walked into the Suzuki mansion without anyone else.

I took off my shoes and put them in my bag, and walked into Suzuki’s house wearing only socks.

He took off his shoes not because he was exhausted, but because he was afraid that he would stain the floor of Suzuki’s house.

He is an invisible person, but there are shoe prints on the ground, isn’t this revealing his location.

Living room.

“Ayako, Sonoko, tomorrow morning, there will be a personal bodyguard to protect your safety.”

“As long as you are outside, no matter what you do, they will protect you.” Shiro Suzuki said to his two daughters.

Previously, he had never given his daughter bodyguards, which is a tradition in the Suzuki family.

When the children in the family were still in school, they were not given bodyguards so that they could make real friends.

In fact, there have never been accidents.

But after this incident, Shiro Suzuki will no longer be naïve.

What’s more, the previous kidnappers also sent messages to intimidate them, and he had to pay more attention to the safety of everyone in the family.

“Dad, is it a female bodyguard?” Yuanzi asked curiously when he heard this.

“Of course, because even when you go to the bathroom, they have to be by your side.” If you have a male bodyguard, there will always be times when it is inconvenient. ”

“But don’t think they’re worse than male bodyguards just because they’re women.” Dad invited the top bodyguards. ”

“Even if they protect the Prime Minister, they are qualified.” Shiro Suzuki said.

Not far away, Zhang Kun leaned against the wall and sneered.

Are the female bodyguards who are also qualified to protect the prime minister the female bodyguards who reacted after the prime minister was shot twice by the wild man’s gun?

As for the bodyguard’s 24-hour close protection?

So what? There are more than a dozen bodyguards in the yard, didn’t he sneak in smoothly?

Later, he will directly abduct people from the Suzuki mansion! Let Shiro Suzuki know that it is useless to ask for bodyguards!

The Suzuki Sonoko family sat together for dinner, while Zhang Kun went to the master bedroom of the family and sat on the sofa eating bread.

He decided to kidnap Tomoko Suzuki this time! And he also wants to kidnap her from Shiro Suzuki’s side.

When you leave, put a kitchen knife next to Shiro Suzuki’s pillow!

Look at Shiro Suzuki, dare not disobey.

At nine o’clock, Tomoko Suzuki took the lead in returning to the room, took a clean bathrobe from the cloakroom, and went into the bathroom.

After a while, there was a sound of dripping water inside.

Tomoko Suzuki hadn’t finished washing, and Shiro Suzuki went back to his room.

As soon as Shiro Suzuki entered the house, Zhang Kun directly sprayed [anesthesia spray] on his face, and Shiro Suzuki instantly lost consciousness.

With the blessing of the ox charm, Zhang Kun threw more than two hundred pounds of Suzuki Shilang on the sofa with one hand and lay down.

It took another half an hour before Tomoko Suzuki came out of the bathroom wearing a bathrobe.

Tomoko Suzuki wiped her hair with a towel as she walked towards Shiro Suzuki.

“Husband, don’t sleep on the sofa, hurry up and wash and rest.”

Shiro Suzuki did not respond to Tomoko Suzuki, and it was Zhang Kun’s [anesthesia spray] that responded to her.


Suzuki Tomoko only felt a mist of water rushing towards him, and then he lost consciousness.

Zhang Kun hugged him and threw it on the bed.

Looking at the two in a coma, Zhang Kun couldn’t help but sigh: “The anesthesia spray produced by this system is really easy to use!” ”

This [anesthesia spray] is really worthy of the description of instant fainting!

It feels more effective than the anesthesia needle that Dr. Agasa specially made for Conan.

Conan’s anesthesia needle shoots people, and others will circle around at least twice, finding a place to sit before they are unconscious.

And this [anesthesia spray], that is really faint in the moment of spraying.

Zhang Kun left the room, went to the kitchen to get a sharp-edged kitchen knife, and returned to Shiro Suzuki’s room.

Zhang Kun took out Suzuki Sonoko’s mobile phone from his pocket, appeared and took a video.

Of course, he himself did not enter the picture, but only took the unconscious Shiro Suzuki and the comatose Tomoko Suzuki into the picture.

“Mr. Suzuki, I’ll take your wife first.”

“In view of your previous uncooperative behavior, the ransom has doubled again, this time for two hundred billion! When I get the money, I will naturally put your wife back safely.” ”

“Don’t play tricks this time. Otherwise, next time it will be your turn Mr. Suzuki. ”

After speaking, Zhang Kun raised the sharp man kitchen knife and stabbed towards Shiro Suzuki who was lying on the sofa.


The sharp kitchen knife was almost close to Shiro Suzuki’s face, completely submerged into the sofa, and only the handle remained outside.

This is his warning to Shiro Suzuki.

If Shiro Suzuki still doesn’t heed the warning, then next time, he really won’t be polite.

The Suzuki Foundation has a big business, and he believes that there must be someone willing to give this money!

Sending the video to Shiro Suzuki, he came to the bedside, took off the bathrobe on Suzuki Tomoko, double-checked to confirm that she could not have a GPS locator hidden on her, and Zhang Kun helped her put it back on.

Then I checked Suzuki’s bag again and confirmed that there was no problem.

Only then did Suzuki Tomoko carry it on her shoulder, take her bag, and leave quietly.

From beginning to end, no one was alarmed, and neither Sonoko Suzuki nor the two sisters Ayako Suzuki noticed anything abnormal in her room.

Even the bodyguards outside the door did not realize that the hostess they wanted to protect was actually kidnapped under their noses.

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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