The two Miyano sisters are still very easy to accept.

First of all, neither of them has a good impression of the dark organization, and Akemi Miyano has always wanted to take her sister out of the organization.

Shiho Miyano’s sister joined the brotherhood, and Akemi Miyano’s sister naturally couldn’t run.

What’s more, these two sisters are already his people.

What if Akemi Miyano is still in love with Shuichi Akai?

He only needed the people of these women, and he didn’t need their hearts. Of course, if anyone betrays him, then no matter who it is, just solve it directly.

After all, he’s not a kind person.

Not to mention Akemi Miyano, even if it is her sister Shiho Miyano, if she dares to betray her, Zhang Kun will not show mercy to her subordinates.

He likes them only because they’re characters in anime, but they don’t have to be them.

There are three thousand beautiful harems, and it doesn’t matter if there are a few people.

Seeing that the two Miyano sisters ate the devil fruit and gained magical abilities, Yukiko on the side was envious.

“Na~Kato-san~ They all have devil fruits, don’t I have them~~?” Yukiko actually hugged Zhang Kun’s arm and coquettishly.

They are all tied up, why do the two Miyano sisters have it, but she doesn’t?

What’s more, she was tied up earlier than the two Miyano sisters.

She wants it too~!

“Huh? Does Miss Yukiko want it too~? Zhang Kun raised his hand to hook Yukiko’s chin.

“Uh-huh~!” Yuki 650 nodded repeatedly.


Who wouldn’t want it!?

Not to mention Shiho Miyano’s kind of turning into a snow woman, directly immune to damage, and can also control the surrounding snow! You can also fly!

It is Akemi Miyano who can turn into a beautiful beast-eared girl, which is also enviable!

“So you’re ready to abandon your husband and become my person completely~?” Zhang Kun hooked Yukiko’s chin, looked into her eyes, and asked with a smile.

Yukiko and Miyano are different, and the two Miyano sisters have joined the brotherhood, which is equivalent to completely belonging to her.

And Yukiko, just like the previous concubine Eiri and Suzuki Tomoko, he just tied back to play.

Will still put it back.

Naturally, she could not be given the precious devil fruit.

It’s okay to want the Devil Fruit, only those who become him completely.

“…,” Yukiko’s expression froze.

Because she envied the two Miyano sisters for gaining superpowers, she actually forgot that she was a person with a husband!

And my son is still lying in the ICU room, his life and death are uncertain!


Yukiko suddenly thought of something, her son is still lying in the ICU room, life and death are uncertain!

However, doesn’t Kato Kun have the superpower of healing!?

If you can get Kato Kun to help, will Shinichi, who is still lying on the ICU side, be able to recover!??

“Kato-san! Your superpower, no matter what kind of injury can be healed!? Yukiko asked urgently.

Zhang Kun’s expression was a little strange.

Shouldn’t Yukiko want him to help treat her son Kudo Shinichi?

Didn’t she know that the person who shot her son was actually his person?

It was even he who personally gave this order to kill Kudo Shinichi.

However, apart from Zhang Kun himself and his dead soldiers, there is no second person who knows that this order was given by him.

Of course, Yukiko knew that the reason why her son was seriously injured and dying was because of the people of the brotherhood.

However, according to her husband Yusaku’s reasoning analysis, his son Shinichi was accidentally involved in a war between the fraternity and another organization.

It was just an accident.

The Brotherhood’s goal was not their son, Shinichi Kudo.

In Yukiko’s opinion, if Kato Kun can really save her son, then she can completely avoid pursuing the previous accident.

Of course, she also has no ability to pursue it. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“emmm… As long as there is still one breath left, I can fully recover the other party. Zhang Kun thought about it and said.

If Kiko can pay the price that satisfies him, then he is not unable to save Kudo Shinichi.

Although in the anime, Kudo Shinichi’s arrogance is a little annoying, but there is actually no grudge between Zhang Kun and Kudo Shinichi.

He ordered the dead to kill Kudo Shinichi, also to see if the timeline of this world would continue to normal by preventing Kudo Shinichi from becoming smaller.

It is impossible for Kudo Shinichi to become Conan, and it doesn’t really matter if he recovers.

As for Kudo Shinichi investigating the Brotherhood, what to do?

He has already played his cards, and he is afraid of being investigated? And his father Kudo Yusaku has nothing to do with him, what can Kudo Shinichi do with him?

After Zhang Kun finished speaking, he looked at Yukiko and waited for the conditions she gave.

When Yukiko heard this, she bit her mouth, and seemed to be engaged in a battle of ideas.

After a few seconds, Yukiko seemed to finally make a decision: “If you can cure my son, then I will be your person from now on!” ”

Yukiko chose her son between her son and her husband.

Zhang Kun couldn’t help but sigh, this maternal love is indeed great.

“Your son? High school detective Shinichi Kudo? Zhang Kun asked.

“Well, Shinichi was shot several times in the body because of an accident, and the back of the head was also hit hard with a blunt object. He is still lying in the ICU ward, not out of danger. ”

“As long as you can save Shinichi, then I will divorce my husband and follow you in the future!” Yukiko makes a promise.

She didn’t say anything like that she wanted to marry Zhang Kun, after all, she also saw that she didn’t have that qualification.

“emmm… It doesn’t matter if you don’t get divorced or anything, you just need to remember your promises. Zhang Kun thought about it and said.

Divorce and human beings, these are completely different attributes.

There is no need for Yukiko to divorce, after all, he will not marry her.

“So you said yes!?” Yukiko’s face was suddenly full of surprise.

“Well, agreed. After all, I am a fan of Miss Kiko~, you deserve this condition~! Zhang Kun said with a smile.

Subsequently, Zhang Kun thought about it and took out the [Slippery Fruit] of the superhuman line.

“Since I am my own person, then naturally I will not favor one over the other. You eat this devil fruit. ”

But remember that if you betray God, you will be punished by God. And divine punishment will not only work on yourself, but also on those you care about most. Zhang Kun warned.

After Zhang Kun finished speaking, he looked at the two Miyano sisters on the side: “You are the same.” ”

Hearing this, Akemi Miyano’s expression was a little unnatural.

Because she thinks of her ex-boyfriend Zhu Xingda, who has been breaking up for two years.

Although they have not been in touch for two years, she has not forgotten each other in her heart.

Listening to Kato-kun’s words, it seemed that she and the Maharaja were no longer possible.

Akemi Miyano glanced at her sister beside her.

Forget it, then it’s completely broken. Anyway, they haven’t been in touch for two years.

Moreover, no matter how much she loves the Maharajah, the Maharajah is not as important as her sister!

Yukiko also took over the devil fruit in Zhang Kun’s hands.

As long as Shinichi can recover, nothing else matters.

Yukiko opened her mouth and took a bite.

“Gag ~~”.

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