Zhang Kun escorted Yukiko and left the gate dignifiedly to the car parked outside.

“Get in the car, Mrs. Kudo.”

Yukiko was held to the back by a gun and could only obediently get into the car.

Then Zhang Kun also sat in.

“Sir, someone on the second floor is spying on us.” Xiaoqing reminded.

Zhang Kun turned his head and glanced, but did not see anyone.

But since Xiaoqing said that someone was peeping, it must be someone peeping.

As for who it is, there is no need to guess, it must be Kudo Yusaku.

Although he handcuffed Kudo Yusaku’s hands and feet, it did not mean that Kudo Yusaku could not move.

He can’t walk, but he can still use jumping.

Of course, the premise is that he has to hold on to his hand a little tighter, and if the grenade in his hand falls, then he has to go to God.

“Leave him alone, drive.” Zhang Kun withdrew his gaze and ordered Xiaoqing.

“Yes.” Xiaoqing then started the car and left here.

Kudo’s new family, behind the curtains of the master bedroom on the second floor, a pair of eyes watched Zhang Kun and them leave.

Zhang Kun had not left the residential area for 11 when he suddenly heard an explosion.


Hearing the explosion, Yukiko’s face suddenly turned pale, turned through the rear windshield, and looked in the direction of her home: “Husband!!! ”

“Mrs. Kudo, if you don’t want me to visit your precious son in the hospital, sit down obediently.” Zhang Kun said lightly.

He naturally heard the explosion, and he also heard it, that is, the sound of the explosion of the M26 grenade.

However, he felt that Kudo Yusaku should not die so easily. After all, that guy’s intelligence is the ceiling of the Conan world.

Of course, if Kudo Yusaku is really blown up, then he is dead.

If he died so simply, he would not be worthy of being his opponent.

If Kudo Yusaku’s intellectual ceiling is really dead, then Yukiko, the undead, he will accept it unceremoniously.

emmm… Widow.

Yukiko has another strange plus.

Zhang Kun took out Xiaolan’s mobile phone and looked at Yukiko beside him: “Do you know the phone number of the police department of the Metropolitan Police Department?” ”

Officer Twilight repeatedly rescued the target of his abduction, although there must be someone to help, but it is an indisputable fact that the fat man of Twilight Thirteen rescued people.

Since that’s the case, then he and Twilight Thirteen have a good time.

Idle is idle anyway.

“No… I don’t know. Yukiko’s body trembled slightly.

There was an explosion in the direction of her home, and she now doesn’t know if her husband is alive or dead.

The kidnappers also threaten her with Shinichi, and Yukiko feels that the whole world is falling.

How did such a happy life suddenly become like this?

When Zhang Kun heard this, he stopped taking care of Yukiko.

Turn off the airplane mode of the mobile phone, and then prepare to call the 110 police caller directly, and ask the person in the receiving center to help him communicate.

Just pressed the three numbers of 110, and before I could press Dial Tongjian, the mobile phone suddenly rang.

The caller ID notes for Dad.

“Maori Kogoro…?”

Zhang Kun thought about it and pressed the answer button, he wanted to see what Maori Kogoro wanted to say when he called him.

As soon as the airplane mode was turned off, the phone from Maori Kogoro called. He didn’t want to believe it was a coincidence.

It is estimated that Maori Kogoro has been calling his number.

Metropolitan Police Department.

Maori Kogoro is still persistently dialing the kidnapper’s phone.

Suddenly, there was a sound of beep ~ beep ~ on the phone.

This is a phone call!

Maori Kogoro’s eyes suddenly lit up, and at the same time turned on the sound to play.

Maori Kogoro quickly reminded the others: “Shh~!” The kidnappers are on!! ”

Everyone’s eyes suddenly turned to Maori Kogoro.

The phone rang twice more and then it was connected.

“Did Mr. Maori call to show off to me?”

Hearing the voice coming from the phone, Maori Kogoro and the others were a little confused. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Because the kidnapper’s voice sounds, it’s also a little too young!

It was completely different from the husky voice they heard before!

Maori Kogoro looked at Concubine Eiri beside him and asked her with his eyes, and Concubine Eiri immediately shook her head.

She hadn’t heard this voice either!

Miwako Sato on the side hurriedly gestured to Maori Kogoro, now is not the time to desert!

“Are you Mr. Kidnapper?” Maori Kogoro reacted and quickly asked.

“If Mr. Maori you are talking about the kidnapping of your daughter, and the kidnapping of the concubine lawyer, then I am not wrong.”

“So, what is the purpose of Mr. Maori calling here in this evening?”

“If it’s a show-off, you don’t have to. Because I’ve always walked the talk. ”

“I told Mrs. Maori that if she escapes, it will be your daughter’s turn next. Don’t worry, we’ll meet again soon~! Zhang Kun’s voice came out of his hand.

Xiaolan on the side showed doubts.

She felt as if she had heard the voice somewhere.

It feels familiar!

Concubine Yingli suddenly shouted: “Don’t hurt Xiaolan!!” ”

Maori Kogoro raised his hand and pressed his hand on Eiri Eiri’s shoulder, signaling her to calm down, and leave the matter to him to handle.

“Mr. kidnapper! Although we rescued people, we will still give you the ransom! In this way, you should have let us go, right!? Maori Kogoro said.


Zhang Kun was a little surprised when he heard Maori Kogoro’s words.

Maori Kogoro actually wants to pay the ransom?

You know, Concubine Yingli’s ransom is as high as 10 billion! Where did Maori Kogoro go to get so much money?

Even if he sells the family’s house, it won’t be enough, right?

“That’s what you asked for in the first place, wasn’t it? We give money, you release people! Mr. kidnapper, don’t you just say 333, will you definitely do what you say? Maori Kogoro asked rhetorically.

Zhang Kun was still pondering.

Do you want to just collect the money?

Zhang Kun thought about it, forget it, so be it.

Don’t bully them for the time being, who makes Concubine Yingli and Mao Lilan their favorite characters?

What’s more, Concubine Yingli also made him quite satisfied.

Besides, 10 billion yen is a lot, and you can buy a charm.

After thinking about it, Zhang Kun spoke: “Well, for Mrs. Ling’s sake, within twenty-four hours, transfer ten billion yen to the account ***.” ”

“Receive the money, and this time the matter is over. But if you don’t receive the money within twenty-four hours…”

Maori Kogoro hurriedly spoke: “Don’t worry, we will definitely transfer the money within twenty-four hours!” ”

“That’s good.” On the other side, Zhang Kun was just about to hang up the phone after speaking, and suddenly remembered that Maori Kogoro should have the contact information of Officer Twilight.

“By the way, there’s one more thing. I kidnapped Ms. Yukiko, and asked Mr. Mori to tell the Twilight Police Department that if you have the ability, come and rescue Ms. Yukiko. ”

“Also, you can go to Ms. Yukiko’s house, and if you’re lucky, Mr. Kudo might still be alive.”

“If he is not dead, ask Mr. Mori to tell Mr. Kudo to prepare 100 billion yen.”

After speaking, Zhang Kun hung up the phone.

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