Afterwards, Su Yuan left the spot as if nothing had happened, and followed the crowd's behavior to light a cigarette, then aimed the match at the TNT block and flickered. The match instantly flew to the TNT block, and when it landed on the TNT block, the TNT block began to flicker.

This flicker immediately attracted the attention of everyone on the playground.

"Hey! What is that? It glows!"

"There is such a thing in prison?"

The criminals started to make a scene.

""What is that? Go check it out!" one prison guard said to another.


Then the prison guard trotted to the front of TNT. When he was about to squat down to check, TNT exploded instantly, blowing a huge hole in the wall, and the criminals who were closer were blown away one after another, bleeding in the air!

What made Su Yuan look familiar was that the guy in the cell next to him was also blown away, his bitter tea seeds were turned into pieces, and his maggots were even more blurred!

"Quick! Level 1 alert! Someone is trying to escape the prison!"

The warden turned around and shouted to the stunned prison guards behind him.


The prison guard reacted and immediately raised the alarm.

Su Yuan had a new idea after seeing this scene, which was to let these prisoners escape together to increase his chances of success!

""Brothers, hurry up! This is the only chance to get out!"

Su Yuan shouted loudly.

The criminals reacted immediately and ran out one after another, while Su Yuan bent over and followed in the middle of the group of criminals.

""Quick! Shoot! Shoot them to death!"

The warden shouted anxiously when he saw this scene.

Bang~bang~bang~ da~da~da~da~

The prison guards shot and killed a large number of criminals, but the leaders and Su Yuan, who was taking advantage of the situation, had already jumped into the sea!

"It is better to share happiness with others than to enjoy it alone. Who told you, the FBI, to arrest people without any evidence?"

"Shouldn't this be a surprise for you guys to relax?"

Su Yuan's head floated out of the sea, and he looked at the prison guards on the mountain who were shooting at the sea with guns, and he said sarcastically. At this time, a helicopter flew over, and Su Yuan vaguely saw a man in black with blond hair standing at the door of the plane, holding a Gatling gun and starting to shoot at the prison guards on the mountain.

""Dodge! Dodge!"

The warden quickly hid behind the wall and shouted loudly

, but some prison guards were still a step slower and were shot into a hornet's nest by the Gatling gun.

"Damn, these people must have come prepared!"

The warden hiding behind the wall gnashed his teeth and said angrily. Su Yuan, who had dived into the water, turned around and saw this scene with some curiosity.

"Who arranged this? I didn't expect that there was someone else besides me who wanted to escape from prison today!"

"But you know what, my indestructible lungs are quite useful now, allowing me to hold my breath for a long time!"

Su Yuan thought to himself as he swam hard in the water.



"It seems that the target has already been reached by someone else!"

Gin said with a hint of coldness in his eyes as he looked at the scene in the prison below.

""Brother, does this mean our lives have been taken away?"

Vodka, who was driving the plane, asked curiously.

"The target is dead, so forget it! Let's go back and ask someone to find out who did it!"

Gin said calmly with an inexplicable light flashing in his eyes..........

One month later , on the rooftop of a building in New York

, a man was standing there looking at a building in the distance. That building was the well-known FBI headquarters, the Federal Bureau of Investigation of the United States!

"Am I someone you can chase after whenever you want?"

"You have been pursuing me for a month, and you suddenly stop pursuing me. I won’t do that!"

"It's time for the cat and mouse to switch roles. Now I'm the cat and you're the mice!"

Su Yuan said with a hint of coldness in his eyes.

During this month, the United States suppressed the incident of the prison being attacked and several criminals escaping, and sent a large number of FBI to chase Su Yuan and the criminals who escaped from the prison!

During his escape, Su Yuan also studied TNT cubes and found that TNT cubes were just like ordinary cubes. They had weight, but they were indestructible. They could only explode when they encountered high temperature or flames, and their power was much greater than that of ordinary high explosives!

The criminals who escaped from the prison with Su Yuan were also caught one by one by the FBI. After those criminals were caught, the FBI began to concentrate on chasing Su Yuan!

In the past month, Su Yuan always lived in fear, and because of the daily hiding and running, plus the blessing of the indestructible lungs, every time he did strenuous exercise, his lungs would not feel burning, and his breathing would not be greatly rapid, so he ran to a good physical fitness!

And just a few days ago, Su Yuan overheard a conversation between several FBI officers, saying that the higher-ups had canceled the arrest warrant against him!

Although he didn't know why it was canceled, Su Yuan would not give up. He was judged to be the murderer without any evidence, and he was chased for a month. Who can bear this? Su

Yuan raised his hand and looked at the watch he had stolen a few days ago and said

"It's almost time!"

Suddenly, there was a loud noise from the FBI in the distance. The whole building was blown up in half, and a lot of rubble, FBI and body parts were blown out.

Su Yuan smiled happily after seeing this scene.

"I didn’t expect that the power of these four TNT blocks exploding together would be quite good!"


Su Yuan said happily with his hands on his head, then turned around to leave. As he turned around, he saw a woman holding a pistol and aiming at him.

Su Yuan was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that he was being followed, and he hadn't even noticed the other party!

"Who are you?"

Su Yuan asked cautiously, looking around for a���A chance to escape!

"Judy Stelling, an American intelligence agent!"

Judy said coldly.

Then Judy saw Su Yuan's eyes scanning around, and immediately understood Su Yuan's thoughts.

"I advise you not to act rashly and just follow me back! Otherwise, the guy in my hand won't be so easy to talk to!"

Judy pointed the gun at Su Yuan and warned him.

When Su Yuan heard Judy's name and saw her appearance, he was stunned.

"F**K, the world of science! I was wondering why the timeline is so messed up!"

Su Yuan cursed secretly.

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