"No, it's Huo Lan's turn!"

Xiao Lan made an Erkang-like blocking gesture to stop Su Yuan's next move.


Su Yuan said helplessly.

Then Su Yuan gave Xiaolan a Chinese medicine massage, the kind that promotes blood circulation and removes blood stasis, so that Xiaolan can walk normally later, and not be so weak that she can't even walk!

This massage technique is of course a skill in Brother Qiang's template. Without some strength, how dare Brother Qiang give massages to those rich masters during the global adventure!

After the massage, Su Yuan washed off the sea water on his body, while Xiaolan struggled to get up, then took a look at the bed sheet, her face was a little silent, a little shy, and a little angry, and then she put the bed sheet into her bag.

After all, she is a high school girl, and she must keep her precious things well!

After a while

"It's your turn now. You've sweated so much that you need to wash yourself off, or you'll catch a cold and have a fever again!"

Su Yuan said as he came out, wiping his hair.


Xiaolan responded in silence, then lowered her head and walked into the bathroom.

Su Yuan felt a little guilty when he saw Xiaolan's expression, but he reacted the next second.

"Bah, you are so despicable, you are feeling guilty only now!"

Su Yuan slapped himself angrily and said

"But since it has come to this, why not make the same mistake over and over again!"

Su Yuan touched his chin and thought about it. Thinking about how Kudo Shinichi was kept in the dark when he called just now, it really made people feel very excited!

"Thank you, Menggu Ren! Let me experience the joy of Cao thieves!"

Su Yuan couldn't help but sighed.

Afterwards, Xiaolan changed her clothes and came to the table without saying a word and sat down. Seeing this, Su Yuan poured a glass of warm water in front of her, and then poured himself a glass of ice water and drank it.

Just as the atmosphere was getting colder and colder, a click of the door opened.

Su Yuan looked up and saw Belmode swaggering in with a cat step.

"Tsk, Su Yuan, I didn't expect that you've hooked up with her in just one day? And you did it when I didn't know!"

Vermouth looked at Su Yuan with a playful look, then glanced at Xiaolan and found that she was still wearing Su Yuan's clothes!

How could she not understand what was going on in this situation? After all, she had experienced it yesterday!

"Hmm? This voice?"

Xiaolan wondered why the voice sounded so familiar. She turned her head curiously and said in surprise as if she had grabbed a life-saving straw:"Ah! Miss Sharon!"

Then Xiaolan jumped up and ran to Vermouth and wanted to cry.

"Miss Sharon, call the police quickly, he is the jailbroken prisoner!"

Xiaolan said with a horrified look on her face, holding Vermouth's arm and pointing at Su Yuan.

Hearing Xiaolan's words and seeing Su Yuan's helpless look, Vermouth instantly understood what was going on. Then Vermouth signaled to Su Yuan with her eyes, and Su Yuan instantly understood what Vermouth meant!

"What? He's the prison escapee who blew up the FBI!?"

"I was wondering why my housekeeper suddenly changed!"

"Call the police! Call the police!"

When Su Yuan saw how Vermouth's superb acting skills had fooled Xiaolan, he realized that he should cooperate with Vermouth's performance. Then Su Yuan quickly closed and locked the door.

"Hehehe, none of you can escape!"

Su Yuan laughed evilly.

"Ah! No!"

"No! No way!"

In this battle between the victim and the jailbreaker, Xiaolan and Vermouth were completely defeated. Of course, because Vermouth and Xiaolan were both relatively weak, Su Yuan did not intend to use normal fighting methods, but could only use his limbs to complete the battle!..........

"Here's what's going on........."

Xiaolan cried and told the story of what happened from last night to now. The more Vermouth listened, the more she felt that it was all Su Yuan's fault!

What kind of good person would take advantage of others' misfortune? And he deceived such a simple little girl!

After hearing that all of Xiaolan's experience was caused by a handkerchief, Vermouth immediately looked at Xiaolan in anger.

"It was just a handkerchief! If you hadn't gone out in the rain to look for it, this wouldn't have happened!"

Vermouth shouted angrily.

"But that was the handkerchief Sharon gave me!"

Xiaolan said pitifully with tears in her eyes.

Hearing this, Vermouth didn't know what to say. It was as if the last flaw in her heart had been hit. Looking at Xiaolan, her expression couldn't help but become gentle.

Vermouth couldn't help it anymore. She hugged Xiaolan in her arms and gently patted her back to comfort her.

"I'm sorry, Sharon, I hurt you!"

Xiaolan cried and choked in Vermouth's arms.

"I seem to have seen the legendary angel!"

This thought popped up in Vermouth's mind, but the next moment she realized that it was a handkerchief she inadvertently gave that caused this little angel to fall into the mortal world, and Vermouth immediately blamed herself!

Then she saw Su Yuan sitting on the sofa watching TV and smoking a cigarette, and she was immediately furious, then grabbed a pillow and threw it at Su Yuan. Su Yuan didn't react and was hit and smoked in the opposite direction.

"Ah! Hiss, hiss, hot, hot~"

Su Yuan was burned so much that he leaned back, then flipped over the sofa and fell to the ground!


After Su Yuan got up, he was about to ask Vermouth what was wrong with him, but was interrupted by Vermouth!

"What do you mean by"you"! Take this address and get out of here!"

Vermouth threw a mobile phone to Su Yuan in a bad mood. Su Yuan caught the phone and opened it. There was an address on the text message. Su Yuan immediately understood that this was the address where Gin asked him to meet!

"Remember to cancel the room! You can live with me from now on!"

When I left, Vermouth's voice reached my ears.

"No, this change of expression is too fast! Why does it feel like the protagonist's halo is at work!"

Su Yuan couldn't help but complain. Xiaolan was too sad to find that there was something wrong with their conversation. Seeing Xiaolan so sad, Vermouth suddenly looked gentle and tried to comfort Xiaolan!

Xiaolan gradually recovered her mood after Vermouth's slow counseling, but she gritted her teeth when talking about Su Yuan, but a trace of inexplicable emotions inexplicably appeared in her heart!.................

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