Looking at the dead man who did not have any abnormality in front of him, Zhang Kun breathed a sigh of relief.

He had already taken the [Horse Charm] back, but the dead man in front of him was still safe and sound, which showed that the [Horse Charm] could remove the side effects of the Devil Fruit!

And it’s still permanently removed!

However, for the sake of safety, Zhang Kun is ready to observe the time ~ for a while.

If the dead man is okay tomorrow, he will go and eat the second devil fruit-!

The number of the woman who died was 2048.

Since she also ate the Devil Fruit, she already belongs to the elite dead man, and the treatment will naturally not be the same as other ordinary dead soldiers.

“You’ll be called Fast Wolf from now on. Responsible for the security of the home. Zhang Kun ordered.

2048’s appearance is not enough, so he is not ready to keep her around.

Just make her a small leader.

In the future, the elite dead warriors around him will all be Devil Fruit ability, or their strength will reach the same level.

And to be able to stay by his side all the time and protect him closely, you need not only strength, but also good looks.

“Yes!” Fast Wolf happily leads.

She has also received the name of her master!!

“Okay, you go out first.” Zhang Kun waved his hand.

“Yes!” The wolf left respectfully.

The wolf left quickly, and Zhang Kun looked at Xiaoqing beside him.

“Come here, it’s time to test your skills.”


Zhang Kun suddenly found that his physique was too good and disadvantageous, that is, his physical strength was too good, and it was easy to get angry.

There is no one else around who can rely on Xiaoqing.

Although he is a biochemical death, Xiaoqing’s aspects are not much worse than Concubine Yingli.

There is even one point that Concubine Yingli cannot compare.

That is, Xiaoqing can become a half-beast, half-human state! It feels magical.

The mermaid is probably similar to her.

More than an hour later, Kun and Xiaoqing came out of the bath.

A little bit of anger is almost enough, and later I will go to Kudo’s house to find Kudo Yusaku and Yukiko.

Someone will help you lower the fire then.


Metropolitan Police Department, search a lesson.

Maori Kogoro and the others were all sitting in a conference room, and Maori Kogoro kept dialing Xiaoran’s lost mobile phone.

It had been an afternoon since they had ever contacted the kidnappers.

This made both Maori Kogoro and Concubine Eiri nervous.

If the kidnappers can’t be contacted, there is no way to give the ransom to the kidnappers.

If the ransom is not given, it means that she escaped by herself, and the kidnappers are angry when they turn back, isn’t Xiaolan dangerous?

The kidnappers had threatened Concubine Yingli with Xiaolan’s safety before, so that she did not dare to escape.

Everyone wondered why the kidnappers had not contacted them since they had rescued Concubine Yingli for so long.

Why should the kidnappers send messages to threaten them like last time?

Stumped…… The kidnappers still don’t know that Concubine Yingli was rescued?

Kudo Yusaku thought about it, and it seemed that he really couldn’t rule out this possibility.

After all, judging from the current clues, the kidnapper who kidnapped Concubine Yingli should be a member of that mysterious organization, and it is even very likely that he is a cadre.

And that mysterious organization has been making trouble outside. They can still hear gunshots or explosions from time to time.

As a cadre, there must be a lot to do.

And Concubine Yingli belongs to the person who cannot afford to pay ten billion ransom, and it is not surprising that the kidnappers are busy and have no time to take care of her.

“Mr. Māori, don’t worry. The kidnappers may not have discovered that the concubine’s lawyer had been rescued. ”

“And you are staying in the Metropolitan Police Department now, it must be absolutely safe.” I believe that no matter how bold the kidnappers are, they will not be able to come to the Metropolitan Police Department to kidnap Xiaolan. Kudo Yusaku looked at Maori Kogoro and the others and said.

“That’s right, Brother Māori, you can stay in the Metropolitan Police Department first. No matter how powerful the kidnappers are, it is impossible to take people away from the Metropolitan Police Department. Officer Twilight nodded.

If the kidnappers can really infiltrate the Metropolitan Police Department and kidnap Xiaolan, then their Metropolitan Police Department will simply cancel it.

“Hmm. It’s me who is too nervous. ”

Maori Kogoro and Eiri also realized that they were concerned and confused.

They are now in the Metropolitan Police Department and are absolutely safe. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

As long as you keep in touch, sooner or later you will contact the kidnappers.

“Mr. Mori, lawyer Concubine, it’s not too early now, Yukiko and I still have to go to the hospital to see how Xiaoshin is doing, so we will leave first.”

“If you contact the kidnapper, please be sure to notify me as soon as possible.” Kudo Yusaku stood up and said.

According to his reasoning, this kidnapper who kidnapped Xiaolan and Concubine Yingli was most likely a cadre of that mysterious organization!

Although the gunman who shot his son is dead, his son has been lying unconscious in the ICU ward.

As a father, Kudo Yusaku is determined to uproot this mysterious organization! Avenge your son!

Ask for flowers 0

Therefore, the information of the kidnapper is actually very important to him.

“Eiri, Kogoro, Koran, let’s go first.” Yukiko also got up to say goodbye to everyone.

Xiao Lan stopped talking.

She also wanted to go to the hospital to see Shinichi’s condition, but thinking of her current situation and not wanting her parents to worry, she still held back and didn’t say it.

Kudo Yusaku and Yukiko both left.

Soon, the two of them arrived at the hospital, and through the glass window of the ICU, they saw their son still unconscious on the hospital bed.

The attending doctor in charge of Kudo Shinichi has left work, but the nurse in charge of Kudo Shinichi tells the two that Kudo Shinichi’s situation is still not optimistic.

Although the injury did not worsen, it did not improve in the slightest.

However, it is still a short time, and Kudo Shinichi has only been hospitalized for two days.

Even if it is restored, it cannot be so fast.

The two stood outside the ward for a while before leaving the hospital.

My son was hospitalized, and their continued stay in the hospital did not help anything. Moreover, their son is still lying in the ICU ward.

Back home.

“Yukiko, I am ready to contact experts from the United States to come and treat Xiaoxin.” Kudo Yusaku suddenly said.

He is still not worried about the level of domestic doctors.

And Kudo Yusaku has money, and inviting a couple of specialists over is nothing to him.

If the experts in the United States think that Shinichi’s situation needs to be sent to the United States, then send Shinichi to the United States for treatment!

He is such a son, he can’t be fine!

Yukiko Yukiko also agrees with Kudo Yusaku’s idea that the medical level in the United States is the best in the world after all.

“I slept first.” Kudo Yusaku was the first to return to the room.

There have been too many things in the past two days, and even he feels a little headache.

I’m too lazy to take a shower tonight.

“Well, I’ll take a shower and go to sleep.” Yukiko also felt very tired.

But she loves to be clean, and she still has to take a shower to sleep.

On the other side, Xiaoqing drove Zhang Kun to the door of Kudo’s house.

Che is the president of the mud meeting, and Xiaoqing has also mastered elementary driving through the skills training room.

Zhang Kun looked through the car window at the lighted window of Kudo’s house.

He knew that both Kudo Yusaku and Yukiko had returned.

He didn’t run in vain.

“Xiaoqing, you are waiting in the car.”

Zhang Kun said, then pushed the car door and got out of the car.

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