Akemi Miyano drove behind the dead men.

She was very hesitant now, should she rush forward now and save Shiho from the hands of that group?

Or follow this group of people and find the location of these people, or even the headquarters of that mysterious organization?

Akemi Miyano thought back to the weapons and combat power of those people.

In the end, he gave up his plan to stop the convoy and rescue his sister Shiho.

Because that’s impossible.

Although when they came out of the pharmaceutical company, those people lost two people, but there are still eight people!

Even if most of them are hung with the lottery, the combat effectiveness is still not to be underestimated.

Eight people, and still fully armed!

And she herself only has a small pistol, and her marksmanship is not as good as those people.

How to save people?

And even if he rescues his sister Shiho, he still has to go back to the organization and continue to research drugs for the organization.

It’s better to follow these people, find their stronghold or headquarters, and then find a way to blend in!

In this way, not only can she find an opportunity to rescue her sister Shiho, but if she can also find some information about the mysterious organization, she and her sister will be free14

At least…… Gin Jiu promised her so!

After figuring it out, Akemi Miyano drove the car and followed the convoy from a distance.


Brotherhood headquarters.

The police and the dead at the Brotherhood gate are still confronting.

Officer Twilight and the others did not withdraw, but waited for support.

The dead don’t care if the police are waiting for support, as long as they don’t break into the Brotherhood.

Stay outside the door? Feel free to stay.

But if they dare to break in, the dead soldiers will open fire directly without ceremony.

Two vans drove up and pulled up behind the police convoy.

When the people in the car saw this scene in front of them, they all felt their scalps numb.

The police and Yakuza are going to fight ??

But looking at the police’s weapons are worse than the Yakuza’s, the Yakuza has a submachine gun in his hand, but the police’s mobile phone only has a small pistol.

If this fights, the police will lose, right?

“Hey, Oi, this can’t get by. Do you want to change paths? ”

“It shouldn’t be replaced. The address of our delivery seems to be here. ”

“Huh? Is the buyer a violent group? ”

“Brotherhood, it seems to be.”

“This… Don’t dare to go in. ”

“I’m a little afraid too, so let’s call and ask.”

With that, he took out his mobile phone and dialed the customer’s number.

Soon, the call was connected.

“Hello, this is Hakuba Otaku …”

“Huh? Okay, okay, let’s come in…”

Without saying a word, the man hung up the phone.

“What do you say?” The person next to him looked expectantly at the person driving.

“This is it… Let’s drive straight in…” The driver’s face was also quite ugly.

At this gate stood dozens of Yakuza armed with submachine guns, and outside stood a group of criminal police officers who pulled out their guns.

This made him drive straight in…

This is also too embarrassing for him!

Officer Twilight and the others naturally noticed the two vans parked behind them.

At first, they thought they were in the way, and Officer Twilight thought of letting his men stand on the side and let others pass.

Then I saw a person walk out of the crowd on the opposite side and walk towards the two vans.

Bang bang!

The dead man walked over and tapped the car door, while waving at him and signaling them to hurry in.

The driver hurriedly started the car to keep up, but he couldn’t make his eldest brother angry.

A car behind hurriedly followed.

A criminal police officer came to Twilight’s side: “Officer Twilight, shouldn’t these two cars be loaded with arms?” ”

Officer Twilight stared at the two vans.

This possibility cannot be ruled out.

This mysterious organization has a large amount of weapons and equipment, and no one knows where they got the smuggled weapons.

Just like this mysterious organization, nothing can be investigated at all!

Shouldn’t this be through home delivery?

“Officer Twilight, don’t be impulsive. We have too few people now. Maori Kogoro reminded.

Don’t be impulsive and want to go up and search these two vans.

“Mr Maori is right, we already have ample evidence of a crime. All we have to do now is wait for support, and then force President Kato to go back with us. Kudo Yusaku also said.

They are few now, and when the support of the large army arrives, he does not believe that the other party can still be so calm. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

However, his only concern was that Kato Kun also called for support.

If the members of this brotherhood scattered in Tokyo also rushed back, it would not be so easy for them to arrest Kato-kun.

Kudo Yusaku can only pray now, and their support arrives sooner.

Officer Twilight watched two vans slowly drive into the courtyard gate: “Don’t worry, I won’t risk everyone’s lives.” ”

He is not that smart, but he is not a fool either.

Now that the two sides are at war, they will surely die.

You can only wait for support.

Two vans stopped in the front yard, and Fast Wolf walked over with a few dead soldiers.

A dead man opened the suitcase, which was filled with 10,000 yuan bills.

“Here is 100 million, move things off the car, and you can go.” Fast Wolf said.

“Yes, yes.” A staff member quickly nodded.

They also wanted to leave quickly, this brotherhood was too scary.

Opening the door, several dead men and these homebound staff unloaded the goods on the car together.

This is certainly not the arms that Officer Twilight is talking about.

The arms are all in his system, and there is no need to smuggle them at all.

These are the products that Zhang Kun bought online.

It’s all things that need to be replaced at home.

All kinds of beds, sofas, bedding, everything in the kitchen, washing machine, etc…

In addition, there is a 100-inch LCD TV, as well as various game consoles, high-end computers and so on.

Before awakening his memory, game consoles, computers and everything else had nothing to do with him, and now he has to make up for everything he hasn’t played before. 977

In order to get the goods in the shortest possible time, he also chose to add money and let people arrange delivery immediately.

While unloading, several more cars drove towards the Brotherhood headquarters.

Sitting in the car was the group of dead soldiers who escorted Shiho Miyano.

The dead and the dead can sense each other’s identities, and the group of dead men at the door did not stop them, directly gave way to a road, and let several cars drive in.

Both Kudo Yusaku and Maori Kogoro squinted, and they both saw who was in the car.

Three cars, two of which were filled by people who were supposed to be members of the Brotherhood, many of whom still had blood stains on their bodies.

But in one of the cars, there was a young woman in a white coat, who was out of place with the others.

Who is that woman?

Also a member of the Brotherhood? Or people from other forces?

Was it invited? Or was it forcibly captured by the people of the Brotherhood?

What is her identity?

Doctor? Is anyone sick or injured inside?

Is it bad to go directly to the hospital?

Stumped researchers…?

Maori Kogoro didn’t think as much as Kudo Yusaku, but both of them realized that the woman in the white coat was important!

Maybe from her, you can find the key to breaking the brotherhood!

Fifty meters away, Akemi Miyano slowly parked her car on the side of the road.

“Is this the headquarters of that mysterious organization…?”

“But so many police investigations…”

Akemi Miyano looked at the two sides in the distance, her thoughts racing.

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