Zhang Kun took a nap.

And Miyano Shiho and others fell into a tangle.

They couldn’t figure out what was going on!

Especially Akemi Miyano, when Zhang Kun healed the dead before, she was not at the scene, so naturally she did not see the magical scene.

Now, it is even more impossible to understand the conversation between his younger sister Shiho and Zhang Kun.

“Shiho, what’s going on? Your smaller body and your body growing up are all caused by him!?? Akemi Miyano asked her doubts.

“No, sister.” Shiho Miyano thought about it and explained to his sister Akemi Miyano how he became smaller.

“My research accidentally gave birth to a drug, which …”

Yukiko also sat next to her and listened together, the more she listened, the more surprised she became, and the more she listened, the more surprised she became.

There are also drugs that can rejuvenate people!??

How do you sell this medicine? She wants to buy it too!!

“As for me growing up again, I think it’s because of his relationship…” Miyano Shiho said his guess.

This is the only possibility.

Akemi Miyano was shocked.

“But… How is this possible? How is it possible that someone can heal a gunshot wound just by touching it!?? And it also makes you, who have become smaller, grow up again!?? ”

Akemi Miyano couldn’t believe it.

This is not scientific at all!

Yukiko, who was watching, also felt that this was absurd, but she, like Shiho Miyano, saw the scene of Kato-kun treating people with her own eyes.

It was really between breathing, and the injuries on those people were healed!

Even the ears that were knocked off by bullets grew directly!

It can’t be that Kato Kun deliberately did magic in front of them, right? It doesn’t make sense!

And the complexion of those people is also improving at a speed visible to the naked eye.

So if it’s magic, then what kind of magician is Kato Kun?

I’m afraid my own teacher can’t compare to him!

Shiho Miyano shook his head: “Although it is incredible, it should be true. ”

If she just simply grew up again, then she may think that this is an accident, that the effective period of the drug has passed.

But now not only has her body recovered, but her stomach also doesn’t hurt either!

Coupled with the previous scene of Kato-kun helping people to treat, even if Miyano Shiho believes in science, he can’t convince himself that this is fake.

After all, she experienced it herself!


The other side.

Nissho TV, the staff member in charge of selecting news from the mail, saw an email with a strange name.

“The head of the criminal department is here, and the Metropolitan Police Department hurriedly pays the money to ransom people?”

Although this staff member thinks that this email may be a title party, after all, who is so bold and dares to kidnap the head of the criminal department of the Metropolitan Police Department?

But he still opened the email under the trend of curiosity.

In the shortest possible time, broadcast this video, otherwise, our brotherhood will inflict an armed strike on the TV station that has not broadcast the video!

Kidnapping .avi.

“Che, what brotherhood, I have never heard of it, and armed attack on the TV station…” The staff member looked disdainful.

Is it really a TV station to bully?

Which TV station is not behind the relationship? And the community dares to retaliate against the TV station?

Want to die, right?

Still, he clicked on the video.

When he saw the video content, the staff member’s face gradually turned pale!

This is actually true!!

The head of the criminal department of the Metropolitan Police Department was actually kidnapped!!

And in addition to the head of the criminal department, there were actually more than a hundred police officers of the Metropolitan Police Department who were kidnapped together! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

More than a hundred heavily armed police officers! I was captured by this society called the Brotherhood!

And they also took these prisoners as hostages and demanded a ransom of more than 40 billion from the Metropolitan Police Department!

This staff member feels like he’s crazy, the world is crazy!

There are really people who dare to kidnap the head of the criminal department of the Metropolitan Police Department and extort more than 40 billion from the Metropolitan Police Department!

However, thinking of the president of this brotherhood, he personally admitted that the people who have been making trouble in Tokyo these days are the people of their brotherhood.

This staff member felt that it was not very strange that these people dared to kidnap the head of the criminal department of the Metropolitan Police Department.

The gang themselves are daring!

The only thing he still couldn’t understand was that the president of this mysterious organization was so young!!

“Hey… It’s a pity that there is Miss Kiko… Miss Yukiko is my first love, and she was actually ruined by this bastard! How can it be repaired!! ”

This person cursed secretly, and then did not dare to delay too much time, and quickly reported the content of the received email.

This brotherhood has people with guns and is bold, and in the past few days has turned Tokyo into the same city as the civilized Los Santos.

If they don’t do what the other side says, they really dare to attack the TV station militarily!!

When the leaders of the TV station learned the news, they immediately clapped and urgently inserted the news!

Just kidding, this is big news!

Not only was the head of the criminal department of the Metropolitan Police Department and hundreds of heavily armed police officers captured, but it was also the first public appearance of the top management of that mysterious organization!

The police were busy for several days, with many casualties, but they did not investigate the slightest bit of information about the mysterious organization.

Now, the organization of this brotherhood openly says that it is responsible for the events of these days, this is not big news, what is big news!?

Several sub-channels of Nikko TV, whether they were broadcasting the midday news or the noon theater, all began to insert an urgent news.

News channels are broadcasts by the host, and other channels are text scrolling broadcasts.

Insert an urgent news now!

Just received the news that Toshiro Oda, head of the Crime Department of the Metropolitan Police Department, and more than a hundred heavily armed police officers led by him, were captured by a violent group called the Brotherhood.

The Brotherhood openly shouted to the Metropolitan Police Department, demanding that the Metropolitan Police Department pay 44.8 billion yen to redeem all police officers, including the head of the Criminal Department!

It is worth noting that this violent group called the Brotherhood admitted that the shootout that had occurred in Tokyo in recent days was their doing! (Zhao Hao)

Here’s what was filmed on the spot… Not…

The video shot by Zhang Kun on the spot, after the dead man clipped, the TV station did not go through any editing, and it was completely broadcast!

After all, this is big news!

It’s big news that can make headlines! It could even be the news of the year this year!

Naturally, TV stations attach great importance to it.

The video content was made public, and the incompetence of the head of the criminal department of the Metropolitan Police Department and his subordinate police officers was all exposed to all viewers.

No matter what Toshiro Oda said, it is a fact that so many of their police officers were captured.

In addition, Zhang Kun, the president of the brotherhood, also appeared in front of the public for the first time.

Similarly, the famous mystery novelist Yusaku Kudo also publicly executed in front of all the public through this video, and directly died in society.

Now everyone who has watched this video knows that his wife was robbed, and he became the bitter master in the small movie.

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