
Xiaolan woke up from her coma with a murmur of temptation and doubt.

After opening her eyes, she saw a strange ceiling, and then looked around confusedly, and found that it was a strange room. Everything around her made her feel quite strange.

But what concerned her most was that her head hurt so much, and she felt a little dizzy, and her body temperature seemed a little high.


Xiaolan reached out and touched her forehead, and found it was a little hot.

"Is this a fever?"

Then, Xiaolan noticed that the clothes she was wearing seemed to be men's clothes, and she panicked.

Then she carefully recalled what happened last night, and her face was frightened for a while, and then pale, but fortunately, she finally remembered that she was behind Mr. Su Yuan before she fainted, and she was relieved immediately.

"Fortunately, it was not.......Eh?!!!"

"Disaster....Disaster...Could it be Mr. Su Yuan?!!!"

Xiaolan thought with a pale face. She jumped off the bed with a pale face, then reached in and touched it. She found that it was empty inside, and there was no pain or discomfort as imagined. Instead, it was a little numb. The guess in her mind seemed to be getting more and more accurate!

But she never thought that this was just her psychological suggestion. In fact, she didn't feel anything strange at all!

"Su Yuan....gentlemen...It turned out to be this kind of person!"

Xiao Lan murmured with an ugly face.

At this moment, the door opened with a click. Xiao Lan looked subconsciously and saw a handsome man appear in her field of vision.

In an instant, Xiao Lan panicked. She didn't expect that this room was not Su Yuan's room, but someone else's room!

"No....No way!"

Xiaolan thought sadly.

When she thought about her innocence being taken away by a stranger, Xiaolan felt that the whole world had become dark!

But fortunately, it was a little comforting that this stranger was a handsome guy, not the old man or fat pervert that she had imagined!

"Oh? Are you awake?"

Su Yuan handed Xiaolan a bowl of Chinese medicine after seeing her wake up.

"Come, drink the medicine, your fever should be almost gone after drinking this bowl of medicine!"

When Xiaolan heard Su Yuan's voice, she was completely stunned. This was the voice of the handsome uncle last night!

"Are you Mr. Su Yuan?"

Xiao Lan asked in disbelief.

""Ah? You don't recognize me? Is your brain burnt out?"

Su Yuan put his hand on Xiaolan's forehead with a surprised look on his face and felt the temperature.

"It's not that hot, how come your brain is burned?"

Su Yuan looked at Xiaolan with a puzzled look and muttered.

Hearing Su Yuan's muttering, Xiaolan immediately felt her anger rising.

"I didn't burn my brain!"

"I just wonder, Mr. Su Yuan,.....How can you be so young!"

Xiao Lan said, looking at Su Yuan's face with a strange look. Su Yuan touched his cheek when he heard Xiao Lan's words, and was immediately startled. He forgot to simply disguise himself!

Since everything was discovered, Su Yuan decided not to hide it from Xiao Lan.

"That's right, I am Su Yuan. What I looked like last night was just a disguise!"

Su Yuan said in his original young and magnetic voice.

"" Eh? Why do you have to disguise yourself?"

Xiaolan asked Su Yuan in confusion.

Hearing Xiaolan's question, Su Yuan suddenly had a bad taste in his mouth, and a wicked smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Then he looked into Xiaolan's eyes and said lightly:"Because I am the prison escapee being chased by the FBI!" After hearing Su Yuan's identity, Xiaolan's pupils shrank suddenly, and she looked at Su Yuan with horror, then her legs softened and she fell down on the bed, and then she moved back in horror.

"How....how...How could this happen?"

Xiao Lan murmured in disbelief.

"How could it not be? Come! Be good and drink this bowl of medicine!"

Su Yuan approached Xiaolan slowly with a playful smile.


Xiaolan was horrified when she saw Su Yuan's playful eyes and swallowed the rest of her words.

"Come on! Be good and drink the medicine, then you will get better!"

Su Yuan sat down next to Xiaolan and fed her the medicine. When Xiaolan finished drinking it, her face twisted with bitterness.

"So bitter!"

"There is breakfast on the table, remember to eat it!"

Su Yuan said and got up to wash the dishes in the kitchen. Although the hotel has a meal delivery service, there is still a kitchen in the luxury suite, just in case some rich people like to cook or play some kitchen play!

After seeing Su Yuan go to the kitchen, Xiaolan sat on the head of the bed with her hands hugged on her knees. After a while, she got out of bed silently, walked to the table, took out a bun and started eating.

After Su Yuan washed the dishes, he walked to Xiaolan and sat down, then took out a bun and started eating.

While eating, Xiaolan suddenly said faintly

"I will ask Shinichi to call the police to arrest you!"

He couldn't help but shed tears. Hearing this, Su Yuan looked at Xiaolan with a puzzled look, and then saw the tears on her face. He was immediately confused, not knowing why Xiaolan was crying!

"I thought you were a good person, but I didn't expect you to...He is actually a wanted criminal, and he did this to me!"

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